7 Sun/AHAU – establishes a Balance of the Above and the Below, through a Revelation of Light on Earth. The 13-day Trecena Guide offers the highlights of this trecena and the aspects for each of the days. IX: EL SELLO MAYA DEL JAGUAR Publicado el julio 25, 2016 por Annie Perdomo Representación de la energía femenina, el sello maya IX es personificado bajo la figura del jaguar, y enmarcado como muestra del poderío valeroso que los dioses otorgan a los nacidos bajo su signo. Jaguar/IX is the most Spiritual of the Day Signs, guarding the Sacred Sites, Temples, … Their intelligence in science would make them great at careers as a doctor, biologist or mathematician. They know they have a higher purpose and will be very passionate in seeking out what it is. Referring to the early 16th-century, Landa calls Ixchel “the goddess of making child”. As we journey through each day of this Trecena: “Following your heart or intuition is the only method capable of weaving the unthinkably complicated patterns of creations (those of our own and others) into what we wish for ourselves and others.” This Trecena starts with 1 Ix (Jaguar) – Secretive, Astute, Strong, Powerful, Nocturnal Shaman. PEAK DAYS: Peak Experience, Peak Performance, Visit JaguarSpirit.com for today's Journal for 1 Jaguar/IX. Iconographically, however, such an equation is questionable, since what is considered to be the Classic Maya moon goddess, identifiable through her crescent, is always represented as a fertile young woman. The crest could be interpreted as a strong influential energy, although the underlying influence on the Trecena would still rest in the beginning. They are compatible with other signs from the North such as Flint, Wind, Death, and Dog.
On 9 Wind/IK a Portal Magnifies the Voice of the Creator that Calls us to Live for a Higher Purpose.
Jaguar / Ix Greetings Kin, As the unseen force that guards the sacred temples, Jaguar/IX is prepared to lead us on a journey through the silent places of our Soul.
[16], "Itzel" redirects here. "IX" is an element of the Mayan language that expresses the "feminine" aspect (like the "IX" in IMIX). Being aware of the predominant energy of the First Day of the Trecena, we can align our intentions with that energy and allow our goals to manifest. They need to focus more on positive people and the relationships they bring. Jaguar walks in stealth, so Highly Conscious of its surroundings that often the only sign of a Jaguar are the footprints left behind. Each Trecena starts with the Number 1, but with a different Day Glyph. Greetings Kin, The Jaguar paces on the periphery of our subconscious. The Jaguar/IX trecena has two Portals on the Peak Tones 7 and Tone 9. It is quite possible that several names were in use to refer to the goddess, and these need not necessarily have included her late Yucatec and Poqom name. The Mayan astrology sign Jaguars are full of charm and enjoy a very good love life. We learned the way to move forward in Spirit is to invest our Consciousness in an Intention, a Dream that we Create in our Imagination. This page was last edited on 15 October 2020, at 13:47. Jaguar energy attunes our inner instincts with the spiritual power of Itz. We are Awakened by a Call from the Creator. Check out our two best selling Mayan Calendar books: Given Free Will, All the Choices are up to us. [4] In their combination, the goddess's two principal qualities (birthing and healing) suggest an analogy with the aged Aztec goddess of midwifery, Tocî Yoalticitl.
They have a strong intuition and can come across as very mysterious, especially since they don’t disclose too much of themselves to anybody. It is a day on which to withdraw, meditate, and reconsider life, to formulate a new strategy, and to solve problems.
As a wave of the Thirteen Heavens, the underlying energy is governed by the First Day Glyph of the Trecena and influences all thirteen successive Day Glyphs. Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN, CLICK HERE TO READ FULL BLOG ARTICLE AND TO FOLLOW TZOLKIN DAILY, Mayan Scarves (Lady full Moon), Ixhunieta or Ix Uʼh jeta (Lady Moon rended), only vestured from the girdle down, and having the breast covered after the manner of the Indians". Date: April 8, 2018, Year However, her mythology may once have focused on the sweatbath, the place where Maya mothers were to go before and after birthgiving. They can be very competitive and manipulative. Trecenas are thirteen-day periods in the Tzolkin.
Jaguar energy attunes our inner instincts with the spiritual power of Itz. People are attracted to the mystery and spiritual energy that Mayan Jaguar’s possess. Mayan Day Sign Ix Alternative Name: Jaguar, Ocelot, Wizard Important Keywords: Keywords they should meditate on are spirit, passion, healing, psychic, wisdom, art, and intuition. [citation needed], Ixchel figures in a Verapaz myth related by Las Casas, according to which she, together with her spouse, Itzamna, had thirteen sons, two of whom created heaven and earth and all that belongs to it.
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