how much is pastor melissa scott worth

She also studies classical music theory and works strategically with educational programs, libraries and correctional facilities.

ROKU - Search: Understand the Bible or Pastor Melissa Scott Streaming to 27 million active users. What should I expect to pay.

such as:**/**.jpg, Ask Question and Get Free Answers - JUST Ask And Answer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If you give all your money to the poor you feed them for a day. The 'fancy' Cathedral was lent to Dr.Scott and his Church members renovated it. An ordained minister, Pastor Melissa Scott became the full-time Pastor of Faith Center in 2005.

It seems limitless.? What's Dr. Gene Scott and Pastor Melissa Scott's net worth? She preaches every Sunday at Faith Center in Glendale, California. How much does a prayer request cost to receive a pastoral prayer by Pastor Melissa Scott?

Why does Pastor Melissa Scott insist she's the only voice when there are many excellent ministers? Consequently, his work is exhaustively researched, and during his lifetime he amassed the largest collection of rare bibles in private hands. Broadcasting over Satellite costs money....the owners of them don't do it for free. Ballpark? What's Dr. Gene Scott and Pastor Melissa Scott's net worth? Copyright © 2003-2011 JustAAA.Com All Rights Reserved. Error loading player: No playable sources found. Pastor Melissa Scott presides over a televangelist empire. Dr. Gene Scott and Pastor Melissa Scott are the first and only biblical scholars to provide 24/7 global access to pre-recorded and live messages, with students in 180 countries. Some have assumed that Dr. Scott divorced his first wife, Betty, to marry Pastor Melissa. Just Ask Questions And Answer Questions.You can ask any questions and get answers for free. What's Dr. Gene Scott and Pastor Melissa Scott's net worth?

When is Pastor Melissa Scott leaving L.A.?

In 1975 he began nightly live broadcasts as a televangelist, and eventually satellite broadcasts extended his services and talk shows to many countries. create How do I write to Pastor Scott?. this woman is called pastor melissa scott. The truth is that the first Mrs. Scott divorced him about 25 years before he ever met Pastor Melissa. She is a wolf in sheeps clothing..All she does is beg for money...There is alot of ways to lay up treasures in heaven.She preaches that tithing is one way to lay up treasure in heaven, but Ive never heard her preach on giving to the poor, helping a poor helpless family in need with no strings attached...She will never tell you that, because she wants it all for herself...She will eventually drain the bank accounts in her audience...WAKE UP PEOPLE,SHE IS A CON ARTIST, A SCAM ARTIST, AND SHE IS VERY GREEDY..I will NEVER EVER Send her a penny..Well, maybe one penny is all she will get from me...She needs to be investigated...She is probably got about 999 million dollars in the bank...probably more that is one billion dollars..She needs too stop complaining and wining to her congregation,,,,Its about GIVE ME, GIVE ME, GIVE ME, POOR ME, POOR ME,Well she needs to stop thinking about herself for a change and think about other people that are in need/SHE WILL HAVE TOO STAND IN FRONT OF ALL MIGHTY GOD SOMEDAY AS WE WILL ALL WILL...GOD WILL ASK HER WHY SHE NEVER HELPED THE POOR...WHAT WILL HER ANSWER BE...DONT LET YOURSELF GET INTO THAT SAME SITUTAION AS HER...WE WILL ALL HAVE TOO ANSWER TOO GOD SOMEDAY...EVEN MYSELF..I AM NOT JUDGING HER, I AM STATING THE TRUTH ABOUT MELISSA SCOTT.ANONOMYS.

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