when you hurt someone unintentionally quotes

make that call NOW.

Now I know that you were just feeding me with empty promises that you never meant to keep. He swears by lighting and thunder he did EVERYTHING in his power to make me happy. Rated up, awesome, and bookmarked. So sorry about your losses. saddlerider1 – Hi, my big brother, so nice to have a chance to see you again. 124. 41.

Words hurt the most because sometimes they can last forever. Thanks a lot. I’ve missed the opportunity. Thanks for the visit. *** izettl – Also long time no see! Also many-many blessings to you and yours.

Our anger kills our pain as a fire extinguisher kills a fire. I once heard, "hurting people hurt other people" not sure from who but the sentiment holds true here as well. Excellent information covering a universal topic - plus solutions. For people who hate hurting others, the way of making amends - admitting and apologizing, or show it instead of say it, will come naturally. It does not matter what hurt you. I would like to share my method of dealing with hurt –. : ) I loved it, MartieCoetser!

This emotion I do HATE! Nobody with a healthy self-esteem, who is proud of himself and his achievements, likes to hear the word ‘sorry’. It hurts when you think that you really know someone, only to realize that they are not who you thought they were. Why are you so scarce? If you are hurt, just wait. If you really care about me at all, then why did you hurt me again and again and again? Martie you hurt my feelings, you never come see me anymore. This is used for a registered author who enrolls in the HubPages Earnings program and requests to be paid via PayPal.

*** Richard – Thank you so very much for your extremely kind comment. While there are really people who are not at all able to say (or act) these words, even while they realize they should. Breakups hurt, but to lose someone who does not respect or appreciate you is not a loss.

Take care, shy, while you dance through life.

:) Katie. I had to learn how not to do that. But the wonder... miracle? It is okay to walk out of someone’s life if you feel like you no longer belong in it. You inspired me to think differently about using the words I am sorry. 9 years ago from America-Broken But Still Beautiful. I guess it's part of being human and this is a great reminder that we are all human and make mistakes, many of them unintentionally.

I think my urge to withdraw myself frequently from people – at least a few hours per day – is the reason why I can’t see myself in a second marriage. So glad to find you here! Do not let the hurt they caused give you a reason to not be happy again. It will become hurt only when we accept & interpret it as such.

Step out of the history that is holding you back. It never occurred to me that someone would consider an apology to be hurtful. ComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. You do not always need to physically attack someone in order to hurt them. 128. :)....was it only yesterday? I used to teach a class at Nutri System and one of the topics was accepting apologies, saying sorry, but mean it if you say it. Even though you hurt me, I still pray for you every night. It is a gain. The scars that you left on me have faded away but I will never forget what you did to me and how much it used to hurt. After he regained his self-control I was still frozen for many seconds when I all of a sudden registered that his eighteen year old son was standing right next to me. 24. 113. Our tears are just words that our hearts cannot say. Hee-haw, what do they say, party-time is party-time, like war is war. Merry Christmas to you and your family and many, many blessings. 34. If you are hurting, then that is how you know that you are still alive. If you are feeling hurt, it means that you can at least acknowledge that something is wrong. Earlier my daughter started to tell me something really upsetting, and I had to stop her.

I hate to think about the many people I may have inadvertently hurt when I was teaching, especially when I criticized their writing. You can only hurt me so many times before I decide to not come back anymore. Millionaire, I, too, believe we should bury our current concept of 'winners' and 'losers'. But it is not the end of your story. You are a wise, compassionate, tender hearted woman that anyone would be lucky to call friend. You can drive yourself completely crazy trying to figure out exactly why you were hurt, or you can build yourself back together and look ahead. My expectation of others as well as of myself is unfortunately too high. It comes with emotions like sadness, feelings of abandonment and betrayal, and heartbreak, just to name a few. 37. Why not please and satisfy them with a gift or favor of any kind? Surrounded by God's country. We loose (life) the day we die and who really knows what we are going to win in the world of the dead?

Martie,From the examples you gave it would appear that these are unintentional and should not be considered a slight or snub.If the person in question is not conceited and self-centered then she or he would probably just ignore it. Thanks for coming over for this read. Actually our hurt always explodes in our own feelings (self-esteems). Oh my what a powerful conversation on hurting unintentionally. *** always exploring – hahahaha! That was the last time that I ever let you hurt me. But as long as you are still here on this Earth, you have the power in you to keep moving forward.

116. Today a girl in my class complimented my hair and I thanked he and made a feeble attempt at returning the compliment. ~William Faulkner, There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience. Sometimes I get so tired of getting hurt by people that I wonder if I was just meant to be alone in this world. Copyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. She has a pleasant, loveable personality - one has no other choice than to love and appreciate her. As a male, I too get hurt sometimes. I think that many times the most sensitive among humanity, see a "slight" in something they did or didn't do, where no one else does. Just because you have been hurt badly by someone else, it does not mean that you have the right to hurt me too. So if you bite me again when you see me, I will.... laugh my jack off. | Psychology Today. I can provide a list as long as my arm of hurts others unintentionally made me suffer. Hyphenbird & thedutcman - Welcome in my corner! Ask that person if the list is complete, and correct your list to reflect a complete account of … Thanks for this enjoyable read, you are a master of putting feeling into words and I am so thankful you are here in hubland! *** Marcella Glenn – you’ve said it so well I’ve GOT to repeat it: “Hurt, as other emotions, must be shaped into perspective.” And I’m going to put it above under quotes. Are you feeling stepped on?

Yes, Mama-Nellieanna, I too miss seeing you. Good hub!!! I lived with them for two years before I moved on to the next phase of my life, but I still love visiting them at least once in a quarter. 107. Turned out it was all a misunderstanding, but I certainly got worry and ticked off mileage before I figured it all out. If we seek recognition because we humble ourselves to say “I’m sorry” in whatever way, we are right back at square one – hurting someone unintentionally (because we are selfish and clumsy). :). 27. I am tardy here, yet agree with so many great comments left here, especially drbj's. One really has to make a definite decision to be happy and contented for at least 90% of a day. This hub is about those clumsy 'bumping into each other' and 'stepping on each other's toes'. Martie, this hub has given me a guilt complex. Being hurt by someone who you thought was your friend is far worse than being hurt by an enemy that you already knew you had.

72. I guess I will never really know. While the road ahead may not be easy, just remember that there is always hope and that there is a way forward for you. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: https://maven.io/company/pages/privacy, Credit to graur codrin @ freedigitalphotos.net, Credit to Mighal Marcel @ freedigitalphotos.net, Credit to healingdream @ FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Credit to bela_kiefer @ freedigitalphotos.net, Credit to federico stevanin @ freedigitalphotos.net, Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts. Thanks a lot for this info. Thanks to them I’ve lost all my pretentiousness and snobbism and holier-than-thow attitudes in life. Hurt, as other emotions, must be shaped into perspective. My yoga instructor says something like, "Do not project your feelings or frustrations onto others. But don’t forget, I remember all the spankings (and bites) my mother gave me while you were screaming as if I’ve bitten off your heads.

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