sassafras look alikes

We had to cut them all down for firewood since, living in the Atlantic Corridor, we have hurricanes and the dead trees could fall into the house or onto the power lines. We just harvested some leaves for file, and tried making leaf tea. I posted your question on the Green Deane Forum and this was one answer. I used to drink gallons of sassafras tea when I was a boy. It’s a Schedule I drug in the United States. Hey Guys, I am looking for saplings about 4′ +. If so, wouldn’t boiling the sassafras root cause the oil to leave the liquid? Learn what a K-hole is, including how people describe it, the risks involved, and whether there are ways to make it safer. Jim, Read ur reply to Jeannette. Computers have put the world at my fingertips, How many times is it okay to boil and reuse the same sassafras roots?

I have hade this tea all my life. I also live in spokane WA and was wondering if you still have the tree in your yard? I’ve seen 80 feet plus trees felled and the bark was very thick at the base, and easily removed with the right tool.

If you see something not so nice, please, report an inappropriate comment. I grew up in CT, and it’s one of the first trees that I got to know as a kid.

Searching for something about goats eating weeds on tea plantations along the AT. I have a couple of photos which I would be happy to send along . I’m in Massachusetts on the coast, and we’ve got boatloads of Sassafras here!

The lab rats who got extremely high doses ended up getting tumors in their livers and we got root beer tasting like bubble gum.

The perfect reward after all that painstaking Halloween pumpkin-carving. hey man I’m from Windsor and spent parts of the last two days looking for the sassafras tree but couldn’t even find one… if you can point me in a direction where they grow… I hear they are rare and grow in patches….

Find it often in CT. As with other drugs, pills or powder are sometimes cut with other toxic chemicals.

You did show the bark one time and I asked you if they grew in Michigan and you replied with a yes.

I am willing to pay.

Fresh leaves I pick up after a storm blows them down.

Usually a shrub in the north, can be a tree in the south but usually a small scraggly tree.

Good luck to everyone seeking trees. note: i would check with a local expert as well before consuming anything like this. We drink it year round and I find spring roots from saplings to be more bitter tasting than summer harvested adult tree root fragments.

The best tea comes from the outer-bark of the root. Next time you're in the woods, or in your backyard, look out for that distinctive leaf. If you find a cluster of saplings, as you often will near larger sassafras trees, dig one or two of them up.

Here in Florida it likes to grown like a persimmon, along the edges of woods, fields and roads. Will be getting the book also. ..i got married in sept of last year and I live in Michigan. Answer. Hope you enjoy. The name Sassafras (SASS-uh-frass) has been around for over 400 years, and there are several notions of where it came from. Sassafras are threatened/endangered here and are not to be destroyed. You may repost it with credit, if you wish. (sorry for typos could not reread since I posted from my cell ). Safrole shipments, however, are  highly monitored internationally because Safrole is also used in the manufacturing of the illegal drug Ecstasy. NEVER BOIL sassy in any way shape or form, STEAP ONLY. The younger saplings and bushes are always near the parent trees. Never know what’s in the mix. Guess who the DEA is POed out and will never fund again!

The USDA say Orange County is as far south as they have been reported to grow in the wild. What does a sassafras leaf look like?

So it is not possible his vials were mislabeled. There is only one sassafras tree in the whole area.

It’s called attachment parenting because it is about parenting.My husband does every “attachment parenting” thing that does not require a vagina, a uterus, and/or functional mammary glands. The leaves have no teeth.

We just washed and boiled the roots in about a quart and a half of water.. That made a concentrate and we added enough water to that ( once strained ) to make a gallon. It grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 4 through 9 in well-drained, acidic soil. Tree started at 16 inches, now about 7 ft tall 10 yrs later. I do not have any pictures because it is winter but I live in fairfield county Connecticut and have several Sassafras trees in my yard and dozens in my woods. That means it promotes feelings of: Some people consider it a gentler version of molly, but that’s not exactly accurate (more on this later).


I make tea all of the time and all year long. We have a cabin near Tionesta Pennsylvania, and the sassafras grows like weeds. always three lobes, no teeth edges are smooth. Reasonable prices too! Here in central Alabama, sassafras tree are found in the same environment as pawpaw.

Apparently – here in Hamilton – it is at the northernmost part of it’s range.

Post whatever you want, just keep it seriously about eats, seriously. This is a great article on Sassafras (and a great website in general). Could Magic Mushrooms Ever Replace Today’s Antidepressants? MDA causes your brain to release more chemicals called neutrotransmitters, which produces the high.

Making safrole an illegal substance adds to the difficulties of manufacturing and prosecuting of ecstasy use. This means you’ll need to use increasingly large doses to get the same effects you used to, raising your risk for toxicity or overdose. Sassafras also sprouts from the roots, often forming a colony. I here it does thin the blood, which my mom told me as a child, so we have no more than a quart a day each as a rule although the hubby sneaks more His family grew up drinking it too. We are in PA and hour north of Philadelphia.

The saplings take over the edges of the yard every year – we cut them down, and they come right back the following year.

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The state, national and world champion Sassafras tree — so named in 1951 — is in Owensboro, Kentucky. When dry remove leaves from the branches, and if you want, the stems from the leaves. It is amazing to hear that they seem rare in these parts as I have always grown up (including in Maine) seeing them all over. I live in Connecticut and have 2 or 3 sassafras trees in my front yard.

If not, where could I obtain a good specimen? The easiest way to tell the mulberry and sassafras apart is by examining their leaves. Wondering if anyone has frozen the leaves to make tea in the winter?

Sassafras are much more adaptable and will often be found in shady undergrowth areas of a forest. I have property on the San Gabriel river in far eastern Williamson Co. But if that doesn’t work, here are six other hacks to try.

We reserve the right to delete off-topic or inflammatory comments. Very pleasant flavor – reminds me of a bit of wormwood and horehound – but less intense.

and questions about the website should be directed to the webmaster. The bark heals itself within the growth season. It was not old age… not if all 24 died at one time.

Said another way, sassafras is unhealthy if you abuse it. Mostly I see them only reaching about 25-30 feet but there is one big (for Canada, anyways – this is their northern limit) one near my home that stretches up about 45 feet with a trunk at least eight feet around. I have hired people to dig them out, to cut them down, and even (going against my green preference) try to poison them. I never knew you could use the bark and leaves for tea. Twigs slender, green and sometimes hair, spicy-sweet aroma.

wish my camera was working.

The roots of a young sapling make a better tea.

Young trees without fruit and aged bark are more difficult to classify and require a closer look. N, you don’t. Early studies have shown that sassafras destroys serotonin nerve cells in the brain, which can cause a condition called anhedonia. I no longer have a place to dig for the roots. Three types of Mulberry trees exist: white mulberry (Morus alba), black mulberry (Morus nigra), and the American or red mulberry (Morus rubra). I have thoroughly enjoyed this article,, it backs up what my mom has been telling me all my life,(moms know best).

I stopped along a rail trail one day to feed a milking goat some grass that was just outside her reach — I like goats a lot — and noticed a  sassafras sapling. But if you are of the nervous persuasion, there are safe alternatives to wild sassafras.

My kids ages 7-17 don’t get colds like most kids. Sassafras is all over the place in the Eastern US, at least in the Mid-Atlantic. I have been collecting antique medicine bottles and have several sassafras oil bottles along with a lot of others.

Excellent well researched article.

The tea is delicious full flavored . The higher the dose of sassafras, the more toxic it becomes. Thanks for the response and practical advice. Reply to my email. Crush the leaves by hand. Even as a young woman, I’d go out in the spring to dig some roots.

Hi, can anyone tell me how to use the root bark of Sassafras to make root beer?

Another DEA funded scientist Donald Tashkin was funded by the DEA to prove cannabis causes cancer. They grow here in Central Florida, but not too tall. The only place to find white is usually in a fence row next to a hay field or cow pasture. When it was ready sort of effervescent they had us kids help them bottle it in the old glass beer bottles with the wire bale stopper lids.

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