relocate tweak ios 13

TweakMo is a Cydia alternative App store that brings you hundreds of tweaked apps, non-jailbreak tweaks, iOS themes and jailbreak and Cydia extensions on your non jailbroken iPhone.Let go of the iOS limitations and customise your iOS 14/iOS 13 or lower as best as you can, without jailbreaking. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Install Cydia, Sileo or Zebra easily with TweakMo. Before you jailbreak your iOS 13 device and start downloading tweaks, it is important to know which tweaks are iOS 13 compatible. The tweak works with iOS 13 or later. You spoof your iPhone’s location at your own risk. Check out the video demonstration of this tweak below.

This website is not owned by, is not licensed by nor is a subsidiary of Apple Inc. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc. It can be useful for fooling certain apps and games into letting you do things that might not be possible. This tweak will help clean up your iPhone home screen and provide you with options to remove unnecessary items that you don’t want. It is compatible with iOS 11.0-14.0 (with A12 support). A number of jailbreak tweaks let you do this, but perhaps one of the most simplistic of those releases launched last Summer and was called Relocate by iOS developer Nepeta. These tweaks have worked on older iPhones jailbroken using Checkra1n and most of them should work just fine on A12/A13 Bionic devices as well. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 13 devices. Sign up for our iPhoneHacks Daily newsletter to get the top Apple news stories delivered to your inbox. Add source Download libpackageinfo (SparkDev) Relocate should now be working and shouldn't crash during settings. Wrote a cool tutorial? They will also help fix those little iOS 13 – iOS 13.3 annoyances and more customization options to the OS. With its easy to use interface you can fake your iPhone location in two ways. You can find more jailbreak tweaks that have been confirmed to work on iOS 13 – iOS 13.3.1 over here. How to spoof iPhone location with jailbreak on iOS 11/12, System Service (Find My iPhone/Find My Friends), How to fix tweaks not showing up in Settings on iOS 11, Luminous – OLED-friendly dark mode for Snapchat, checkra1n_patch can jailbreak A10(X)/A11 devices on iOS 14, 08Tc3wBB to present iOS 13.7 kernel exploit at …, iPAPatcher lets you inject tweaks into apps without …, YouTopia – The perfect YouTube experience, How to get iPhone 12’s charging animation on …. Shows the song artwork in Spotify playlists. Before you can download any of the tweaks listed here, you need to jailbreak iOS 13 – iOS 13.2.2. If you do this with apps such as Pokémon GO, you can be disciplined if not banned for this behavior. Tap Relocate’s module to instantly activate or deactivate location spoofing. Relocate is available for download on NepetaDev’s repository ( or on Mega (latest version). Apple iPhone 12 vs. Google Pixel 5: Which Should You Buy? Relocate try to install : Cephei. Relocate – free GPS location spoofer for iOS 11/12 (with A12 support) – released on (dev – @NepetaDev). This paid jailbreak tweak to add a plethora of customization options to your jailbroken iPhone. As we noted earlier, location spoofing is often against many apps’ terms of service. Once installed, you can add the module to your Control Center from. Sign up for our iPhoneHacks Daily newsletter to get the top Apple news stories delivered to your inbox. If you’re not already using Nepeta’s repository, then you can add it to your preferred package manager with the following URL: How will you use location spoofing on your jailbroken iPhone or iPad? Protect your IP and access blocked or region restricted content. iPhone 12 Review: Narrower, Lighter and Faster! To do so, follow our detailed tutorial: You can download the Relocate Reborn tweak from the Nepata repo ( where it is available as a free download. As you might come to expect, this tweak allows its users to say they’re somewhere that they really aren’t. Both these jailbreak tools support jailbreaking iOS 13 – iOS 13.5 for almost all iPhones, starting from the iPhone 5s to the iPhone 11 Pro. Relocate Tweak By Nepeta - Change your GPS Location Updated Support iOS 11 - 13.5 For FREE!

Tweak Makes You Solve Math Problem To Turn Off Alarm, Semi-Restore Tool Gains iOS 9 Support, Lets You ‘Semi-Restore’ Device Without Losing Jailbreak.

This tweak lets you dismiss action-less alerts with ease. Since checkra1n iOS 13 jailbreak is so new, most of the tweaks that were available on iOS 12 are not compatible with iOS 13. For the sake of this tutorial, I will use Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea, as my fake global location. Download Relocate from that source. If you’re interested in spoofing your handset’s location with the Relocate Reborn tweak, then you can download it for free from Nepeta’s repository via your favorite package manager.

Zebra. Add custom and some useful modules to the Control Centre using this jailbreak tweak. As soon as i enter the settings, it crash. You can check out a list of all the compatible A12/A13 Bionic tweaks for iOS 13 – iOS 13.5 here. The content of this website is not supplied or reviewed by Apple Inc. All articles, images, logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owners. Relocate has a separate section for native iOS services – Find My iPhone and Find My Friends. Do note that checkra1n supports jailbreaking iOS 13 – iOS 13.5, while Unc0ver jailbreak supports iOS 13 – iOS 13.3. Spotify Direct Streaming Rolling Out to More Apple Watch App Users, iPhone 12 mini’s MagSafe Peak Charging Speed Limited to 12W, WhatsApp’s New Storage Manager Will Help Quickly Free Up Storage Space on Your iPhone, These Comfy Earphones Give You Great Sound and 12 Hours of Play Time. So right now, the list of tweaks supporting the iPhone 11/Pro, iPhone XS, and iPhone XR is pretty limited. He has been jailbreaking his iPhone since 2010.

3D Touch the module to access your saved favorite locations.

Do you know if there are similare tweaks or workaround for it ? But to reiterate, these are the top 44 best Cydia tweaks to install right now! You can get its tweaks from this source –, Pokémon GO where the player has to move around a lot. Relocate works on iOS 13 but only if you do the following: Add the following repo to Cydia: I can’t add ( to my Cydia it is saying not found, That repository is no longer active. iOS jailbreaking: tweaks, news, and more for jailbroken iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, and Apple TVs. Some other jailbreak tweaks that are worth checking out: What are some of your favorite jailbreak tweaks for iOS 13 – iOS 13.5?

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