gary smalley personality types

(Prov 31:22). (Gary Smalley) (Prov 31, Titus 2:4, Eph 5:33), Men usually don’t care to shop with their wives, because of their different natures. If someone you are interested in doesn’t know Jesus and actually discourages your faith, forget it! The man usually doesn’t. 5. What kind of family background do they come from? Share intimate feelings with a friend of the opposite sex.

It’s giving up selfishness and self-centeredness. Repent and ask the other to please forgive you, when you see that you have wronged them in any way. Pray and ask God to keep your heart pure. (Matt 7:24-25, Romans 8:28), Pray together daily. First, it is sin (fornication) and dishonors both God and parents.

Once we know our type, we can see strengthens and weaknesses. Glorify God in your body, soul and spirit. Be determined and make your intentions very clear. The old ‘ If you love me you will’ is twisted around. ‘No’ is a bible word!

They want to seek, find and conquer. 4.

No, the above subtitle is not the name of a rock band. The bible calls them unnatural and perverse. Get to know your mates ‘love language’. Ask the question "What I heard you saying was this or that. The woman usually will like movies that are about romance and the family. 6. Also, withholding affection for an extended time as a punishment is not wise. Go on a date once in a while to keep the romance alive.

Men sometimes need to just listen!

(Prov 13:12), If you have to bring up something negative always ask God for wisdom.


God will often use our marriage partner to point these out. (1 Cor 6:18-20, Matt 18:6-7, 1Thes 5:22, Matt 6:31-33), A husband or wife can be a gift from God, but they are not God. (James 1:13, Heb 2:18, 4:15), Every premarital relationship that you open your heart to and then have it torn apart will leave scar tissue. Not being considerate enough to call if you’ll be late or plans change. Thus men, by just seeing their wife undress, can be ready for relations, even after a disagreement.

First, ask him to do it. First base is talking, second base holding hands, third base is kissing and home base should be intercourse in marriage. (Matt 5:37), Keep your virginity! Communication is like playing ball. Women, on the other hand, usually ‘become romantic' by pleasant things that have happened earlier in the day.

As quickly as you can, pray and get your spirit under control of the Holy Spirit. If you never taste sugar, then you won’t crave it. Church youth groups serve well to meet this need.

A spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ will cause you to live a pure lifestyle. (Josh McDowel ) (Ps 1:1-3, 1 Cor 15:33, 1 John 1:5-7, Heb 10:25), Men should make a covenant with their eyes not to look on women to lust after them. That scar tissue makes you hardened in certain areas.

She shouldn’t be overly romantic or spiritual by assuming he should just know what she wants. That means don’t let your anger get out of control and drag on for days. That means the husband has the final decision or the ‘buck stops here’ role.

Saying ‘you’re welcome’ says you were happy to help. (Neil Warren). Dishonor comes when one of the following occurs: 1.

One of their favorite boxes is the ‘nothing box’, in which they watch TV, fish or do something when they just don’t have to think at all!

They define us as being ‘The Lion’, the ‘Golden Lab’, the ‘Otter’ and the ‘Beaver’ type of personalities. (1 John 4:11-12), The bible says to ‘leave and cleave’ when married.

Be filled with God’s spirit. Women like to relate by being ‘face to face’ and intimate. Disagreements should be discussed in private.

Once known, make the effort to show them in ‘their way’ your love. By reading God’s Word and following its rules a man can stay pure. (Facing the Giants movie) (Ps 51:10, Matt 15:19, Romans 12:3 ), Relationships influence our behavior. Watch the facial expressions and their body language as they speak.


Talk about finances, paying bills, cooking, cleaning the house, the holidays, when to have children, the chlidren's religious training and such. They are very impulsive and can act before thinking.

(Song 8:4), Fact, premarital sexual relations or even pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean that your partner will love you. And, after all, you chose them! Marriage is the basic building block of all human society. I suggest that each morning you gather to say the Lord’s Prayer. They want to settle down and make a home for their family. (2 Cor 11:2, Song 8:4), Flee fornication!

Do you have your parents blessing, as well as your Pastor and friends blessing? Insults will usually just discourage a man. If you are too young or know marriage is not an option, make it clear that you will keep all relationships at first base or the friendship level.

Don’t go there. Men are ‘sight oriented’ when it comes to sexual arousal. Third, don’t use insults to motivate him because it rarely works. The married or engaged couples would find it most beneficial to read and talk about these points with their marriage partner. Don’t feel you have to snap back an answer. (Eph 4:26-28), Sometimes dissatisfaction in marriage arises because of ‘unspoken expectations’. The man should explain that he wants some time to pray and think about things before acting. God is love and will shed his love in your heart as you pray in faith believing! Then it will evolve into arguing with each other and then move to name-calling. That means cut the apron strings.

Watch those credit cards. God’s word is a light unto our path. In fact, God will cause everything to work together for your good, even the trouble. This way the child will feel secure and be taught by example how we are to treat each other. Stay in control and be patient. Your love should be unconditional. Otherwise, an unmarried couple should not be alone with the lights down low, drinking wine and listening to romantic music. With the national divorce rate at 50%, the 2004 census showing an 80% divorce rate and a high teen pregnancy rate in Whiteside County, Illinois, here are some brief thoughts that might just help. Wives should keep themselves looking attractive and keep Dad wanting to come home. 11. In short, love each other! So, men should remember that talking, praying together, a small gift, being helpful and kindness all make for a better marital experience. (James 1:19), When shifting from listening to speaking, take your time.

To enhance communication and to avoid misunderstandings, learn to practice 'reflective listening'.

What God reveals he heals. (Exodus 20:3).

Men are by nature hunters. Don’t take each other for granted. Maybe the wife expects the husband to do things that her father did for her mother. For instance, say something like "I feel really bad when you do that", Remember to fight fair when in conflict with your mate.

(Malachi 2:16, Eph 5:31-32), ‘One’ in the bible means exclusive or cannot be duplicated. The are “Let’s keep things the way they are” type people. If in reading through these thoughts, you realize you have messed up in an area, don’t feel it’s the end with God. (Gal 5:16, 22, 25, Eph 5:18), Attitude is the ‘aroma of the heart’.

(1 JOHN 1:9). This is an accumulation of their teachings.

The main ways are through affirming words, gifts, touch, a helping hand or time together. Seek parental advice, but make your own decisions and create your own family traditions. Men fellowship with other men ‘shoulder to shoulder’ and as equals. Does this person inspire you to be a better individual and serve God? (Pastor Mark Gungor). (Romans 14:22-23), If there is help needed in the area of intimacy, there are many tastefully written books available on the subject. The key is to make sure you are thinking about ‘only your wife’, otherwise cast them out! The need for affection may be romantic or the body chemicals have built up to cause a strong desire for union. Words and deeds must compliment each other to ring true. A rotten attitude reflects something bad is in the heart. Only the one with the ball can speak. 4. Can you have meaningful conversations, which includes discussing things of God?

Always, speak the truth in love.

Make major financial decisions without consulting one another 4. For an example, “John is patient, John is kind, John does not envy,……”. We can count on Jesus to help us to stand in our times of temptation. 7. His perfect will is that children are raised in a stable and loving environment.

Not providing or withholding needed physical affection 6. (Craig Hill), When you cut down the one you married, you cut down yourself, because you are one. Never do or say anything to break that bond of trust between you and your marriage partner. 2.

3. (Matt 5:23,24, 1 Cor 13:4), We all have ‘blind spots’ and irritating things we do. (Romans 6:23, 1 John 3:7,8, It’s not a sin to be tempted, but we must resist the temptation to sin.

Never try to make anyone or anything be your God and to meet all your needs. So control that temper. Wisdom will instruct you in what to do or say to bring about the needed changes. (Proverbs 15:1, 16:24), Always confirm your relationship before bringing up something negative. This is especially true if you are in junior high or high school and are not mature enough or ready for a relationship to develop. In choosing a marriage partner, you might consider the following before saying 'I do': 1.

As goes the family so goes a nation. Treasure hunt the difficult times for God’s lessons.

Live righteous and you’ll reap the most good out of this life. It indicates one or both have stopped trying. In the context of marriage and the resulting family, we are to find companionship, nurturing, security and love.

Men should treat women as sisters, with all purity.

(Matt 18:15-16), A husband’s greatest basic need is to feel adequate and respected by his wife. If a wife only wants a listening ear they need to tell the husband that she just desires him to know how she is feeling. (Heb 13:4, Mark 10:9), God hates divorce and abuse. Is that right? God wants marriage to reflect Christ’s loving relationship with his church. The Beaver type people are great bookkeepers and scientists, but aren’t the best with people.

The ‘Otter’ type person is playful, enthusiastic, a risk taker, visionary, motivator, energetic, very verbal, promoter, friendly, enjoys popularity, fun-loving, likes variety, spontaneous, enjoys change, creative, optimistic and inspirational.

For instance, she may be better at handling the finances. Make Jesus the head of your home.

This is especially true if one feels some sexual act is morally, physically or emotionally uncomfortable.

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