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Example e fi ie o fi ue e fi i cerrar (to close) dormir (to sleep) pedir (to ask) 0
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Stem-Changing Verbs The following verbs are irregular in the stem when conjugated, except* in the nosotros and vosotros forms. )1T�����ds�A�Nb��L�� �xd�E*���6�Ԭ�B���q�B��M��X�0�ɠb���؈�������H���Z2,�6� endstream
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6 Example infinitive g fi jo coger (to pick, take) cojo escoger (to choose) escojo proteger (to protect) protejo dirigir (to manage) dirijo exigir (to demand) exijo 2. 4 0 obj
�Q��I�Z�Ǯ˰]m��l��U|���Ŭ�N��� _˥+�+�#d��/'�۸�L��)�X�x������-O�gKhr� +��F(l5�PbK=�l��&7��4�� ��������l��U p���``nn!m/���%�cr*%���M� 8.g�͒�S;�2�^�b֤Z���m�d�Miz�U.p�n�*�a�t�]:�]!1��W�d����gqLkwG����o\�d]n�U��'�X%
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1.1 The Spanish alphabet 3 1.2 Diphthongs 6 1.3 Syllabification 6 1.4 Sinalefa 7 1.5 The written stress accent 7 1.6 Punctuation 9 1.7 Capital letters 10 2 Gender and gender agreements 11 2.1 Masculine and feminine 11 2.2 Plural 11 2.3 General rules for gender 12 2.4 Words which are both masculine and feminine 12 2.5 Nouns which vary in gender 12 endstream
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Spanish, like English, has two articles: the definite article ("the") and the indefinite article ("a" or "an"). endobj
Spanish grammar, whether they be distributed over sixty lessons or compressed into sixteen. <>
What this course will do is enable you to use the language accurately in the majority of situations and will certainly give a thorough grounding in basic Spanish grammar. endobj
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However, there are 4 forms, depending on the number and gender of the noun.
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