But there’s one exception to that. ��l��4[A�X�Ҍ@ � ��
Goat Management (Dairy, Meat, Record Keeping), http://www.extension.org/pages/22450/goat-cns-diseases. This is essentially what causes the signs associated with polio because thiamine is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism, which ultimately provides glucose for the brain and other parts of the body. Plus, they ate the fish raw, and many fish contain thiaminase. 0000001819 00000 n
If he gets it in his daily diet, fine. Was their diet deficient in iodine? Adding iodine to the diet fixes the problem in those cases and there’s a huge global effort to do just that. It’s easy to decide that iodine deficiency plays some role in neurological diseases like ALS and Alzheimers. Other causes include improper feeding, feeding too much grain, or anything that disrupts the health and well being of rumen microbes, such as chronic or acute acidosis or indigestion. Luckily, the first of their four stomachs teems with bacteria that produce it. I'm not going to say you *have* to have the straight Thiamin.
Then, he changes his diet. Another example: exposure to the fungicide maneb dramatically increases the chances of getting a neurological disease from a toxin; maneb works by disrupting the use of iodine in animals. When Japan occupied Guam in 1942, it commandeered the natives’ food and forced many Guamanians to work growing food for the Japanese military. The subsequent doses must administer intramuscular for 3-5 days: early the treatment, better the chances of animal survival. I’m not qualified to give an opinion about a protocol, but here are my thoughts. It will flood the body with thyroxin to the point the patient can suffer a heart attack. Milk-fed lambs and kids must get thiamine preformed from their diet to meet requirements. In one experiment, young pigs thrived for two months without any thiamine in their diet. I just ponder ideas that interest me. That’s right. endstream
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No Guamanian born after 1952 has been diagnosed with “lytico-bodig.”. How in the world would a modern American become so deficient he would develop neurological symptoms? 0000001077 00000 n
Prevent accidental access to unlimited amounts of carbohydrates, such as grain bins, feed sacks or tree fruit drops.
Fortified B Complex is often given to goats At that point, the pigs showed no side effects so they stopped the study; we don’t really know how long a pig can survive. Suddenly, his body has more thyroxine than it knows what to do with. Routine blood tests wouldn’t catch this. If the plants and animals of Guam had the same low levels of iodine as Fiji, the Guamians who spent years in the jungle may have developed thyroid glands that worked very hard to compensate. �P 0�����j;��Z� �ᡖcp��p�~��8S�}���Pk
Luckily, the first of their four stomachs teems with bacteria that produce it. 0000002076 00000 n
To piggyback off what Rachel said, I have read that Idoine is necessary to make HCL acid. Or maybe by evil coincidence, he eats something that destroys thiamine before he can absorb it. Signs: Signs of illness are related to softening and swelling of the grey matter of the brain and include excitability, stargazing, muscle rigidity, uncoordinated staggering and or weaving, circling, diarrhea, muscle tremors, pressing head against wall and apparent blindness. The bacteria in the rumen of the goat can synthesize adequate amounts of the water soluble vitamins. So you can see you would need to inject less to treat polio. Thiamine is not produced in animal cells but is produced by rumen microbes, which provide the major source of thiamine to adult sheep and goats. 11 0 obj
Chamorros were chronically hungry; many hid in the jungles for years and had to subsist on whatever they could find. 0000001231 00000 n
Thiamine deficiency was considered the largest health problem in the South Pacific (presumably including Guam) until mid 20th century.
The number one cause of mental retardation in the world today is iodine deficiency in kids. By some estimates, a billion people are affected, so it’s a huge deal. And many people believe that taking one of the fat soluble forms of thiamine, like allithiamine or sulbutiamine can reverse thiamine deficiency. If she could get a thiamine shot from a Vet she could possibly have the goat getting better in a couple hours. A goat might have 200 times as much thiamine in its blood as its human caretaker. 0000004704 00000 n
I don’t know that this is true, and maybe other people have thought of it. Maybe he moves to a region that isn’t deficient in iodine. <]>>
may be familiar with the term “thiamine deficiency” as well.
The excess thyroxine may have prevented them from storing whatever thiamine they ate. O ��tV�ŕq��&ެl.����� Nu�m �Ԍ�W��d�� Z->��T͔�N�ܟ��p�;W���p��z��
Very interesting Kenn! The Land of Debris and the Home of Alfredo. In high-risk herds where animals are on high grain diets, supplementation with thiamine mononitrate, probiotics or brewer’s yeast may be indicated for prevention. Without thiamine, a goat can die within a day or two. That’s not typical of a vitamin deficiency. Other causes include improper feeding, feeding too much grain, or anything that disrupts the health and well being of rumen microbes, such as chronic or acute acidosis or indigestion. I got to wondering about one aspect of thiamine that seems a little weird: the storage of the vitamin in our bodies.
But perhaps his new diet doesn’t include enough. Pigs seem to be the champions of thiamine storage.
Vitamin D: Penned goats must have Vitamin D added to their feed. If the results have been published, I haven’t found them.
A cow stores more; beyond that, bacteria in its complicated digestive system churn the stuff out. xref
I know that many people take levothyroxin for an under-active thyroid. In fact, before 2008 blood tests failed to accurately measure thiamine levels in the blood. But humans can store B1, we get it in our diet, much of our food is fortified with it just to make sure. This work is supported by New Technologies for Agriculture Extension grant no. They came down with the symptoms of ALS at such an alarming rate that “lytico bodig” was the number one cause of death. The seafood contained a lot of iodine, so their thyroid glands shot into overdrive. People point to an iodine deficiency when they talk about a connection to neurological diseases. I’ve never heard your stomach acid idea, so it’s possible you’re on to something. At first this just puzzled me. Maybe there was an additional contributing factor. People drinking big gulps of sugary sodas also better take a multi. use to treat polio. So maybe iodine deficiency is a result of thiamine deficiency as well.
When people have been deficient in iodine for a long time, their thyroid works extra hard trying to compensate. Since the rumen manufactures B vitamins, polioencephalomalacia is not caused by insufficient thiamine, but rather the inability to utilize it. Polioencephalomalacia (polio) in ruminants is caused by a thiamine deficiency and/or sulfur toxicity. Although iodine deficiency remains the number one cause of mental retardation in the world, we can’t prove it has a role in Alzheimer’s or ALS. Probably worth continuing to think about, and do more reading.
People treated for thyroid diseases should take a multiple vitamins with plenty of Thiamine. 11 13
But if a goat stops eating, or eats something that destroys thiamine (like moldy straw) or eats too much grain, it comes down with “goat polio.” Like the human B1 deficiency, beri beri, the symptoms include confusion, “star gazing,” and ultimately paralysis and death. Something about how iodine concentrates the chlorine. The initial dose of thiamine must be slow intravenous, as there are chances of animal’s collapse if not given slowly. The ideal treatment for polio in goats is the administration of thiamine at the dose of 10mg/kg thrice a day. But goats can’t store thiamine. My impression is that the vast majority of iodine deficiencies around the world arise from consuming a diet that lacks it. Here’s the hypothesis.
Unless destroyed by the heat of cooking, thiaminase breaks apart thiamine molecules in the body. We can’t know, because the very first study of iodine on the island wasn’t begun until 2012 after scientists discovered that the islands of Fiji and Vanautu were deficient in iodine. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The patient probably feels tired all the time and tends to gain weight. The plan failed; the island couldn’t grow enough food to support all the Japanese soldiers, let alone feed the natives what was left. I would give it Power Punch if that was all I had on hand until I could get the medicine from the Vet. A goat might have 200 times as much thiamine in its blood as its human caretaker. Chickens showing signs of paralysis made a full recovery when they got the vitamin on one day. Rachael– thanks for your comment. -->. Thinking about this in the middle of the night, I got an idea: if something mucked up a human’s ability to store thiamine, that might cause a sudden case of beri beri including symptoms ranging from depression, confusion and memory loss to paralysis and death. That’s fast.
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Many scientists are scrambling to prove that thiamine deficiency is involved in Alzheimer’s and ALS; some are confident they’re close to a solution. The disease is seen more in winter in North America, primarily due to increased grain feeding to meet increased maintenance energy needs. But in combination with the sudden thiamine deficiency, maybe it was. I can see why people might overlook it. Scientists have focussed on the toxins in the cycad nuts they ate, which can cause these symptoms, but only in high concentrations. I’ve read lab studies done on rats where they were able to induce hypothyroidism by feeding them a diet low in thiamine. The disease (called beri beri) includes all the symptoms of the worst neurological diseases. It’s just an idea: Could something similar happen in people who have had a milder iodine deficiency for a long time? A human can store enough to last anywhere from one week to a month.
Animals, including humans, can’t manufacture thiamine, so they have to get it from their diet, or from the bacteria in their intestines. For over fifty years we’ve known that you’re much likelier to get one of these diseases if you spent your infancy in a region that’s deficient in iodine.
In those fairly rare situations where a thyroid gland pumps out too much product, one of the results is that humans can’t store Vitamin B1.
And the effects can be startlingly fast, first paralyzing and then killing the victim within days. As long as a goat keeps eating, the bacteria provide it with all the B1 it needs. Multiple doses (0.25cc/10-pound body weight three to four times day) of thiamine and other actions based on veterinary recommendations are required for best outcomes; these recommendations will vary based on the underlying cause of the disease. Antibiotics may be indicated depending on the underlying cause. The original experiments that led to the discovery of B1 noticed that the damage from thiamine deficiency was reversible when caught in time. Straight injectible Thiamin is "up to" 500mg/ml. Goats are particularly reliant on one of the thiamine-dependent methods of glucose metabolism.
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