eurofox for sale europe

PlaneCheck offers nice price reduction features; many flight test reports and large pictures are included. The Euro­FOX wing­fold is a stan­dard and cen­tral fea­ture of the air­craft, there is no wear and tear, it is designed to have the wings fold­ed on a dai­ly basis if that is required. Feel free to contact us if you are interested to buy or sell an earoplane or yacht, even if it is not on this website. Vne 128 mph fuel capacity 14.8 gallons range 435 miles -- five hour endurance capability.

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Powered by the popular 100hp Rotax 912, it has a comfortable wide cockpit with good visibility and access through a forward-hinged canopy. Latest model with legacy instruments but beneffitting from a Garmin GTN750 WAAS GPS.

Loads of Extras. 1046 TT. As a NON EASA annex II aircraft operating on a LAA or BMAA permit to fly, the EuroFOX offers owners real versatility, usability and flexibility. The EuroFox is intended to work ideally under the pending "Light Sport Aircraft" rules, with these new rules expected to be enacted in late-2003.

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Piper Cup.

The air­craft is a high wing STOL air­craft with class lead­ing han­dling, spec­i­fi­ca­tion, pay­load and per­for­mance that can­not be matched by its direct com­peti­tors. These films are coat­ed with a pres­sure-sen­si­tive, acrylic adhe­sive suit­able for use on a wide vari­ety of clean, dry sur­faces. Buy and sell planes and helicopters online at

It is joy to fly and own, extreme­ly com­fort­able with respon­sive, coor­di­nat­ed con­trols which immerse the pilot in the plea­sure of flight. We are using high per­for­mance ImagePer­fect™ 5700 foils for stick­ers. AEROTREK SLSA AIRCRAFT • $99,950 • LSA FOR SALE • new 2021 Aerotrek A220 taildraggers and A240 tricycle-gear, factory-built light-sport aircraft - SLSA. Pipistrel Velis Electro: First Type Certified Electric Airplane. Finance subject to status. Prices from. It will cruse at 100 Knts with the Rotax fuel burn of 15-18 Lph. This saves a lot of stor­age place and allows the road trans­port.

like to see the world from a different angle ? Imron Fleet Line is advanced prod­uct sys­tem for com­mer­cial vehi­cles, trucks, bus­es and trail­ers. The EuroFox is manufactured by the AEROPRO company in Europe and has been in production since 1990 with over 143 aircraft now having been produced. The EuroFOX is a joy to fly, with exceptionally well-coordinated controls resulting in many customers upgrading from the some of the traditional microlights and graduating to a more inspiring flight experience. There is no damage history. Trade In’s Welcome! Contact Contact Favourite Compare Aircraft More Info. This faciltiy is exclusive to EuroFOX where we stock all spares and consumables, offer service, repairs, permits test/check flying, demonstration flights and advice. The EuroFox is now available in the U.S. and Canada and offers excellent performance at a very good price! Fuel lev­el indi­ca­tors are part of each tank, the min­im­im fuel warn­ing light is mount­ed as stan­dard. Other offers may be available but cannot be used in conjunction with this offer. A com­pre­hen­sive under­coat pack­age enables you to apply Imron Fleet Line to a vari­ety of sub­strates. 912iS Tail wheel . These engines are used in over 90% of the world's LSA aircraft, very reliable and economical, why would you risk choosing anything else? Aircraft registration, contract preparation and legal service, apostille, assistance when buying, leasing. Browse 166 aircraft for sale or refine your search for used planes or helicopters below.

ImagePer­fect™ films in the 5700 Pre­mi­um range are suit­able for indoor and out­door appli­ca­tions. Rotax 912 S2 (100 HP; TBO 2000 hr or 15 Years) There are not many aircraft that I can definitely say have such harmonised controls.

Grady White 225 Tournament.

two-seat (side-by-side), high wing, tricycle-gear aircraft quick-folding wings -- just a one-person, eight-minute job! Aeropro has been producing aircraft since 1990 with now over 500 aircraft now flying around the world. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. For info about the pending "Sport Pilot" proposal, visit the EAA web site. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

4519 TT. Our instru­ment pan­el is spe­cial in that it allows the use of almost any large-screen GPS (includ­ing the iPad or iPad mini! door locks and carpeted cockpit floor large skylights elevator trim and flaps aerodynamic main wheel and nosewheel pants dual landings lights meticulous attention to details large instrument panel complete flight and engine instrumentation is standard and includes: airspeed indicator, 0-20,000' precision altimeter, vertical speed indicator, compass, slip indicator, and Rotax FlyDat digital engine monitoring system which provides for engine rpm, oil temperature, oil pressure, water temperature, four EGT's, and hour meter options available the 100-hp Rotax 912S engine, two-color paint, strobes, and BRS parachute recovery system (see our EuroFox Options web page) the EuroFox is factory-built and test-flown and delivered completely checked-out and ready to fly! The sys­tem of com­mon rear wing hinge and tilt truss axes allows the wing to tilt along the fuse­lage rear part. The EuroFOX is a real fun and engaging aircraft capable of operating from the shortest and roughest strips.

All the contents, media and graphic elements presented on this website, except logos which belong to the third-party companies, are owned by Plane4You company and are protected by law. Check out the latest aircraft for sale in Europe, or put your own airplane up for sale! Back wheel is equipped by the tire with dimen­sion 210×65 mm. Euro­fox has roomy cock­pit 112cm — wider than a Cess­na 172!

As tail­drag­gers go, the for­ward vis­i­bil­i­ty is very good and with the Euro­fox 2K hav­ing clear poly­car­bon­ate doors the vis­i­bil­i­ty out the side of the air­craft is excep­tion­al. For more information view our updated Privacy & Cookie Policies. If you have any questions, please contact us: All the contents, media and graphic elements presented on this website, except logos which belong to the third-party companies, are owned by Plane4You company and are protected by law. The Euro­FOX can be spec­i­fied as a tail drag­ger or nose wheel, and with the major­i­ty of EU glid­ing sites being unpaven grass strips, often bog­gy, some­times short in length, only the Euro­FOX tail drag­ger with tun­dra tyres will do. Dlhá 126 Nitra-Janíkovce 949 07 Slo­va­kia. Home > Europe > Piston Airplanes > Single Engine > Ultralights. Insurance Operating Costs Financing. Europe, For Sale by Europlane Sales Ltd. Year 2001; S/N - Total Time 1060; 2001 Cessna T-182T Turbo.

Now Sold. All engine con­trols are placed on the instru­ment board. £953.75, 58 x Payments of                               £703.75, Final Payment                                    £703.75, Duration of Agreement                      60 Months, APR -                                                 8.9%, Flat Rate of Interest                           4.48%, This representative example is for illustration purposes only and does not constitute an offer. 2011 CESSNA 162. Euro­FOX 2K is a tail­drag­ger type with con­trolled tail wheel and are equipped by the pre­mi­um Beringer dual toe brake sys­tem oper­at­ed from the left and right seat and is avail­able with sev­er­al tire options.

Eurofox 912iS Tailwheel (sale agreed) United Kingdom. undefined.

In excellent condition, one of the latest build models from 2007: our planes are eas­i­ly trail­er­a­ble or can be stored in rel­a­tive­ly small spaces our planes will fit into an enclosed trail­er (while some planes with fold­ing wings are too wide to fit into an enclosed trail­er) our planes give the option of using an enclosed trail­er as portable hangar with hangar space being unavail­able or ridicu­lous­ly expen­sive in many parts of the world, our tru­ly trans­portable air­craft has a great advan­tage over almost all oth­er planes. Aeropro has been producing aircraft since 1990 with now over 500 aircraft now flying around the world.

It con­sists of a wide range of prod­ucts, from under­coats to top­coats. Very well-equipped for $99,950.00 including radio, intercom, and transponder.

Euro­fox 2K tail­drag­ger fea­tures a com­pos­ite main land­ing gear and has wide-spaced main wheels to aid with cross-wind land­ings and take­offs, as well as result­ing in supe­ri­or ground han­dling. User mini profile.

Sorry no location available with such name. Sign up for free aircraft sales alerts and digital aviation magazines now. £1,085.43, 34 x Payments of                               £835.43, Final Payment                                    £35,835.43, Duration of Agreement                      36 Months. MAUW increase to 3100lbs. €85,000.

Main under­car­riage car­ry low-presure tires with the dimen­sions 15×6.00–6 with tube (or 14×4 /4.00–6/) and are equipped by the hydraulic disk brakes oper­at­ed from the left and right seat. All finance is subject to status and income.

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