czech army surplus

Now available. Sold 3 in the last two weeks. All Rights Reserved | Shopify by

For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. {{ getTextTransByKey('products.product.out_of_stock') }}. Now available. Produced through the 1990s/2000s. Now available.

Sold 43 in the last two weeks. Sold 14 in the last two weeks. Now available. Here you'll find great bargains on all types of military clothing and gear including:

Now available. Originální montáž na noční vidění (NVG) na helmy typu ACH, MICH, PASGT.... Celošněrovací taktická obuv v černé barvě. Sold 14 in the last two weeks. Show. © 2018 Epic Militaria. Sadly, there is one big downside to dealing military surplus – the availability of gear changes wildly and the supply is varying at best.

For example delivery to EU area from 5.29 to 10.50 EUR, Sweden 49 SEK, the United States 9.99 USD, the United Kingdom 6.59 GBP and Canada 12.99 CAD. With the help of analytics and marketing cookies, we collect information about the use of our website. Now available. Temporarily out of stock. Sold 34 in the last two weeks. Instead it was supposed to be a work uniform that could soak up stains without looking too messy. Army surplus finds its way to the civilian market in the following way: the armed forces of one country or other decides to get rid of big batches of perfectly serviceable gear due to cuts in military budgets, said gear becoming obsolete or redundant or some other similar reason.

Now available. Temporarily out of stock. It is made up of two large compartments, one accessible from the top and one accessible... A genuine belt loop from the Czechoslovakian Army to match any potential Czech Belts and suspenders you may have lying around. Sold 52 in the last two weeks. SPM-Liberec / Sewing Development Czech Company s.r.o. Now available. Czech M85 Jersey. We have parkas, caps and more in the Czech 95 Camo Pattern, as well as massive Paratrooper backpacks. Temporarily out of stock. Here we have a rugged Czech Army Field Belt. Sold 10 in the last two weeks.

To samé platí např. Now available. With military green elastic straps and artifical leather accents, these suspenders remain forever in-style despite being manufactured over 30 years ago. About us Now available. Sold 5 in the last two weeks. Now available. Now available. Czech Army Surplus. Sold 70 in the last two weeks. Repro německého koženého opasku WH s vnitřním jazykem. Terms and conditions Jsme přímí dovozci vojenských potřeb a outdoorového zboží z celého světa. Army shop - eshop a pět kamenných prodejen. Sold 156 in the last two weeks. Get bundled up this winter with this genuine Czech Military Surplus Parka 3/4 length stylish coat. Temporarily out of stock. Temporarily out of stock. The M85 combat trousers were part of the well-received clothing system the Czechoslovakian's designed during the 1980's. Snažíme se veškeré naše zboží průběžně doplňovat a držet jej tak neustále skladem, takřka 100% zboží je tak připraveno k okamžité expedici. Registered customers The Czechoslovakian Army provides some of the best glove liners in the game. Now available. The pattern is made up of dark vertical lines on a disruptive, green background. You can change these settings at any time you want by clicking on the Cookie Settings link at the bottom of the page. Ochranná 4-vrstvá rouška pro jednorázové použití. Now available. Privacy Notice, Shop and Bar Sotima info For this same reason we will not promise to put aside larger sizes for customers, as we cannot be certain that we'll ever get said sizes. Sold 4 in the last two weeks. Multifunkční nákrčník s funkcí respirační ochrany. Now available. This is a good general purpose bag that will keep out the rain. Domestic shipping and payment Cookies, bloody cookies! Plastová voděodolná muniční bedna od německé firmy A.B. Czech Feild Kitchen Set from the Czech Army in the 1950's era, It includes a ladle, a wooden spoon, three metal containers, a can opener and a two pronged fork, fits nicely into a convenient insulated carrying bag, measure 8" by 7" by 5.5", 9.5" by 7" by 6.5", and 11" by 7" by 8"., in great condition! Helma se jmenuje SŠ-68. Military equipment is traditionally excellent stuff; it combines durability with very affordable prices.

All Rights Reserved. Sold 65 in the last two weeks. Czech Military Bag. $9.95. Sold 8 in the last two weeks. plastová Cal. This is a very interesting duffle bag from the cold war era Czech army. Every once in a while we also get random batches of collectibles and rarities from obscure corners of the world, keep your eyes peeled for these! Tel: +358 10 320 3813 Now available. Sold 11 in the last two weeks. To summarise: the above text only applies to used military equipment. Temporarily out of stock. Some of this stuff then finds its way to our storehouse, sometimes directly, sometimes through a third party. Now available. Sold 104 in the last two weeks. More about them soon-ish! Sold 37 in the last two weeks. "}, {{ decodeHtml(cartResProduct.blockTitle) }}, {"en":"Subscribe To Our Mailing List","fr":"Rejoignez-nous. Clicking on that link will lead you back here where you can update the settings.

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