college essays about the ocean

For example, be aware of what we throw down the sink or toilet. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, Your Deadline is Too Short?

Since the early 1970s many laws and regulations have been passed to help protect the ocean. Pesticides are used to kill insects, but it is also toxic for fish and birds. Besides weapons, drugs like marijuana are reportedly. Solvent litter like paints or oil should not be thrown down the drain as it will slowly flow to the ocean through the streams and rivers. Because of the.

This has led to coral bleaching where the organisms that help make up the coral die (Buchheim, 1995). We as humans, need food and most times medicine to survive and to be healthy. We’ll create a custom essay about "The changes in the ocean" written to your specifications. You can get 100% plagiarism FREE essay in 30sec, Sorry, we cannot unicalize this essay. “ Counselors regard the promise of confidentiality to. “Prevention is better than cure. ” It is not just the government’s responsibility, but is every individual’s responsibility to put in effort to help control and prevent the pollution of the ocean. For ages we have been dumping our trash, chemicals, and waste into the oceans, think of the ocean as a place of peace, or a getaway from our busy lives. The pollution of the ocean is rapidly becoming a crucial problem on Earth. It comes back down as rain or snow and is washed out to the ocean. It is known that the coral reefs provide habitat for fish and other protein-rich food sources for people as well as tourist attraction sites. Since the beginning of the human race, people have flocked to the ocean. A lot of people are unaware that huge portion of the pollution problem can be tracked right back to their own backyards and homes. Students who find writing to be a difficult task. Ocean currents play an important role in the supply of the necessary nutrients required to sustain lives in the marine ecosystem. You can order Unique paper and our professionals Rewrite it for you. Sea pollution will cause different harmful effects on the wildlife. It is important to note that it is from these unicellular organisms that the coral feed from for proper nutrition. Ocean acidification is brought about by rising in atmospheric carbon and makes survival harder for planktonic organisms that depend on calcium carbonate to form their shells. One way our oceans are polluted is because, Ocean Pollution It allows for the client to build a trustful relationship with the counselor.

Also there will be ideas or things we can all do to minimize ocean pollution and stop causing so much stress to the ocean’s ecosystem. It starts with the tough economic condition that Obama. The major causes of sea pollution are oil spills, toxic waste, and dumping of other harmful materials into the ocean. A few of the ways mankind is damaging marine life is by heavy oil pollution, and exposing marine life to dangerous chemicals. It enters the ocean the same way that the fertilizers do, through run off. If you’d like this or any other sample, we’ll happily email it to you. Slow currents mean fewer nutrients are brought for ocean life sustenance and this in a way alters the marine ecosystem. This pollution will directly affect the living organisms in the ocean and indirectly affect human’s health and resources. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Attention! What will happen to our resources if we cannot prevent or at least minimize plastic pollution in the ocean? The upwelling areas, for instance, provide some of the richest fishing grounds.

Main Body Seventy … Water Pollution essay Read More » This paper aims to describe this issue briefly and will also present a management and sustainment plan which might help improve the situation. And Lead is dangerous to our health, especially children’s and pregnant women’s as it accumulates in the body and will affect the central nervous system. Oceans provide food, natural resources, and recreation for nearly everyone in this world.

This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Confidentiality is an essential component to the counseling process. Large tanker accident like the Exxon Valdez had been rapidly known worldwide. These materials not only pollute the ocean, but they also affect the marine life. GradesFixer. In this paper I will educate about the role the ocean plays in our beautiful Earth, why it is being so widely ignored and dismissed, the causes of pollution, and its effects on animals and humans alike. It is therefore important to come up with policies that have an upper hand in carbon dioxide reduction. (2010)). In order to release sewage back into the environment safely, the raw sewage must first be treated correctly in a water treatment plant.

We have become monsters, demolishing what matters to us most. Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Chemical properties such as Mercury and Lead are consumed by human indirectly from consuming fishes that have been caught from the polluted ocean. This results in thermal expansion of ocean water as well as melting of ice sheets and so rise in sea levels(Nicholls, R; et al. The largest civilizations were built in fertile, coastal, I'm in the ocean every day, it’s my second home. One of the other ways to control sea pollution is through industrial water treatment. Known Issue – Deepwater Horizon Crash and Flooding Term Paper. It also comes from farms and lawns. These dangerous pollutants include chemical contaminants such as Lead, Mercury, Asbestos, Sulphur, Nitrates, etc. Available from:, Recieve 100% plagiarism-Free paper just for 4.99$ on email, *Public papers are open and may contain not unique content. We can either improve your writing before your teacher sees the work, or make corrections after. Slow ocean currents also mean that there is excess carbon stored in the ocean because there is enough fresh water brought in to neutralize the excess carbon. Get Your Custom Essay However, we are slowly ruining this beautiful thing because of the way we treat this planet, the ocean is extremely polluted and marine life is paying for it. 2020 © This is known as spray drift. The blue waves crashing down onto the shore. The major pollutants are oil, toxic materials, and debris. Pesticides are another problem for the ocean. The major causes of sea pollution are oil spills, toxic waste, and dumping of other harmful materials into the ocean. For instance, industrial waste is one of the dangerous pollutants which are extremely harmful to human’s health. Order custom essay. The oceans feeds, hydrates, and provides us with oxygen; ironically enough, despite its monetary value to mankind, it is what is treated the worst. We can custom edit this essay into an original, 100% plagiarism free essay.

Ocean currents play an important role in the supply of the necessary nutrients required to sustain lives in the marine ecosystem. They can also reach the ocean when a plane flies to apply the pesticides to fields.

For example, oil spills frequently the kill marine lives and further cause extinctions. A common misconception is that the rainforests are the lungs of the planet however, the majority of our oxygen is made via the algae in the sea. on.

It will also specify the importance of minimizing pollution in the ocean and how much damage it can cause.

Unfortunately Oceans have been receiving mass amount of pollutants including oil spills, toxic waste dumping, and industrial dumping. This The first types of toxic chemicals that end up in the ocean are fertilizers, pesticides, and manure. School Locker Searches: Protecting Your Children “The National School Board estimates that more than 135,000 guns are brought to school each day” (Debate). uses cookies. By clicking “Send”, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. Don't use plagiarized sources. The Oceans are vulnerable to adverse impacts from human emissions of greenhouse gases. According to Farrington these account for 2.2% of oil pollution in North American oceans.

Essay Re-writing If your essay is already written and needs to be corrected for proper syntax, grammar and spelling, College Essays About The Ocean this option is for you. We, as humans, should learn more about these in order to have the knowledge on how to solve this problem effectively. Another major source of transportation of oil pollution is small boats and jet skis.

Therefore, sea pollution can be prevented by keeping to some simple guidelines in our daily life. we can write an original essay just for you. This is just a sample.

As a result, they are left so weak and malnourished hence unable to offer protection and shelter to other marine organisms. It is considered as one of the most devastating human-caused environmental tragedy. The ocean has provided everything we need to survive, and to repay it, we decided to destroy it. This poses a threat to the marine food chain and ecosystem. Oceans cover approximately 75% of Earth 's surface and are vital to this planet and the people who inhabit it. The issue that I would. Want us to write one just for you? Ocean pollution is, This happens all the time. This essay has been submitted by a student.

High concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to increased global temperatures.

In a world where everything seems to have an equivalent price, doing some treatment to alleviate the sufferings from AIDS becomes only a dream for most victims. That’s the College Essays About The Ocean question many college students ask themselves College Essays About The Ocean (and Google), and we can understand them. This is the bioaccumulation. Even College Essays About The Ocean when a student is a great essay writer, they might still not have enough time to complete all the writing assignments on time or do this well enough, especially when the exams are near. This pollution will directly affect the living organisms in the ocean and indirectly affect human’s health and resources. All rights reserved Gradesfixer ™, The changes in the ocean [Internet].

Ocean stratification hinders important processes such as photosynthesis and constraining primary production hence disrupting the marine food web. This paper will be about what experts say about ocean pollution, and how we can prevent it. In conclusion, I would discuss the possible limitations of this plan and also how it would affect the community. This is a very important task to protect and improve the quality of the environment for our future generations.

Throughout this research paper the different categories of pollution will be explained more in depth.

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