yaupon holly lifespan

If growing it as a small tree, keep lower side branches pruned away. Yaupon is dioecious which means that male and female flowers are born on separate plants; male yaupon hollies do not produce berries. A disjunct population occurs in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Has the highest caffeine content. The plant was traditionally used by Native Americans to make an infusion containing caffeine. Young specimen of Ilex vomitoria 'Schilling's Dwarf'. Several youpon teas (using the leaves, not the berries) are now available commercially. The tooths on the margin may be pointed or rounded. A native to the southeastern U.S., youpon holly prefers the conditions common in that region—warm, relatively humid weather.

The berries can be red, orange, or even yellow, and birds and other wildlife will feed on them through the winter months. Remove the lower leaves, then coat the cut end with rooting hormone. This page was last edited on 11 October 2020, at 05:33. Diseased or damaged branches should be cut away when they are spotted. Youpon holly is a rare shrub that transplants very easily and rarely succumbs to shock. [2] It generally occurs in coastal areas in well-drained sandy soils, and can be found on the upper edges of brackish and salt marshes, sandy hammocks, coastal sand dunes, inner-dune depressions, sandhills, maritime forests, nontidal forested wetlands, well-drained forests and pine flatwoods. Berries of a Dodds Cranberry yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria 'Dodds Cranberry'). Youpon holly grows well in a full-sun to part-shade location. 'Pendula' – "weeping" variety. Cut selected stems down the base of the plant. The foliage and twigs are browsed by white-tailed deer. Thus the alarming scientific name: Ilex vomitoria.

Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. The most common cultivars are slow-growing shrubs popular for their dense, evergreen foliage and their adaptability to pruning into hedges of various shapes. Vanessa Richins Myers is a seasoned horticulturist, garden writer and educator with 10+ years of experience in the horticulture and gardening space. It can be hard to positively identify yaupon holly. Yaupon is dioecious which means that male and female flowers are born on separate plants; male yaupon hollies do not produce berries. The active ingredients, like those of the related yerba mate and guayusa plants, are caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline;[10][11] the vomiting may have resulted from the great quantities in which they drank the beverage, coupled with fasting. 'Pride of Houston' – female clone similar to type but featuring improvements in form, fruiting, and foliage.

Some cultivars, like 'Nana' and 'Schillings', are all-male plants. The berries range from orange to red, and are somewhat translucent. As always, practice extreme cautions when picking and consuming wild plants and fungi. We hope this misnomer will not deter interested gardeners from making their own tea. It has a good tolerance for salty soils, making it a good choice for planting near the ocean. The word yaupon was derived from the Catawban yą́pą, from yą- tree + pą leaf. Your best bet is to shop for a holly during the winter and purchase one that already has berries on it. A yaupon holly cultivar (Ilex vomitoria 'Roundleaf'). Large-growing yaupon hollies can grow to be between 15 and 25 feet tall and will have a spread of about the same width. Each plant produces little greenish-white male or female flowers in the spring, though only the females will bear fruit—small berries that are usually red but sometimes yellow. The yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) is an evergreen shrub or small tree with green leaves and red berries that will add color to your garden throughout the year.Native to the southeastern U.S., yaupon holly is often planted as an informal hedge shrub or privacy screen since it requires minimal shaping and is available in several attractive slow-growing cultivars. While yaupon holly is relatively free of serious pests and diseases, scale, leaf miners, mites, and aphids can sometimes be a problem. 10 to 30 feet tall; 8- to 12-foot spread (shorter dwarf varieties are also available), Growing American Holly and Related Plants, Winterberry Holly: A Deciduous Native Holly With Breathtaking Berries. Feed lightly once a year in the spring, and avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers. See more photos on Trees & Powerlines.

Water the root ball two or three times a week for the first year after planting, then weekly thereafter. Badly overgrown shrubs can be rejuvenated by cutting away up to one-third of the branches. After planting, apply mulch at the base of the plant to keep the soil moist and cool. Like tea and coffee, it is perfectly safe when brewed appropriately and consumed in moderation. Like many other hollies, yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) is an evergreen shrub or tree that is loved for the colorful berries it produces on the female plants. Add wildlife interest and winter color to your yard with yaupon holly, one of the most durable and adaptable of the small-leaved evergreen hollies for Florida landscapes. The leaf arrangement is alternate, with leaves ovate to elliptical and a rounded apex with crenate or coarsely serrated margin, 1–4.5 cm long and 1–2 cm broad, glossy dark green above, slightly paler below. A few of the available cultivars include: 'Jewel', the females of which produce lots of berries; 'Nana', a dwarf, compact male shrub; 'Schillings', another male dwarf; and 'Aureo', which produce yellow berries. Micron Yaupon Holly is a dense multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with a mounded form. Credit: UF/IFAS. Larger cultivars can be planted as small specimen trees. Ilex Vomitoria Ait. Another common name, cassina, was borrowed from Timucua (despite this, it usually refers to Ilex cassine). The native species is somewhat too fast-growing for landscape use, so most of the varieties planted are slower-growing cultivars, including: Like all hollies, the berries of youpon holly contain ilicin, a mildly toxic substance that is considered dangerous to children and animals if eaten in large quantities. The berries work well to add winter interest and provide food for birds and other wildlife. Their small leaves are oval, serated, and dark green.

Some growers allow the plant to continue growing in the pot for a full year before transplanting it into a permanent landscape location.

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