i really wish i didn't still think about you i still think about you i hate thinking about you

If you’re looking for help or answers on any other topic, make sure you have a look at our range of psychic guides on our blog. I was unmotivated and didn’t want to shower; my room was a mess and I would stay inside and play games all day. The actual opposite of love is apathy.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Anyway I’ll never forget the time I got this feeling out of the blue I just thought if him and wondering if he would be online after not seeing him there for months and not even checking for even up to a year sometimes.

24-hour crisis line at 970.252.6220 or call 911. I had a really great relationship with a very good guy over 20+ years ago.

God help me.

But who knows? The sad thing is someone told me he was single and only around 3 months ago I found out he’s married with 2 children.

Stagnant water becomes dirty, stinky, disease-ridden, poisonous, deadly; that is your hate. "Why, she's a liar to the end!

Not there—not in heaven—not perished—where? He asked to make up our relationship again.. Is he thinking about me? I met this guy This year and I got on know him we started texting and then in about a week or 2 I fell in love with him. I was perfectly happy and feeling extra motivated. 23yrs. I felt mentally drained and didn’t enjoy school and was distant from good friends.” — Karalyn G. 9. im literally shaking my hand to get his goddamn energy the fuck off me and I haven’t seen him or slept with him in over 6 months.

All my friends are telling me hes bad for me and I’ve seen the red signs but I just cant stop thinking about him. I was so young. If so, someone in particular could be thinking about you! Your email address will not be published. I never listen to japanese music so there was no reason for it to be on auto. There was this guy I was involved with. all I want to do is move on. But young people do get depression — we just need to know the signs. For more information on how we use your data view our Our Privacy Policy, Calls cost €2.40 per minute from Eircom landlines, other networks may cost more. He popped in my head again. Then you are most likely in their thoughts too, especially if they are someone you don’t think about too often. Slowly but surely getting back to normal. Whatever it is I do miss him, just dont miss the things that took place from him which caused me to be pained.

I used to be really good friends with this guy but we haven’t talked in years because of something that happened with another person we see each other rarely but I’m always thinking about him I get a happy feeling when I think about him I wish we still hung out but we don’t. I hated the world so I made my own world in my head. There were times where I wished I would be treated as less than family and that I didn’t deserve a bed. There are gonna be plenties of crushes atound you. Wow!!!! There were a few glances here and there, nothing that really stuck out in my mind, I thought he probably had a little too much to drink and that was it. When I think about what happened a lump starts to build up in my throat. Hebjs a professional soccerplayer in Cyprus now.

When this happens he pops to mind , I’ll see reminders of him almost everywhere … his football team logo , or the name of his state/city , but more importantly before I got involved with him … I hardly ever saw or heard his name . He hurt his ankle before basic and was so glad when he was cleared to go to basic training he told me so many times he was my Friend “Therapist” when I had problems.

My ex lives in japan.. then.. , I had a distance relationship for almost 3 years ,i didnt hear from my bf all the day cause we had an argument, but when i was working i had sudden pain on my shest for moments was so weird , then the next day i get his text early in morning that he had brain aneurism and he is in hospital and thank god they saved him , it was a miracl ,but the crazy part that i did felt when something wrong was with him , like mothers instincts , but this was a lover instinct. It’s the first time you form a deep emotional attachment outside of your family, and if they love you back, then it is especially extraordinary. Not sure if hes thinking of me in those moments or just me not letting go yet.

I am a professional meet several men for business but I have strict boundries. I feel helpless. I cut him off because I wanted to give him an opportunity to move on. Allow yourself to feel anger, allow your waters to flow, along with all the paper boats of forgiveness. But most of the time I felt an energy from him.

I want to say I’m sorry. The only time family becomes null is when those ties in the heart are cut. I’m thankful I had a nurse sister who caught the signs and told me to see a doctor, but not everyone is as lucky.

Which it starts to get wierd is that at night when I go to sleep I dream about him eventhough I don’t think about him at all . I was constantly feeling as less than my siblings and had a streak to be perfect. Required fields are marked *. There’s day where I wonder if he still textes me or even thinks of me since we don’t go to the same school by any chance. Where is she?

Read our list of signs and see for yourself! Its gona be three years on an off meeting him casually for professional reasons, the way he looks at me or sometimes he ignores me like i hurt him its just killing me. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. I got my phone taken away so I haven’t texted him since then and I don’t know when I will get my phone back how can I tell him the reason why I haven’t texted him. I know him from school 15 years ago.

But still i get his thoughts. I got to know A few people that seemed nice but suddenly everything would withdrawn. I don’t know when this was posted but oh well. 13. I’ll get over him eventually….. All day long she is there. Please help me understand. “When I was really young, like grade-school, I never understood why all of the other children were so happy and carefree. Can’t get him out of my head. We see each other at some functions and wil talk for sometime and will say bye.

Growing up, most of us aren’t taught to look out for signs of depression.So if you’re experiencing it, especially as a teenager, it’s easy to think there’s just something wrong with you — and it’s easy for parents and other adults to pass you off as another moody kid.. When i was in kindergarten i met a boy we were best friends he moved in 1st grade then came back in 2nd grade i became bff with his sister than i moved i dont think of them much but i was watching fairy tail and all the sudden memories of him and I came rushing back for no reason i was in the middle of the episode and when i got back to my senses it was over it seems i lost all of my senses then all the sudden i started balling because i started thinking of him i still love him but why did i just randomly start thinking of him i didnt even relize i was thnking about him too was he thinking about me? I miss him, Every time I think about my crush, he chats me……. I also would sometimes dream of this girl. Families are made in the heart. I try to pretend nothing happens, but I don’t know… in my country we kiss hello and good-bye and even when we run into each other for like 2 minutes, we kiss hi and good bye. It is weird tho. !” while his name pops in my head….and after that it’s back to normal. It’s been a couple of months now since we stopped speaking. Hello, I don’t know why do I keep thinking about him. he doesn’t have any fucking power over me anymore. It’s been about 3 months now. I starting crying and I felt this strong I miss u emotion. i dont know why he pops up in my head.

It’s been about 3 weeks since I last heard from / chatted with the guy I love .

I feel whole and loved, and I know it’s related to her. I just don't like you.”, “Everything with me is either worship and passion or pity and understanding. I’ve wondering the same for the past weeks. But the point is I can’t stop thinking about him, and it hurts like heck because I’m pregnant and I know that he is with another woman, and he didn’t break up with me he just left me with no warnings. My teachers, especially in high school, would revel when I would crack a smile and laugh. You get an emotional surge. I get tingly sensation in my head, chest and sometimes in my private area as if he’s thinking about me emotionally and sexually. There is something about hate that tears down and is destructive. Sometimes there are people we meet in life who are impossible to forget, no matter how hard we try. And looking back, the signs were always there.” — Jessica I. This guy is older than me by 3 years and I know we can’t be together since I’m only 16 he left for the Navy almost a year ago when he graduated. Why wont he go away. “For me, it was not being able to focus. His smell his smile and all. Does any of this have a meaning ? I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. Believe me that him and I had the best moments that we just can’t let go. So after that I just told myself to forget him. If i do it, that means intentionally. Most of the time I ignored because we two are married and settled. Like I mean I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I frickin hate his guts…Well, I thought I did…Lately, I’ve found myself thinking about him, and when I do I can’t stop…But around 11:30, it just stops…What is happening to me? (18+). Every minute in my mind I am just thinking about my ex boyfriend, I tried very hard to forget him but the more I try the more I miss him. I have fallen in love with the plastic surgeon who botched my nose. he is married but for some reason he keeps poppin into my head. most of the time it is overwhelming, and hard to focus at work or anywhere. I cursed my self when i found him in my head during bed with my husband. I am constantly thinking about someone. Started to freak me out a little bit…, I dated this man for 6 months we lived together and his 4 yr old son was a big part of my life. Then the increased emotions came.

I would get so upset or so mad so quickly and without reason. I would say I wished he would wear an orange shirt and he would.

We have been involved for almost 6 months on and off and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him since we started. you said you cared nothing for my sufferings! Then months later he moved.

21. I have never had anyone dominate my mind like this before. I don’t know. he cried, with frightful vehemence, stamping his foot, and groaning in a sudden paroxysm of ungovernable passion.

My husband recently found out his father passed in may so we went to Texas to see his step mother.

I CAN FEEL HIM THINKING ABOUT ME. “In high school, I would wake up and cry because I had to go to school. yesterday I looked at him in his eyes while I was passing by. , is there a reason as to why the more I try not to think of him the more I’m being reminded of him ? you said you cared nothing for my sufferings! I’m not trying to think about him. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth.

I am constantly thinking about a lover that would have been my husband this year. I said its all wrong and ignored him from that day on. He is so impossible to forget! Well we started talking again of course and it was a happy talk we both were happy to see each other again…now again it’s been months and I got this feeling again…I don’t understand it really but definitely feel it’s different in some way there’s definitely some kind of connection with him that I feel, either that or I am just going crazy I understand how some of you feel though..if only we knew the answers. 18+.

During my work ii listened the radio, and an hour i heard 2 songs reminding to my ex girlfriend! The morning after I got a message from him.. We chatted for a bit and I ditched him again.. 3 month after similar thing happened with the same guy. he cried, with frightful vehemence, stamping his foot, and groaning in a sudden paroxysm of ungovernable passion. Then in the middle of my workout I just felt sad and started missing this guy I use to talk to.

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