What Are the Benefits of Eating Instant Oatmeal?
However, the type of fiber in these two types of bran is different. Oat Bran Vs. Oatmeal or Rolled Oats Processing Difference. Soluble fiber, like that in oat bran, absorbs water and forms a gel in the digestive tract, while insoluble fiber adds bulk without absorbing water. Wheat bran on the other hand contains insoluble fiber. ; December 2010, Connecticut State Department of Education; Nutrition Policies and Guidance for the Child and Adult Care Food Program; June 2010, University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension: Bran Flakes, Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute; Fiber; Jane Higdon PhD; December 2005, American Heart Association: Cholesterol, Fiber and Oat Bran, Leslie Beck, RD: Oat Bran, January 2009's Featured Food. They both serve as good sources of micronutrients, including B vitamins, magnesium and iron. Thus, oat bran is the outer casing or hull of oat groat. Potassium helps with blood pressure control, zinc and copper help keep your immune system healthy and selenium acts as an antioxidant. Wheat bran gives you more riboflavin, offering one-third of your daily requirement, while oat bran gives you about one-fifth. Wheat and oat bran have 6 and 5 milligrams of iron, respectively. So whichever food you decide wins the battle of oat bran vs. wheat bran, you'll want to get plenty of bran products in your diet. 23 Creative Thanksgiving Family Traditions, 15 Purse Essentials That Make Life Easier. U.S. National Library of Medicine Medline Plus: Protein in Diet; David Zieve, MD, et al. . Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. One cup of oat bran has 2 milligrams of iron, while the same amount of wheat germ provides 7 milligrams of iron. Please help us improve.
in political science from State University of New York and a Master of Environmental Law and a J.D. In terms of calories, a large discrepancy exists between oat bran and wheat germ. Wheat bran provides half a woman's RDI for zinc and about 40 percent of a man's, while oat bran provides 35 percent of the zinc a woman needs and 25 percent of the zinc a man needs. Walk down the cereal aisle at the grocery store and you'll notice immediately all of the health claims attributed to oat and wheat bran. One cup of oat bran offers 7 grams of protein, while one cup of wheat germ nets 27 grams. What Are the Benefits of Eating Spelt Flour? Read labels carefully and opt for whole grains or 100 percent bran eaten as cereal or incorporated into home cooking. There are slightly different health benefits from eating each one. Oat Bran Vs. Why wasn't this page useful? If you are looking to cut down on calories or lose a few pounds, then oat bran will likely be the better choice over wheat germ. Oat and wheat bran are both the outer layers of the groat, or kernel. LIVESTRONG.com may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. In terms of calories, a large discrepancy exists between oat bran and wheat germ. Bran is the by-product left over after processing the hard outer layer of the grain. Unlike soluble fiber, insoluble fiber is not associated with lower cholesterol. Wheat germ, meanwhile, contains 414 calories in a cup. On the flip side, wheat bran also promotes good health but in different ways.
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