Do not guess my fitrah ask me my fitrah. i dont want many wives, all i want my only wife. It is ever upon your Lord a promise requested.”
In later usage, this word was applied to any ‘most beautiful eye’ irrespective of the person’s gender. She is forced to hide it. Forget this health and food other things are not known by people.stop dreaming about hoors and telling people about them. Men and women can be mature and not mature. If you can’t have what you want in Jannah then when can you? Only the picking up of certain verses on paradise can not help one grasp the real, true, and original message on the subject. Why u feel jealous when everything is FAIR to you???!!!! CALORIES?? If men dont care about money who is doing the most corruption, money launder, thief???? the answer is big nooooooooooooooooooooooooo absolutely no , not even a single hadtih in any book of hadith, and now what u people say is yes there is no hadith but hadith is also wrongly translated another lame excuse. Allah gives 100 men powers to one man?????
And He (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) replied: He will be given power of 100(men).” [Abu Na’eem Sifat al-Jannah]. Same is true for men. But those powerful women never try to rape any men nor they try to force men to have sex with them. Is that love. I thìnk men whò agree with them have no respect fòr a woman and u said there r contradictions in hadith so we dont know which one to follow . all those prostitution women doing sex through love??? How do u know fatimah the daughter of muhammad saw and other women in this world will be being polygamy in heaven also how do u know?? You will be questioned for all the lies you spread and the hurt you cause to other people.
When god already mention in the quran “Therein you shall have (all) that your inner selves desire, and therein you shall have (all) for which you ask for” so if a woman wanting many hot guys in jannah means some selfish guys will stop allah not to give reward to that woman?? Shame on you. A man and woman will only have one partner at a time buy after years and years they want a change they will be able to do that. * Their glances, with big eyes (Of wonder and beauty) In explanation of this Verse, Ibn Kathir (May Allah have mercy on him) said the Verse shows Allah’s kindness, generosity and mercy in accepting the good deeds of all people, men and women, provided that they believe, in allowing them into heaven and in not decreasing rewards for their good deeds no even in the least. It is proven. Their look wierd on body. These clear statements need no comment, and they establish beyond the shadow of a doubt that whatever blessings are spoken of as existing in paradise, the one thing sure about them is that they are not things of this world. Jannah is a place of reward for all. I have asked my spouse to divorce me on his death bed as I think that will solve the issue, no hubby- no hurs to put up with. it could b man or woman. since scholar said all believing men will get 2 extra wordly wives and 72 wives from jannah. Purest of the purest men/women are supposed to go to Jannah. But I observed everything I think being boy is a better and bliss.
The marrow of her shins is visible to the eyes. Im marry third guy in Islamic way again but the same thing. “… …I shall not lose sight of labour of any of you who labours (in MY Way), be it man or woman………… .and shall most certainly bring them into the gardens…….” (3:195), “Anyone, be it man or woman, who performs honourable deeds, and is a believer, they will enter the paradise and not be harmed a speck.” (4:126), “We shall let anyone -who acts honorably and is a believer, whether it is a man or a woman, live a happy life and reward them with their earnings for the finest deeds they have been doing.” (16:97), “…….. They are light and dark, they are good men and good women, they are daytime and nitetime. ITs so funny when they say the survey about man thinking 60% about sex more than women. It will certainly be different from the worldly alcoholic liquor. It’s a blog of an abnormal person i mean the person who made this blog is sexiest and undressed guy who actually always spend his time thinking about naked houris . Women never tries to rape any man. It’s beyond normal bro.There beauty is unexplainable, they are white(white is not transparent).Just work on getting there and they will be of whatever colour you want. But no shortages will be in heaven. they keep it for themselves. I wanted have sex everyday but he could not do it everyday. Most Muslims just want to make Jannah. Intact they start the whole thing. You cannot call this desire of the desire of a pervert. as far as the hurs are concern , its really strange how some people r trying to inject the concept of male hurs but have no supporting from quran or hadith , all of u when u say there will be male hurs u say about the word hur ,ahwar bla bla bla, no one disagree that it refers to big beautiful eyes, and thats right a man could also have big beautiful eyes but what about the other attributes ??? When we look at ourselves and our nature, we realize Allaah’s infinite Wisdom and Justice in the way He has created us. In Arabic, it means spouse.
ALlah already put it in the quran so clear about this, ““Therein you shall have (all) that your inner selves desire, and therein you shall have (all) for which you ask for.” [Sura Fussilat 41:31-32]. Whats the use of the beauty of you still have to share your husband with 72 other women?!! ONe book say men will get 72 hoors other books say men will get 72 hoors plus 2 worldy wives, other book says men will get 72 hoors, plus 2 worldy wives pplus 80 thousands slaves u can have sex with, other book says u will get 72 hoors , plus wives, plus 80 thousands slaves, plus the markets u can go with no bargain.
Having extra women is in hadith not Qur’an. So it will be righteous if men get more women in Paradise and women in reality never need more than 1 husband due to their least amount times of sexual excitement. So women in this world can not have more than 1 husband, your perspective is in jannah the same thing? Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of Kafur, A spring of which the [righteous] servants of Allah will drink; they will make it gush forth in force [and abundance] They [are those who] fulfill [their] vows and fear a Day whose evil will be widespread And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive [Saying], “We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. I am muslim women, I ve been divorce 4 times because of my desire. I was personally struggling with this topic and the “man-made” explanations until I just read this comment and I have found peace. Now following are some Hadiths mentioning the number of the Hoors (houris) that Muslims will get in addition to the wives of this world in Paradise: According to Ibn Kathir (died 1373 CE) in his Holy Quranic commentary (Tafsir) of the above Surah Al-Rahman (55), verse 72: “The Prophet Muhammad was heard saying: ‘The smallest reward for the people of paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives (houris), over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from Al-Jabiyyah [a Damascus suburb] to Sana’a [Yemen]’.” [Tafsir Ibn Kathir], The Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said: “Every man who enters paradise shall be given 72 (seventy-two) houris; no matter at what age he had died, when he is admitted into paradise, he will become a thirty-year-old, and shall not age any further. Very good post BY A MAN: So wrong meaning there. My sister and her female friend listen the one of the imam or ulama talking about parfume. NO! Spouse could be man or woman. Its fruit is lasting, and its shade. But men want sex everyday and night all time. Religion prefers him. men are very rude about women. Are you looking at right resources and experts of islam. Do not listen to any other humans that will destroy your faith. It seems you are a grown up women and I need not elaborate more. You think Allah doesn’t know what we want? they say strange men are dangerous for women. Yes I want to be rude because muslim women are oppress innocent or clever women are oppressed by their own families. Now u compare women with GAY or LESBIAN. Would you like to read and understand Surah Ar-Rahman and it’s glorious verses, and then beg to differ ? The servants of Paradise will be both male and female. If u think all created men different desire than women, why god only created adam and eve not adam, eve, sandra, fatimah, julia??? I love sex so much shazia. Know that He will NEVER be unfair to you and He will give you ONLY and ONLY if He pleases. And woman is not special. happay to know that u r not rude, all we need both men and women is to become better humans it is only possible when we follow quran and sunnah , we dont need to degrade each other we should be kind and polite even if we disagree with each other we sholud respect other persons views, i apologize if i said some thing which u dont like purpose is not to hurt some one feeling but to share my views, orut is complicated but she is very innocent very bholi we like them any way majboori hai .hahahaha, I know my desires not you. "For the reciter of durood, Allah sends 70 blessings on him and the angels make dua for him 70 times., Pingback: 72 Virgins For Every Muslim? The word Atrab is the singular form of tirb which primarily means persons of equal age, or well-matched. When they mention will get rid of their jealousy MEANS WOMEN. Moreover, it has been shown on various occasions that, where the blessings of paradise are spoken of, these are nothing but physical manifestations of the spiritual blessings which the doers of good enjoy in this life too.
Grocery shopping? So ur perspective about jannah means u having 72 hoors and hundreds worldly wives. People use comment sense. well i think u r not mature enough to argue with, allah says the the wives of this world will be the wives in janah as well if both want to be toghather .if more than one wives of a person want to be with his husband than who r u to stop them ? He is looking only at the Qur’an and ignoring centuries of Islamic scholarship and the Sunnah and the Hadith. You should be moderate not too much freedom or restricted.
But stupid, bad women little silly things will take them all to hell.
This is what a man suffers in the world. They are saying that women want many other things in life. May allah forgive all of us and grant us jannah amin ya rabbal alamin Can someone please make nasira and all the haters stop with their foolishness?
Thats how alims say and thay are always right. He had a mother and daughter too.
But cousin marriage has become a rule of society. I take every step with his permission. People say men dont have that. That is the reward of the doers of good –“ Do you know what this mean?? IF u ask women how many time a day they think about sex. Just because someone shares this doesn’t mean he is abnormal or a pervert, or that he even believes this or wants any of this. I don’t believe people have the same body, let along the same gender after this life. People complain too much why this and why that and forget it is not heaven yet we are going through good and painful situation pain makes us a better human being. What woman wants to get married after reading this? Remember evil iblis cant change the alquran but hadist could. wakkakakaakakakaka. It could be man or woman.
It seems men never got jealous at all. Amazing collection of Lottttttts of Hadeeth… And another reason is all men are not wealthy enough to maintain their wives’ expenses. Allaah will marry the believing women to their husbands of the dunya if they were righteous and make them pleased with that. You will object but if you love your husband and god then you will take this path to your desired jannat, I joked a bit she has rights and husband should not be harsh on her.
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