pet raccoon legal

that raccoons are not meant to be pets. Something about their shape, their looks and size just appeals to humans. See our article, “Raccoons Do Not Make Good Pets” to learn why. Rabies scares me a lot.”. If they are permitted where you live, the best way to get a pet raccoon is through an established breeder. This is more or less the easiest part of having a raccoon for a pet.

For instance, some states don't allow the importation of raccoons from other states. Are you prepared to take all precautions for yourself and your household regarding disease transmission? They also require a widely varied diet of fruits, veggies, insects, protein and high-quality dog food. do not carry rabies (like those in Ontario), so this is not a risk to you or your pets. Like most pets, raccoons are very prone to becoming fat. These tangles must be brushed out very carefully with a wire brush or a dog grooming comb. But it's also ideal to take some of it to put in food puzzles or hide around their enclosure as a form of enrichment. Even where raccoons are legal it can be difficult to find a vet who specializes in them. And even when they're born in captivity or raised by humans, they typically retain their wild traits.

Vets are Rare They also love to chew on wires and pipes which can lead to flooding a bathroom or kitchen floor. - We are not sure. Once you are certain you don’t have any pets or small children who could be harmed by a raccoon, find a qualified vet and get your raccoon neutered and vaccinated against common diseases. Raccoons are adorable little creatures whose curbside antics are best left outdoors.

The mess they make when they eat is a sight to behold. That means you'll need to regularly change their water and feed them in a location where it's easy to clean up. Just Say No Without space, exercise and enrichment, they’ll get destructive in a hurry. Many people are scared and intimidated by these inquisitive creatures, so finding a sitter could be even harder than finding a vet. Overweight and obesity in raccoons will often cause them to succumb to heart failure and some if the very same problems obese humans face.

If a raccoon approaches you, yell, stamp your feet, clap your hands and make noise to scare the raccoon away. Socialization -

Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. And, being omnivorous, they may attack your other pets. © RSPCA 2020. You can simply put their food in a bowl. In the wild, raccoon dogs have large home ranges and so it would be unsuitable to keep this particular animal in an enclosure that doesn't provide the space and complexity of environment (water, hiding places, vegetation) they require to carry out their normal behaviour. I have a friend that has a pet raccoon, and it is the smartest, cutest, nicest thing ever!

This is the only defense mechanism that a raccoon uses, so it is used often. In addition, their "masked bandit" reputation doesn't just come from the dark markings around their eyes.

Many states do allow them as pets and while they are not the most common, some people actually have them in their homes. Therefore, we ensure that we always rehome raccoon dogs to wildlife parks and zoos, in pairs or compatible groups. These regulations also don't allow breeding and require raccoon dogs to be kept securely. “Raccoons don’t just eat their food or drink their water — they spread it all over the place. “Once they hit sexual maturity at about 6 months of age, they are no longer gentle and cuddly,” says David Seerveld, a wildlife expert, who warns that “suddenly and without warning” your formerly friendly pet raccoon could “bite your face off.”, He adds: “I’ve heard of many cases in which people keep pet raccoons and suddenly find themselves under attack without warning one day.

! For the raccoon, round worms can lead to blindness, damage the CNS and even to death. The question of whether or not they make excellent pets does depend on the owner, the situation and the state that is lived in.

- Before you would ever consider a raccoon as a pet, however, please check with your local laws and regulations.

Even if it were legal to domesticate a raccoon as a pet, you wouldn’t want to. These nocturnal mischief-makers will respond to their name, but they’ll pick and choose when and what they obey.

Many people build their own pen from wood and screening.

Some can be trained to use a litter box, a toilet or go outside on a leash, but there’s no guarantee your home won’t become a giant bathroom. This infection can be fatal,” she says. Finally, raccoons are nocturnal, which means they are most active at night. Are you prepared to not just child-proof but also raccoon-proof your home?

All environments that are totally unsuitable for a raccoon dog's complex needs. Look for skin flaking and excessive itching as a sign something is wrong. There are geographical differences when mating actually is in season between the north and the south. Areas where rabies and distemper are common among raccoons may prohibit private ownership of such animals and the fines may be stiff if you ignore these health hazards. A good breeder will be able to show you how they handle and interact with all of their young raccoons to help tame the animals and diminish their desire to bite.

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