digital services act consultation

Public consultation launched on Digital Services Act package. The DSA also aims to ensure transparency on the digital markets, for which there has until now been no fixed set of rules, and . June 11, 2020. How to make Europe's digital transformation responsible ... The European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) supports the Commission's initiative to launch a Digital Services Act Package and welcomes the opportunity to respond to the respective public consultation. CDTEU Response to the European Commission Consultation on ... The consultation, which is open until 8 September 2020, covers a wide range of issues including online harms, online advertising, online competition, smart contracts and governance. open public consultation on the Digital Services Act package 19 August 2020 I. BRUSSELS, 10 September 2020 - The European Banking Federation has responded to the European Commission's (EC) consultation on the Digital Services Act, we would like to present the respective key messages prior to the publication of the EC legislative proposal on the Digital Services Act. Consultation on the Regulation of Digital Platforms On 2 June 2020, the European Commission launched a wide-ranging public consultation on the new Digital Services Act (DSA), a package announced by the Commission President, President von der Leyen in her political guidelines and in the Commission's Communication "Shaping Europe's Digital . PDF The Irish position on the EU Commission's proposed Digital ... Consultation Call for views in response to the European Commission's public consultation on the Digital Services Act. the European Commission public consultation on the Digital Services Act Package. ITI is the global voice of the tech industry. Digital Services Act: European Commission publishes ... Digital Services Act and New Competition Tool ... Consultation on the Digital Services Act package | Shaping ... PDF Panoptykon Foundation's submission to the consultation on ... ARTICLE 19's Recommendations for the EU Digital Services Act Digital Services Act: European Commission has opened ... Submissions should be marked either "Consultation on the Digital Services Act" or "Consultation on the Digital Markets Act" and should be emailed to Their diverse responses provide some insights into priorities and concerns of . - Consultation on Digital Services Act Package: The consultation covers the two main streams: A. European Union. The European Commission launched a public consultation on the Digital Services Act, a landmark package announced by President von der Leyen in her political guidelines and in the Commission's Communication "Shaping Europe's Digital Future" of 19 February. CDT's EU Office responded to the European Commission's consultation on the Digital Services Act (DSA). CONSULTATION ON THE PAYMENT SERVICES ACT 2019: SCOPE OF E-MONEY AND DIGITAL PAYMENT TOKENS 23 December 2019 Monetary Authority of Singapore 6 based on an exchange rate. The framework is set to become a regulatory overhaul of how the European Union regulates the digital world. According to the Commission, the DSA aims to reinforce the EU Single Market and help provide smaller businesses with legal clarity and the level playing field . PDF Microsoft Response to Digital Services Act Consultation ... The aim is to establish clearer . First, between 2 June and 8 September 2020, the Commission ran two separate open public consultations which were referring to two separate Inception Impact Assessments for (i) the Digital Services Act package: Ex ante regulatory instrument for large online platforms with significant network effects acting as gate-keepers in the European Union . EU Set to Take on Big Tech with New Digital Services Act. Microsoft Response to Digital Services Act Consultation Proposal for Ex Ante Regulation of Gatekeeper Platforms (8 September 2020) We appreciate the opportunity afforded to the public by the European Commission to provide input and evidence in the Digital Services Act ("DSA") Consultation as it considers what ex ante regulation, if any, is How to effectively keep users safer online? Recent Posts. The EU DSA is one of the top priorities on Europe's digital agenda for the 2019-2024 legislative term, as put forward by the European Commission. ARTICLE 19 has previously set out our position on intermediary liability and the human rights responsibilities of platforms in our Internet intermediaries: Dilemma of . a digital service provider, other than an online intermediary an association representing the interests of such digital services In particular, the Government's reponse outlines that the DSA should include, among other things, provisions regarding advertising, such as monitoring, transparency . The Consultation Paper . AER submits its response to the Digital Services Act consultation and calls the European Commission to consider the adoption of a meaningful ex ante regulatory framework to address the growing dominance of large online platforms. The consultation fed into the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act package published by the European Commission in December 2020. Twenty years after the adoption of the E-Commerce Directive, a cornerstone of Internet freedom in Europe, the EU institutions are set to review whether it is still fit for purpose and adopt a new set of rules governing online platforms as part of a new Digital Services Act (DSA). 2 | P a g e The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) is an independent institution of the EU, . Next Post. 10 members from 6 EU Member states joined the project to strengthen the dialogue on the future of digital space in Europe. The DSA has three specific goals: June 11, 2020. The European Commission proposed two legislative initiatives to upgrade rules governing digital services in the EU: the . The new Digital Services Act is likely to have significant ramifications for digital service providers, particularly platforms. It should avoid interventions that could hinder innovation and harm consumer welfare, and it should include procedural and substantive safeguards that protect . Last updated on 1 July 2021 EDPS's opinion. Read AER's submission here and the executive summary of its position here. The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation is seeking views from stakeholders on Digital Services Act proposals. The DSA contains an extensive set of rules which the Commission believes will enhance consumers' safety by protecting their fundamental rights. From Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Published on 14 June 2020. The European Commission has run 2 parallel public consultations on a new competition tool (NCT) and a new legal framework for digital services - the Digital Services Act (DSA) package - which . The consultation, which is open until 8 September 2020, covers a wide range of issues including online harms, online advertising, online competition, smart contracts and governance. On 2 June 2020, the European Commission launched a wide-ranging public consultation on the Digital Services Act (the DSA), an ambitious legislative package to regulate online platforms and services.The consultation seeks to gather views from stakeholders to help shape the future rulebook for digital services. ARTICLE 19's Recommendations for the EU Digital Services Act. The Commission has launched this week a public consultation on the Digital Services Act, a landmark package announced by President von der Leyen in her political guidelines and in the Commission's Communication "Shaping Europe's Digital Future" of 19 February. Digital Services Act. EK thanks for the opportunity to participate in the […] European Commission consultation on the Digital Strategy: A framework of analysis for an online regulatory regime. By Polina Malaja, Policy Advisor - CENTR has provided its feedback on an upcoming EU legislative reform - the Digital Services Act (DSA), as a response to the public consultation initiated by the European Commission.. IBM Policy Lab Live: An Economic Recovery Plan For Europe. Google has responded to the European Commission's public consultation regarding the Digital Services Act, submitting a 135-page document which points out the need to clarify the EU . A wide range of industry stakeholders provided feedback to the European Commission's consultation on its proposed Digital Services Act, which closed on 31 March. The deadline for submissions is close of business on Friday, 24 July 2020. The Ministry of Digital Affairs published, on 15 September 2020, the response of the Polish Government, prepared with other institutions in Poland, to the European public consultation on the Digital Services Act ('the DSA'). In particular for online platforms like social networks or marketplaces - provided in the EU from anywhere in the world - the act should increase and clarify a common set of responsibilities: to keep users safe from . The public consultation ran from 2 June to 8 September 2020 and aimed at informing the Commission's proposals for a Digital Services Act and a Digital Markets Act, expected to be adopted by the Commission before the end of 2020. The letter highlights the importance of the ability of everyone to participate in the digital world . By Polina Malaja, Policy Advisor - CENTR has provided its feedback on an upcoming EU legislative reform - the Digital Services Act (DSA), as a response to the public consultation initiated by the European Commission.. Template for Public Response to Consultation on Payment Services Act 2019 Scope of E-money and Digital Payment Tokens On 5 December 2019, MAS published the response to feedback received on new payment services notices on prevention of money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism, as well as the respective notices applicable to . UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, has sent a letter to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in response to the public consultation on the EU's Digital Services Act. 6. The Digital Services Act The Commission has adopted a proposal for a Digital Services Act (DSA). Together with a Digital Markets Act, this proposal will create a safer and more open digital space for all users and ensure a level playing field for businesses. 4 Sep 2020. . It covered issues such as online safety, freedom of expression, fairness, and a level-playing field in the digital economy. The aim is to establish clearer . The Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act aim to create a safer digital space where the fundamental rights of users are protected and to establish a level playing field for businesses. The regulatory actions announced as part of the Strategy include the AI White Paper, the Digital Services Act (DSA) package and the European Democracy Action Plan. The first set of rules refers to the fundamentals of the e-commerce directive, namely freedom to provide digital services across the EU single market and a broad limitation of liability for content created by users. Digital Services Act: Industry stakeholders present widely diverging views in DSA consultation. What governance to reinforce the Single Market for digital services? European Commissioner for Europe fit for the Digital Age, Margrethe Vestager, takes a photo with her mobile phone during a conference on . As illustrated below, the proposed scope of digital token services under the New Act is closely aligned to the proposed widened definition of DPT service under the PS Act. The proposal should include the possibility to place an order against a systemic failure by an intermediary service. However, it is not clear from the whitepaper whether a holder of a Libra will have a claim on the issuer6, presumably, the Libra Association7. The Act will create a new regulatory framework for digital services and will replace the current framework established by the e-Commerce Directive. Submissions, marked "Public Consultation on the Digital Services Act", can be emailed to On 2nd June 2020, the European Commission opened two public consultations: on the Digital Services Act (DSA) package and on the New Competition Tool (NCT) with a deadline for submission at 8th September, 2020. Home Perspectives Consultation open on the Digital Services Act package and a new competition tool On 2 June 2020 the European Commission launched two consultations: one to seek views on the Digital Services Act package, and the other on the options for introducing a new competition tool to address structural competition issues in markets. The consultation paper invited stakeholders to respond to a series of questions on potential new responsibilities of digital services to address both illegal and harmful forms of content online. Consultation on the Regulation of Digital Platforms On 2 June 2020, the European Commission launched a wide-ranging public consultation on the new Digital Services Act (DSA), a package announced by the Commission President, President von der Leyen in her political guidelines and in the Commission's Communication "Shaping Europe's Digital . The ETF replied to the consultation, but firmly states that the issue of platform work requires more attention and a specific focus rather than being added to a consultation on another topic. Dúnadh na haighneachtaí 23 Iúil 2020. In response to today's publication of the draft Digital Services Act, Nienke Palstra, Senior Campaigner in the Digital Threats team at Global Witness said: "We are disappointed the European Commission's newly proposed Digital Services Act fails to establish any limits on the controversial practice of micro-targeting. - Online safety and platform responsibility Section II - Intermediary liability Section III - Market Power Section IV - Online advertising Section VI - Single Market and enforcement In its opinion, the EDPS focuses on the due diligence obligations that are . DBEI has prepared a National Submission for the EU public consultation on the Digital Services Act (DSA) package based on an extensive cross-Government collaboration of relevant departments and a wider stakeholder consultation. The EU DSA is one of the top priorities on Europe's digital agenda for the 2019-2024 legislative term, as put forward by the European Commission. The Digital Services Act package is intended to strengthen the Single Market for digital services and foster innovation and competitiveness of the European online environment. Main issues and experiences A. Digital Services Act, emphasising 'the need for clear and harmonised evidence-based rules on responsibilities and accountability for digital services that would guarantee internet intermediaries an appropriate level of legal certainty', and stressing 'the need to enhance European capabilities and the cooperation of national authorities . The European Commission seeks to gather . EU Commission initiative | Digital Services Act package: ex ante regulatory instrument of very large online platforms acting as gatekeepers Confederation of Finnish Industries ("EK") is the leading business organization in Finland. The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment is seeking views from stakeholders on both the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act proposals. Spain's digital services tax levies a 3 percent tax on revenues from online ads, deals brokered on digital platforms, and sales of user data by tech companies with at least €750 million (US $893 million) in total annual worldwide revenues and Spanish revenues of €3 million ($3.57 million). As part of the European Digital Strategy, the European Commission is currently working on the new Digital Services Act. the Commission has launched a public consultation on the Digital Services Act, a landmark package announced by President von der Leyen in her political guide. Microsoft Response to Digital Services Act Consultation Proposal for Ex Ante Regulation of Gatekeeper Platforms Microsoft states any regulation must carefully balance competing interests. The DSA package is divided into the e-Commerce Directive strand and the Ex-Ante Regulation Strand. A Precision Regulation Approach to Controlling Facial Recognition Technology Exports. One week after the first meeting of the Alliance members, the Digital Services Act Package consultation has now been successfully submitted to the European Commission. The Centre for Democracy & Technology Europe (CDTE) welcomed the opportunity to comment on the proposed Digital Services Act as part of the European Commission's feedback collection procedure.The proposal includes a number of key elements of rights-protecting online content regulation, such as the Good Samaritan Principle, the prohibition against general monitoring obligations, and certain .

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