It advises you to avoid extreme circumstances and take the mid-way. You may have been over-eating, regularly drinking, buying things you can’t afford, arguing with loved ones, or engaging in negative thought patterns. Restoring this balance is the key to achieving your personal goals and aspirations. Don’t be surprised if this situation affects how you interact with one another going forward.
RELATED: Which Tarot Card Are You, According To Numerology & Your Birthdate. Instead you adapt to the situations with a clear mind and calm heart and keep your balance. - Our best articles delivered straight to your inbox, move through on our soul’s journey to knowledge, live our best life as our most authentic self, What Tarot Readings Reveal About Who You Really Are, signifies enlightenment and the higher self, embrace our higher self as much as we can, have found our inner peace through acceptance, What Tarot Cards Represent Each Of The Zodiac Signs In Astrology, ruling planet for this Tarot card is Jupiter, is a twin flame dynamic coming into union, Which Tarot Card Are You, According To Numerology & Your Birthdate, bring our awareness to the opportunities that surround us, It is calling us to not fill emotional voids, The Right Questions To Ask The Tarot (For An Accurate Card Reading). Temperance Tarot Card Arth – Sabhee Tarot Card Samajhaaya. In many areas of our lives — whether in relationships, spending, eating or drinking — we feel like our pendulum swings far right or far left. If we receive this card reversed in a love reading, it signifies that the relationship we are in or thinking of entering into is unbalanced, and likely quite chaotic and unhealthy. Your hard work and dedication will be noticed with Temperance upright in your Tarot spread. You may feel like you have lost your connection to your inner guidance or your spirit guides. It is calling us to not fill emotional voids with physical things, and to try to reconnect with our inner self so we can give ourselves what we truly are in need of. The reversed Temperance card may represent someone who is trying to go too fast and take too many risks. Temperance is all about harmony, beauty and balance. Such clashes and disorder can lead to confusion, stress and complication. Upright Temperance means that one has learnt to achieve balance and moderation in life. The Temperance Tarot card in a reversed position may be telling you that you have lost touch with your own inner calm and tranquillity which can lead you to seek gratification in risky, harmful ways. While the meaning for each is different, they represent important phases in our lives. Horoscopelogy is your access into the world of Astrology.
Temperance is ruled by Sagittarius. You have learned not to allow yourself to be dragged into other people’s conflict or to let minor issues knock you off balance. © 2020 by Tango Media Corporation All Rights Reserved. Moon is traveling through witty Gemini today. You have lost sight of yourself and your unique talents and traits. She holds two cups where she can mix water, which represents the super and subconscious mind. In a financial context, things should be going well as you should have balanced finances. In a career context, Temperance tells you that now, is a great time to set goals as you have the patience and persistence to achieve what you want. Think of this as an uncentered pendulum. To receive Temperance is an indicator of welcoming in and making space for a romantic relationship for our higher self. Even if we are not exactly where we want to be in terms of finances, to receive the Temperance card means that we have been acting with thought and logic.
Reversed Temperance is similar to upright in terms of finances, because it warns us to not overspend or take unnecessary risks.
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