did the burning of the library of alexandria set humanity back

Of these, a full 245 are not about pagan statues etc, but are devoted wholly to detailed denigration of the ignorant Christian monks who destroyed the temple. A library so extensive that the emperor Julian later had it confiscated for his personal use. Jordan Maxwell and Santos Bonacci, SHADOW-BANNED Interview – Dr Katherine Horton – What They Don’t Want You To Know, Eva Pichler Selbsthilfegruppe Mobbing Netzwerk Österreich. For instance, would they even have been interested in works in Egyptian? Tim O’Neill’s forthright blog does a valuable job in keeping us all honest, and reminding us that historical evidence rarely behaves as one might want it to.” –, A. G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture at the University of Cambridge, “A brilliantly erudite blog that stands sentinel against the wish-fulfilment and tendentiousness to which atheists, on occasion, can be no less prey than believers”, – Tom Holland, best-selling history writer, “Tim O’Neill’s blog is a fantastic place to turn for critical investigation of commonly-held assumptions about religion in the ancient world.”, – Professor James F. McGrath, Butler University, “Tim O’Neill is a known liar …. The mystery exists not for lack of suspects but from an excess of them.

But the practical applications of his study of pneumatics and dynamics were more toys and curiosities than any great leaps forward in technology.

The burning of the Library of Alexandria ranks among the worst crimes ever committed against humanity. Despite his earlier rant on George plundering statues from the Serapeum, he nowhere mentions the possibility George could have taken books from the Serapeum.

But then a screaming mob of irrational Christian zealots puts this treasure of science and learning to the torch, thus ushering in the Dark Ages and setting back technology by one thousand years.

an asscrank …. On the contrary, the letter to Ecdidicius mentions George’s private library (perhaps hundreds of books, but not tens or hundreds of thousands as in a public library).

The idea of a universal library in Alexandria may have been proposed by Demetrius of Phalerum, an exiled Athenian statesman living in Alexandria, to Ptolemy I Soter, who may have established plans for the Library, but the Library itself was probably not … Probably next to nothing, and certainly nothing of importance was lost. “Now we agree Ammianus started to write his work in the late 380s.”. “he famously says that Rome had now entered its final stage (“declining into old age, and often owing victory to its name alone” 14.6.3).”. The name "Egypt" derives from the Greek components: ΑΙΓΑΙΟ-ΗΠΤΙΟ=behind (the) Aegean (sea). The idea that if the Great Library had not been burned down by wicked Christians we’d all be living in gleaming space cities on Europa or Callisto is, therefore, a silly fantasy.

By the way, the current moral decay is because religion is dying but people have not been educated in school and outside it, to use Reason and Philosophy to figure out what is righ and moral. Alexandria was founded in Egypt by Alexander the Great.

“Julian says he has seen most (if not all) of the books in George’s collection in Cappadocia”. But prefatory remarks at the beginning of Books XV and XXVI indicate that the book was published in instalments.

It would be very strange for him to do so, since neither half of the Empire came to an end in the wake this battle and neither seemed in any danger of doing so, despite the shock of the defeat and its losses. If that sack didn’t mean the death blow for the institution, Diocletian probably finished the job when he too sacked the city in 295 AD, and it was later devastated by a major earthquake in 365 AD.

11 comments Firstly, there is no mention of any library, only books.

Unfortunately, it also burned down part of the city - the area where the great Library stood. Does Newfoundland Have the Oldest Intact Ancient Ships in the World? Media Review.

face-palming is inevitable.

Did Jesuits Create the Legend Behind Noam Chomsky? For instance, Mark Antony was supposed to have given Cleopatra over 200,000 scrolls for the Library long after Julius Caesar is accused of burning it. Interdimensional Radar Short Summary / Interdimensional Detox/Clearing Protocol History´9/2020.. KW20-36 Regierungsbetrug Reichstagsskandal – Christoph Hörstel 2020-9-5, “Wir beenden die endlosen Kriege” – Trump kritisiert Pentagon, Gerhard Ulrich on Terror by the Judicial System, Jordan Maxwell | Religion Has Nothing To Do With God | Spirituality, SPD Schröder zu VStGB §6+§7 Völkermord von Harsewinkel, OWL, BRD bis Serbien, Kosovo & Jerusalem, Best of Denkwerk | Compilation 1h HaJo Müller. This is nonsense. The writings of Aristotle made to Europe from the Muslim world, which then made inroads into Christian theology. “You are right to mention Julian’s own open letter (in Socr. Billionaires Against Humanity: Vaccines & Viruses Are Pivotal to the “Depopulation” Agenda, The Knights of Malta, Wall Street, Blackwater, Pentagon, CIA…, ELANA FREELAND – AUTHOR – IONIZED SKIES & TRANSHUMANISM, Anti-virus creator John McAfee arrested over tax evasion charges, Newsbreak 92: Dave Case Updates On Beating Tinnitus & Intrusive Neurotech, Zionazis-Bolshevic MJ12s NWO Department of Offense and Archontic Invasion and Infiltration of Sophias World – DoD NDQ BCI Torture Interface against the World…, Bill Gates Partners DARPA For New DNA Nanotech COVID-19 Vaccine, How a secretive Pentagon agency seeded the ground for a rapid coronavirus cure, The Matrix Trilogy – The Gnostic Ideas Hidden In The Movie, CERN: Paralleuniversumsöffnung / LHC: Making Contact with Parallel Universe, Clues you may be involved in the Super Soldier or Secret Space Program, SSP Asset 60 and back through quantum leap time travel, DNA and Genomic Sequence Profiling Genetics, Dark Fleet Torture & Punishment Prison Barge Ships in Space, Water Memory & Pentagon Bioweapons & NWO Cancer Mafia, Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale, No Chip Required: Biocoded DNA Resonant Frequency Links Targeted Individuals to Mind Control Matrix, Russischer Oberst über Corona – Vorboten des 4.

| Dr. med. a hack …. [and] mysticism” which caused this jewel to be burned down that continue to inspire anger in many people. Context matters.

So who did burn the Library of Alexandria?

“he nowhere mentions the possibility George could have taken books from the Serapeum”, “Therefore, we can rule out that George took books from the Serapeum, let alone that he plundered a substantial part of that library.”. Or that a bibliophile like George could never have brought himself to liberate any books in the process. Wikipedia, 2014.

Orestes was said to be under the influence of Hypatia, a female philosopher and daughter of the "last member of the Library of Alexandria".

Rome had long since ceased to be the Imperial capital, even of the western Empire and he is describing how “the venerable city” was one of “nothing save dissensions, taverns, and other similar vulgarities”. Many writers seem to equate the Library of Alexandria with the Library of Serapis although technically they were in two different parts of the city. Archons and Mind Parasites and Extremophiles, Oh My! I haven’t seen the review, mainly because I read the /r/badhistory critique of it. Oh please.

In a 2002 paper that debunks several of the myths about the Great Library (see Bagnall, “Alexandria: Library of Dreams”, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol.

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