Any of the 3 Fishing Challenge Event. At first , the event took a few minutes for someone else to find it; and now it can take less than 30 seconds into the event to find the egg. I don’t remember the exact rotation for the role events. I get keeping animals to where they would be in nature but they should have a better spawning system to help balance the death ratio. the event happens three times a day. I have been playing this event twice a day and I have to tell you, this is either no longer accurate or there were more places to begin with. Event data sources: Free-roam. I’ve seen a lot of people saying it starts at a certain time in a different time zone but when I convert to PST and check rdo it doesn’t notify me. As C20Dragon mentioned, they are consistent with their placement which is kind of annoying. Role v1, mixed, Role v2, plus Adam, Ryan and everyone else who contributed to the updated schedule. crh2018, Sign up for a new account in our community. 'Red Dead Redemption' and the 'Red Dead Redemption' logos are the property and trademarks of Take-Two Interactive. If you see an event that is listed incorrectly, please click the "Submit correction" link next to the relevant event. Built with ♥ for the RDR2 community by Richard Westenra. What time does the Condor egg event begin in PST? I normally don't have time to search the 3rd or 4th spot before someone finds the egg. (Possible Spoilers), is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with, Howdy Stranger! All times are in your local time zone, If anyone is curious in knowing the locations I found the egg? I dont like this event at all. [Important Guest Info Inside]. I’ve won condor egg event maybe half the time out of around 40 times I’ve played it. Find this useful? Submit an issue/PR on GitHub, leave a comment on Reddit, email me, or tweet at me. Are Condor Egg locations that consistent, and should R* tweak the event by randomizing the locations? Spotted any inaccurate data or bugs? I have more money i can spend here anyway so.
Yeah I agree, think it would be better if the search area was bigger & more spots. It would be better if the whole state / region was available for searching. Let me know, I'll gather my screenshots & post what I've found. I have ridden to all the points and many times the egg is found elsewhere on all the locations Become a patron I'll be matching and donating all funds received! Last two times the egg was found in seconds. I guess some ppl memorized the locations and are farming the event. Hey all, I was wondering if the Condor Egg events are caught on now. Here’s some tips and facts to make your chances just a bit better. Sometimes I find it right away at the 1st spot or find it at the 2nd spot. I know 3 locations in Gaptooth, 3 locations in Tall Trees, & 2 locations in Roanoke. As people with good memories can easily remember the spot they found the egg & then mark the spot once they're in free roam. Powered by Invision Community. Contrast icon by Tawny Whatmore from the Noun Project. All times are in your local time zone, according to your device's locale settings. They don't even have to expand the map all that much if at all. Hopefully this is something they work on in the near future. I agree there needs to be more than 4 spots the egg can spawn in. Wild Animal Kill Event, everyone is a small area trying to shoot the same animals.
In fact I only seem to find nothing and lose going to all these locations, waste of time, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Im just to lazy to do it and dont see any point in spamming this event. But this is the problem with all the free-roam event that are like this. The event offer is received at: 3:00AM, EST. I've just been lazy & haven't done it let. Like you said, the issue is the spawning points. On 10/28/2019 at 7:10 PM, C20Dragon said: Condor Egg: Locations caught on now? Im one of those who have never even came close to the Condor Egg in an event. according to your device's locale settings. 10:22AM, EST. 20 plus players in a small fishing area, trying to catch the same fish. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 5:22PM, EST What time does it actually start? I'm one of those who have never even came close to the Condor Egg in an event. The next Free-Roam Event is at (in ). I would much rather they be in several different areas myself. 20+ people in a small area can get annoying, especially in the Wild Animal Kill Events. The next Role Event is at (in ). Please enable JavaScript to view the timetable, * Random events include Horseback Kills, Headshot Kills, Bow Kills, Longarm Kills, Sidearm Kills, Wild Animal Kills or Fishing. By I had one start around 11:22 EST. At first , the event took a few minutes for someone else to find it; and now it can take less than 30 seconds into the event to find the egg. is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with Rockstar Games or Take-Two Interactive. I participated in it maybe 4 times. There also one that happens at 2:52 am CST, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the RedDeadOnline community, A subreddit for the Online portion of the critically acclaimed video game Red Dead Redemption 2, developed by Rockstar Games, Press J to jump to the feed. There's at least 4 different locations the Condor Egg can spawn, in 3 different regions. I’ve seen a lot of people saying it starts at a certain time in a different time zone but when I convert to PST and check rdo it doesn’t notify me. I definitely agree on the bigger search area. —————- FACTS —————-1.) It's easy! Red Dead Online Event Schedule. 3 Regions are (Gaptooth / Tall Trees / Roanoke). Timetable of RDR2 Online free-roam/role events, customised to your local time zone. October 27, 2019 in Red Dead Online.
I was wondering if the Condor Egg events are caught on now. I'll be matching and donating all funds received.
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