advantages of electoral system in nigeria

Soludo, a . Advantages & Disadvantages of Proportional Representation Types of Electoral Systems | Electoral Systems and Processes The Founding Fathers chose it as a compromise between allowing Congress to choose the president and having the president elected directly by the popular vote of the people. Finally, the electoral board unanimously approved the implementation and use of e-voting system which provides fast, effective, efficient, and reliable election management system. The importance of electoral systems lies in its role of regulating the quality of a democracy through a process leading to theaward of seats in democratic assemblies to those seeking office. In other words the process is almost as important as the product. ANALYSIS: Campaign Finance: Nigeria's electoral law ... The electoral process can also create a larger mandate to give the president more credibility; for example, President Obama received 51.3% of the popular vote in 2012 but 61.7% of the electoral votes. Much of the data regarding which voting system is used is drawn from this 2002 report from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). Internationally, proportional representation is the most common type of electoral system with roughly 90 of 195 countries using it. Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Electoral System ... Two Round System The two-round system is a majoritarian method, where a voter casts a vote for their chosen candidate. The Advantages of the UK Electoral System - Go-Governance As Nigeria prepares for elections in 2023, stakeholders from all sectors have debated the benefits and drawbacks of electronic voting (e-voting). The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has presented certificates of return to the Anambra State Governor-elect, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, and his deputy, Dr Onyeka Ibezim. . View Show abstract Among the experimental propositions for the reform of Nigeria's electoral system and practice is the e-voting option. this is a universal electoral system, due to which citizens have the opportunity to limit the . Advantages and Disadvantages of Fptp System First Past The Post, like other plurality/majoriAdvantages and disadvantages of FPTP systemty electoral systems, is defended primarily on the grounds of simplicity and its tendency to produce winners who are representatives beholden to defined geographic areas and governability. That is the basic advantage. However, if the process is seen as a blatant maneuver for partisan advantage, there will be less support for the electoral system and the results that it produces. The demerits of the 1989 Constitution included the following:. A ballot is a paper containing the candidates of each party vying for a particular electoral position and its through which the elector votes. The following are the hierarchy of courts in Nigeria: SUPREME COURT. 1 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 2 Festus Iyayi, "The Conduct of Elections and Electoral Practices in Nigeria", being a paper delivered at the NBA Conference in Abuja on 24th August, 2004. No other election in the U.S. is forced to go through the Electoral College. Nigeria election and judicial activism. However, if the process is seen as a blatant maneuver for partisan advantage, there will be less support for the electoral system and the results that it produces. A majoritarian voting system is an electoral system which gives the right to appoint all the representatives to the majority of the electors, denying representation to all minorities. One major advantage of a proportional representation electoral system is that. It confers undue advantages and improperly alters available choice to electorates. This essay will explore the two divisions of electoral systems; proportional electoral system and the majoritarian electoral system. Nigeria will be better with right electoral system - Okowa. This system works better than the current . www.ccsenet.or g/jpl Journal of Politics and Law V ol. Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State has urged the Nigerian media to prevail on President Muhammadu Buhari to sign the amended Electoral Act. Choosing an appropriate electoral system is vital for governance is a country. Regular electoral competition provides incentives to political parties and leaders. There has been a sharp disagreement between members of the National Assembly and state governors over the direct primaries clause in the Bill which mandated all political parties . In that disputatious society, the law court is an extension of the public square. Certainly, some opinions are more s. Free subscription Get the hottest stories from the largest news site in Nigeria. The advantages and disadvantages of the Electoral College are important to evaluate as the U.S. moves toward the 2020 election and beyond. e. it produces the same result as the . 2; September 2011. Advantages of the Electoral College. 1. A representative democracy incorporates balances and checks within the structure of government so that one group doesn't gain more power over another group. Stages of Election Process in Nigeria. Nigeria's electoral process disenfranchises many citizens, needs overhaul — Ohuabunwa . E-voting is becoming a standard in electoral processes around the world. An electoral or voting system, in general, is a method through which people of a certain country elect their presidents, governments or other administrative or political officials. Because of the development of the Electoral College, there was a middle option that eliminated the need to elect the President by popular vote or by appointment in Congress. It is part of the British political culture and consequently predominately used in the UK as well as former British colonies, e.g. The Secret Ballot System in Nigeria. Much maligned and unloved here Dr Melanie Sully writes an op ed in the "Wiener Zeitung" 28.5. adopting an electoral system. [14] In 227 years, the winner of the popular vote has lost the electoral vote only five times. Political electoral systems are organized by governments, while non-political elections may take place in business, non-profit organisations and informal organisations. . By using the Electoral College you are ensuring that the results of the election are certain, for the most part. If no candidate gets an outright majority, than either candidates with above a certain percentage of the vote, or the top two candidates get entered into a second round. The Electoral College system was established by Article II of the U.S. Constitution in 1788. LAGOS - The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on Wednesday said it will fully comply with the provisions of the Electoral Act Amendment Bill once it is signed into law by President Muhammadu Buhari. The Founding Fathers of the United States established a compromise in the Constitution when creating the foundation of their new nation. The additional member system, like every other electoral system has both advantages and disadvantages. Can Nigeria's backward Electoral System be Fixed? Every electoral process starts with a pre-election period, during which all the candidates work with people, present their manifesto and try to win their . 3 "Nigeria-Electoral Reform: Building Confidence for the Future", being a report on a Conference at Shehu Musa Yar'Adua, Abuja, March 17-19 . iv) Very Expensive to Operate Another disadvantage of the Presidential system is that it is very expensive to run. Advantages of FPTP. Independent National Electoral Commission can conduct credible General Elections in January 2001, in view of the time constraints imposed on it by the amended 1999 constitution and the newly enacted Electoral Law. Complete agreement on the process and the Nonetheless, the Amalgamation of Nigeria has its positive sides. The famous French political philosopher, Alexis Tocqueville, in his classic: Democracy in America, wisely observes that in the United States no sooner does a political controversy arise than it transforms into a legal dispute. A lot will depend on the collaboration and support of other key stakeholders in the electoral process, including political parties, security agencies, media, and civil society organizations. Nigerian voting system. Moreover, another advantage of the Electoral College arises from the fact that the control over the electoral process is state-based. The advantages and disadvantages of the Electoral College show us that the system, while imperfect in some ways, has been a beneficial force in the elections held in the United . In other words the process is almost as important as the product. (plurality) system • Also known as First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) • Used in the UK, Canada, India, Nigeria, and the US • The candidate with a plurality (more than anyone else) in a district wins. 128. Historically the first electoral system to be used, it was later progressively modified or eliminated, due to its non-democratic effects. Rather unfortunately, INEC does not have control over these actors. The Obsolescence Debate . In the first case, fewer people are overruled. An electoral system is a set of rules that determines how elections should be conducted and thus, how the results should be determined. 12 G Galaich et al 'Electoral institutions, ethnopolitical cleavages, and party systems in Africa's emerging democracies' (2003) 97 The American Political Science Review 379. According to Heywood (2007:256), an electoral system is a set of rules that governs the procedure of elections. Our service works 24/7. a. it produces "false majorities". advantages of electoral college 1) The Electoral College gives states power in our federal system. Sep 21, 2020 4 min read. Violence has continued to mar the conduct of almost all general elections, making free and fair elections a desideratum. The system protects the will and the rights of states by allowing An electoral system requires boundaries in general and not any specific boundary. Audit of the Electoral System". The constitution itself was still-born as it failed to usher in the Third Republic due to the annulment of the presidential elections held on 12th June, 1993 and . The Electoral College greatly helps to prevent this. The advantages of a PR electoral system Moving to proportional representation (PR) in the UK may offer would give minority parties and independent candidates a better chance of winning seats in Parliament. the United States, Canada, Nigeria, and India (, n.d.). The electronic system we require would be self activated and operated via an INEC server based database, whereby both registration and any other process involved in the electoral process does not . 14 M Krennerich 'Electoral systems: A global overview' in J de Ville & N Steytler (eds) Voting in 1999: Choosing an electoral system . The Founders believed that most common citizens of the day were poorly educated and uninformed on . Local elections do not follow a similar system. A Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Chief Chris Uche has asked Nigerians to learn from the electoral system of Rotary International (RI). The electoral college has entered the national spotlight as people debate whether it should be kept or dismantled. 1. election - election - Functions of elections: Elections make a fundamental contribution to democratic governance. By Emmanuel Remi Aiyede. This proves the system is working. Okowa stated this while addressing members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at the . INEC alone cannot resolve all the challenges facing the electoral and political system. Advantage of the majority run off two round system? provide voters with strong constituency representation because each voter has a single, easily identifiable, district representative; encourage constituency service by providing voters with an easily identifiable 'ombudsman'; Read about ☉ advantages and disadvantages of democracy ☉ Learn why democracy is not a perfect form of government and why so many countries still chose it. An Electoral Constituency is simply an electoral district or an area from which one or more members of Representatives are elected into political offices. Answer (1 of 5): Consider the alternative. The Governor made the call in Abuja on Wednesday at an . The authors describe some of the advantages of a MMP system: "Mixed electoral systems provide fairly proportional outcomes, maintain the geographic link between constituents and members, provide for greater choice, and allow the opportunity for smaller parties to represented in Parliament" (p. 11). Recounts of millions of votes can take a very long time and cost a large amount of money. d. it has been used in Canada since Confederation. Proportional system Electoral formula largest-remainder methods • Two steps • First, the number of votes for each party is divided by a quota. Kingdom's electoral system is the single-member district plurality voting system. When operating as it should, it is a highly efficient form of government. The system protects the will and the rights of states by allowing His second term will be defined by how much he's able to improve the integrity of the country's election system. "SING Nigeria wants to use this opportunity to call for support against any attempt to increase campaign financing in the proposed electoral bill," Basah said. The Election System - the right to choose by Dr Melanie Sully Wiener Zeitung op ed These stages range from the pre-election to the result . The resulting whole number is the initial number of seats each party gets • Second, unallocated seats are awarded to Advantages of Single-Member Districts. This method determines the conditions under which a candidate or a party can participate in the elections and the way votes are counted. The Advantages of a Representative Democracy. . I do not have an advantage because I am from the Southeast but because I am a Nigerian who believes . On this background, the study examines the challenges, benefits and the prospects of the implementation of IPPIS in Nigeria. The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will also make . First Past the Post is used to elect Members of the UK Parliament. Most democratic countries operate the secret ballot. You can have a majority overruling a minority, or a minority overruling a majority. Thus, electoral violence has proved to be Nigeria's harbinger of national instability as Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom on Tuesday said the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) would adopt consensus option for the emergence of its presidential candidate for the 2023 election. Most countries have chosen an electoral system very different to the one used in national elections in the United States. In Nigeria, the 1999 constitution (as amended) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria specified in section 225 (1-6) conditions and scrutiny of the sources of funds and expenses of political parties. Nigeria's electoral politics from independence has been tumultuous. The Advantages of the UK Electoral System. Electoral Systems. With the Electoral College, all that matters is the final count of electoral votes, not actual votes, and that means a candidate may be supported by a minority only. The advantages of a PR electoral system. Advantages of Amalgamation. The Founding Fathers of the United States established a compromise in the Constitution when creating the foundation of their new nation. May 11, 2021. An electoral system is defined as 'a set of essentially . He also called on President Muhammadu Buhari to return the amended Electoral Act sent to him for assent to the . What are the merits of electoral competition. b. it more accurately reflects voter preferences * (I think b) c. it gives 100 percent of political power to the successful candidate. The current First Past the Post electoral system is considered unrepresentative, as candidates can be elected Since 1999, Nigeria's Electoral Act has been amended three times (2003, 2006 and 2010), often a year before general elections. 1. Nwokeke P . The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has said that its soon to be launched digital currency, e-Naira, will strengthen the stability of the banking system as deposits become more diversified when more people are banked. The decision not to grant Abuja the status of a state further enhanced its position as the symbol of Nigerian unity.. Demerits Of The 1989 Constitution In Nigeria. The division of a country into constituency is referred to as delimitation and it makes for equitability in the allocation of parliamentary seats. The choice of a particular electoral system has a profound effect on the future political life of the country concerned, and electoral systems, once chosen, often remain fairly constant as political interests solidify around and respond to the incentives presented by them. Hence, the electoral system might be regarded as protecting democracy by enforcing a system where a larger part of the U.S. has to be heard. 2) The Electoral College encourages more person-to-person campaigning by candidates, as they spend time in both the big cities and smaller cities in battleground states. A history of poorly conducted elections has, until recently, created profound scepticism amongst Nigerians about the utility of electoral democracy. An electoral system or voting system is a set of rules that determine how elections and referendums are conducted and how their results are determined. 4, No. It is the apex court of Nigeria, which implies that the jurisdiction of the court is the highest in Nigeria. Nigerian politics appears to be edging closer to electronic voting. Types of electoral system: The issue bothering on election and the entire electoral process is one with some level of controversy surrounding it.This is because different countries practice different electoral systems, and people who seems to practice the same type of electoral systems have some areas of divergence. Which of these outweighs the other remains debatable. These rules govern all aspects of the voting process: when elections occur . In the context of the US electoral college they are not the same thing: "winner-takes-all" means the winner of a state gets all the electoral votes; "first-past-the-post" means the winner is decided by having a plurality of votes in the state (or district, in the case of Nebraska or Maine). The chairman of Nigeria's electoral commission, Mahmood Yakubu, was sworn in for a second term nearly six months ago. Nigeria has long been in search of effective electoral processes, as an integral part of its transition to democracy. The secret ballot is a system of voting whereby voting is done secretly. Much of the data on Bulgaria from Central electoral committee - "Methods for determining the number of mandates in constituencies and the results of the vote" (in Bulgarian); A mathematical analysis of the system. The decision of the court is final and cannot be appealed. Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Two-Round System. It gives every party an equal chance to compete against each other. The Additional Member System is used . The choice of Electoral System is one of the most important institutional decisions for any democracy. In demarcating municipal boundaries, the Municipal Demarcation Board generally follows voting district boundaries and - provided that it continues to do so - the voters' roll can be adjusted electronically without undue inconvenience to voters or political . The current First Past the Post electoral system is considered unrepresentative, as candidates can be elected with a very small share of . There are many different electoral systems in use around the world. the federal government would fully implement identity management in Nigeria. A variety of electoral systems are used in the UK and each has its strengths and weaknesses. He called on the National Assembly to expunge any clause in the proposed electoral act amendment bill that is capable of undermining the growth of the country's democracy. The additional member system is described as a type of PR (proportional representation) system where the number of votes is equal to the number of seats gained. The electoral systems processes are so crucial and have such profound effects on the world, it is important to understand the different types of electoral systems and their advantages and disadvantages. The first system is the majority/plurality system, the second one is the proportional representation or PR system and the last one is the mixed system a combination of the first and the second system." Many electoral experts agree on one thing that there is no single best electoral system, because in every environment there are different .

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