terry rasmussen reddit

It always seemed like a dark and sinister place to me.

That would put "Anita Moon" at about the right age, assuming the Bear Brook victims were killed in 1978 or 1979. Rasmussen killed at least six people in a crime spree that spanned decades and stretched across the continental United States. I would bet she was never reported missing by her family and her family may not have known she was ever pregnant. Eventually the unrelated girls was linked to a “drifter/conman” that was in the area at the time (I warn you that you will go down the rabbit hole here). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Honeychurch was last seen Thanksgiving 1978.

That was some type of old abandoned dumping area or something. I also read that his brother, Danny, was schizophrenic and killed himself in 1978, I wonder if that set off his killing spree. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Look the info. https://www.wmur.com/article/case-timeline-man-known-as-bob-evans-connected-to-6-killings/8643018. He must have had a history. On average, those with schizophrenia aren’t calculated killers. I think "Elizabeth" is another unidentified victim.

I highly doubt he ever had an accomplice. I think he likely had a history, a trail of victims throughout his life. A co-worker said he heard screams one night, and found Bob Evans sleeping in an office, and he said he simply had night terrors. If Sarah was still alive when Denise disappeared, she would have been 4.

-In 1986, he abandoned a 6 year old girl named "Lisa" at a trailer park in New Hampshire. Terry Rasmussen was working as an electrician in California by March 1984. Lisa is alive and well today. He was later discovered to have committed four more murders in …

The middle child has never been identitifed but is the biological daughter of the murderer, Terry Rasmussen. Bob Evans, the suspected Bear Brook murderer, has been identified as Terry Peder Rasmussen, born in 1943 in Denver, Colorado.Full information is below the background summary.

I will do some research with that name. He was arrested for this crime, and later died in prison, while the connections were being made to the other crimes he was responsible for. I find it a little odd that they have information about him living in Phoenix then but nothing about the 14 years from birth until that point. Press J to jump to the feed.

New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the serialkillers community. It’s also an age at which heavy alcohol and drug use might be an issue, people often are away at school so their parents might not notice gradual changes until later, its an age of hormone and social changes, parents defiance so that might mask symptoms and after all of that even if parents or others notice something the person is already an adult and it makes getting forced medical help very difficult until things tend to get really bad. Diane Kloepfer was one of four children born to Terry Peder Rasmussen and his wife.

He was remembered to be dating a woman "Donna" with children after he left New Hampshire. It can be brought on earlier or “brought out” by things such as smoking weed at an early age. Due to his use of many aliases, most notably "Bob Evans", Rasmussen is known as "The Chameleon Killer". If Anita was born in say 1975, she would have been about 5 in 1980, only slightly above the age estimate.

I disagree that because there's no account of Marlyse and her children after 1979 they must have already been dead.

On a different occasion, one of his neighbors mentioned meeting a child that resembled "Anita Moon" (unidentified child) but he was with a woman that went by "Elizabeth", this was probably Anita's mother and this was before 1978, but the neighbor doesn't remember exactly the dates. But it matches the isotopes if Anita Moon was born in AZ before Terry moved to CA and met Marlyse. It’s very well done! That area was a dump with all barrels and stuff in the woods.

There is a special place in hell for this guy...murdering his own daughter!

to me, the bear brook/terry rasmussen case is the most interesting true crime story of the century thus far, and the BB podcast did an incredible job of teasing out the details. The mothers two sisters do not have it and neither does my brother in law.

No serial killer just snaps and starts doing this.

On to other possible links! Is that supposed to be his daughter? He could have had them in hiding somewhere. I don't have any solid answers of course, but I don't believe that's enough.

The couple moved to … If they were killed around 1980, it makes sense that Anita Moon could be the girl Terry's older daughter saw in 1975/1976.

She is not related to Marlyse. Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. Lisa was too young then to remember it. However, I'm inclined to think that Bear Brook was the "family annihilation" Denise's daughter recounted.

By Allie …

That's 5 years that aren't accounted for in this girl's life. If you haven’t listened to the Bear Brook podcast, I highly recommend doing so. we talk serial killers on this … Image posts must be accompanied by a comment explaining where you found it or why you find it interesting. Sarah McWaters (Marlyse's younger daughter) was born December 1977 and was last seen Thanksgiving 1978 in California. When he was living under the name Bob Evans, he worked for an electric company and there was a room he kept under lock and key and no one was allowed to enter.

Denise doesn't go missing until November 1981. How cold and unemotional do you have to be to do that?

"Elizabeth" signs for a certified letter in January 1980 and is listed as his wife on his arrest record in February 1980... but not in October 1980. Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report.

The most chilling thing is that he killed his own daughter. Even given his family history, I’m not so sure he had schizophrenia. The aliases could really be numerous beyond what's known, and could be in other countries. Her age was between Marlyse's daughters. Or maybe Lisa was just confused by the question. I whole-heartily appreciate the “you’re grasping” comments because this case is my white whale (the case I hope is solved before I die) I could be all wet on this inquiry but this whole case has been such a mystery I wonder if the root of it is even more bizarre. He's largely unaccounted for in that decade.

Geez man, your post just sent me down a disturbing rabbit hole.

Wikipedia it. I think the long hair is throwing you. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the UnresolvedMysteries community, Continue browsing in r/UnresolvedMysteries. I can only hope that one day she gets her name back, but unfortunately I doubt that will happen. People often try to self medicate with alcohol and drugs. The drifter was know as Robert “Bob” Evans but in August 2017 was identified as Terry Peder Rasmussen. Lisa was born around May 1981 and disappeared with her mother November 1981. But it is possible Terry and Denise had a child together.

Perhaps Terry was still with Anita's mother when he met Marlyse. His overall location over the years is somewhat understood but that timeline even leaves a lot of open time. But her body was found with full teeth and long hair.

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The couple was married July 20, 1968 in Hawaii.

Thank you so much for this, especially the timeline! She went missing when she was only 6 months old but Terry had her until 1986. he used fake identities and created whole-cloth alternate personas to manipulate and murder women and children, and there are still large time gaps in his history that remain unaccounted for. I just recently listened to the Bear Brook podcast and I was fascinated that I had never heard of it before, so I then read everything I could about the case.

That Terry guy looks like the dog abuser from Air Bud. Regardless, horrible case.

Terry Rasmussen (alias Robert “Bob” Evans), died in prison serving 15 years-to-life after killing his wife in California. After he abandoned Lisa I think he was done with the family annihilation M.O. It's possible that he had more children with Denise as well that are still laying out there. You can see his eyes don't look right . Through isotope testing they know for sure all the Bear Brook victims were together for at least 3 weeks to 3 months before being killed. Cookies help us deliver our Services.

His last name happens to be the same as a missing person (disappeared at 13) roughly the same age. I believe there may have been other women living there as well, since Lisa's mother Denise has never been found and because the middle girl, Rasmussen's daughter, had to have had a mother (not related to Lisa/Denise or to Marlyse.). That seems like very loose connections and Arizona to New Hampshire is also a long way. He is believed to have had 6+ victims, many of which he dumped in barrels. There is at least one family annihilation that Lisa can remember (she said she had siblings but they died after eating grass mushrooms), which means it probably happened in 1984-1985.

My one sisters husband his mother and brother have it as does his mothers brother.

He probably killed his child's mother and then used Anita Moon to lure Marlyse and her children in, but it was noted that he did not have Anita Moon with him when he came to meet Marlyse's family, and considering it was Thanksgiving, I assume Anita Moon was also spending time with her maternal family or her mother, hopefully somebody remembers that faithful day and the last time they saw this little girl and she can finally have her name back. It’s not a certain. -He is suspected in a few other cases of missing and murdered women but nothing has been proven.

seemed to be playing the grieving single father card, which I think is why he initially kept his daughter alive. Pretty much proved not likely to not possible. (Lisa was born in mid-1981 and kids usually don't retain memories until they're at least 3.)

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