is damn a bad word

It’s probably too late to say “Heaven help me.”  Then again, some religions say it’s never too late for “Heaven help me.”  I hope I don’t need to find out. Maybe the tortured souls down there need tables, nails, and hammers too. When you want to say a swear word, but don't want to be offensive, people create "Minced Oaths". What was the deal with… Slaves of New York by Tama Janowicz? As in, "He was damned for all eternity", Edit: If someone in my started their speech with that sentence, I would automatically assume things of them. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. I thank you are about your comments because cursing is cursing just like that word you put in one of your sentences scrued A junior high teacher years ago used to say “Hot diggety damn!” whenever he got excited, and that was fun, but I never did that in public. Why is character "£" in a string interpreted strange in the command cut? I was thinking of using it for our mini speech at school. Society and individuals make a word 'bad' by way of their response to it. I got kicked out of school for saying damn. How to use damn in a sentence.

Like many swear words, it's okay to use in it's literal meaning. The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Damn has religious connotations. The words are similar enough that the intent is conveyed without actually saying the offensive word in question. Considering that the phrase 'literally' 'damns something to hell', As hiyosilver64 says it depends on audience though, My mom taught me I couldn't say it with the word God. The ones at the top would be more inappropriate in polite company, while the ones toward the bottom would be less offensive. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. i mean would a real speech with two people say i dont give a damn about politics. I don't believe in the made up *****. The fact that it sounds similar to the original word without sounding more similar to any other word. Far better than using ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’ – or worse. what is the meaning of " begrudging gratitude"? So just ask. From 9th grade to college is usually fine with most teachers. This is because Damn is considered a swear word in English, for historical and religious reasons (as SamBC mentioned earlier). Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. an exclamation of annoyance (often in exclamatory phrases such as, an exclamation of surprise or pleasure (esp in the exclamatory phrase, to praise so unenthusiastically that the effect is condemnation, something of negligible value; jot (esp in the phrase, The 14 Best Songs of 2014: Bobby Shmurda, Future Islands, Drake, and More, How Martin Luther King Jr. GOD DAMN, GOD DAMN so called christian bigots. He had just as much right to be there as any other damn body. Still have questions? You can even halfway invoke God by saying “Dagnabbit!” or “Goshdurnit” or “Guldernit.”  Oddly enough, I’ve never heard anybody say “Durnit!” or “Nabbit!” by themselves. If you want to be taken seriously and do well, do not use slang or curse words. Of course, damn is a bad word. Question about difference between “nut” and “eccentric” and “crazy” while talking to natives. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Hell is a horrible place to go, and it’s for eternity, so that should be reserved for only a select few.

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