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If enabled by your instructor, an answer format tip ET However, before we proceed to solve the Non-homogeneous equation, with method of undetermined Coefficients, we must look for some key factors into our differential equation. You should enter: 2+3*\(sin\(4*x\)\ \)^2. EMC (next functions are evaluated, giving sin\(4x\), next all exponents are t\ aken giving sin\(4x\)^2, )Tj (last expression work? Why does the last expression work? \(sin\(2\ \)\)*t. Be careful. 7 0 0 7 75.139 102.6679 Tm 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm /FontDescriptor 20 0 R This page was last edited on 28 June 2017, at 14:04. ET /Article <>BDC /T1_0 1 Tf
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WeBWorK is accessible from on and off campus, anywhere you have access to the internet. Also can be written |x|.
For example, if the two roots are , then the basic solutions would be: Let me know if you have any followup questions (or questions about anything else in the current WeBWorK assignment). You can use the )Tj For square roots, you can use sqrt() or the exponent (1/2). 7 0 0 7 75.139 438.6679 Tm 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 514.6 – 15 – 48 + 49 = – 3 C2 + C2 ( )Tj ( )Tj
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Step 2. 14 0 0 14 90 732.8679 Tm Use ('s and )'s to make your meaning clear. Change your password and update your email address. WeBWorK is the most widely used open source online homework platform, first created in 1994 and continuously evolving its capabilities ever since. ( )Tj (sin\( \) Note: sin\( \) uses radian measure )Tj
Exponents are taken right to left: 2^3^4 = 2^(3^4) = 2^81 = a big number. 7 0 0 7 75.139 196.4679 Tm One answer is x>=0 (x is greater than or equal to 0). 7 0 0 7 75.139 560.2679 Tm
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