The other two find no significant differences between older and younger charter schools. [24], Andrew Rotherham, co-founder of Education Sector and opponent of charter school caps, has written, "One might be willing to accept this pent-up demand if charter school caps, or the debate over them, were addressing the greater concern of charter school quality.
[14][15], As of 2012, an authorizer other than a local school board has granted over 60 percent of charters across the country. The charter approach uses market principles from the private sector, including accountability and consumer choice, to offer new public sector options that remain nonsectarian and non-exclusive.
[69] The Education Development Corporation was planning in the summer of 1997 to manage nine nonsectarian charter schools in Michigan, using cost-cutting measures employed in Christian schools. It may be that in some cases, charter schools actually improve other public schools by raising educational standards in the area. The cost savings let more charter schools open. One experimental research study asked 14,989 parents from Denver to rank their top schools, the researchers then focused on the top first school and surveyed the parents by asking them which “resource,” out of all the provided resources, had aided them the most in their decision of ranking their first choice school.
"[25], The U.S. Department of Education's 1997 First Year Report, part of a four-year national study on charters, was based on interviews of 225 charter schools in 10 states.
[22]:38, Charter schools showed a significantly greater variation in quality between states and within states. [100] Since students planning to attend charter schools are generally students who would have attended noncharter schools, co-location permits reassigning seating for the same students from one kind of school to the other in the same building, so that, while space might have to be rebuilt, entire schools do not have to be built from the ground up. Work Hard.
(2009) by Jay Mathews. In the late 1990s Boston-based Advantage Schools Inc., a corporation specializing in for-profit schooling, has contracted to run charter schools in New Jersey, Arizona, and North Carolina. New York Times, Massachusetts Charter Public School Association – "Myths and realities About Massachusetts Charter Public Schools.". "[51] Critics of this study argue that its demographic controls are highly unreliable, as percentage of students receiving free lunches does not correlate well to poverty levels, and some charter schools do not offer free lunches at all, skewing their apparent demographics towards higher income levels than actually occur. Progress among these schools has not been tracked objectively or clearly. Affirming[clarification needed] students, particularly minority students in urban school districts, whose school performance is affected by social phenomena including stereotype threat, acting white, non-dominant cultural capital,[17] and a "code of the street"[18] may require the charter to create a carefully balanced school culture to meet peoples' needs in each unique context.
Sixty-one percent of charter schools serve a student population where over 60 percent qualify for the federal Free or Reduced Lunch Program. This page was last edited on 2 November 2020, at 21:31.
When compared to traditional public schools, charters serve a more disadvantaged student population, including more low-income and minority students.
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