can a tarantula survive dks

I will not be able to get any untill tomorrow. Thanks, Toni. My girlfriend wants her put in clear resin. Anorexic humans for instance, eventually get heart muscle damage because the heart is overworked and underfed. My 5 year old tarantula was acting normal & eating very well until a week ago. Now my rose hair has lost the ability to “stick” to the side of the tank. Or could it take longer? Species make different size jumps depending on their what part of their life cycle they are in. What other species are you keeping? Again, it sounds quite normal and I wouldn’t worry!

More studies need to be done before we can determine this completely, but that’s the most popular theory about how tarantulas develop this disease. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. If so, you may be okay. It took years for me to realize it was a male.

Unfortunately, it sounds like it might have passed. How did it get injured? The death curl can occur when the tarantula is either too weak from sickness or old age, has sustained an injury leading to the loss of hemolymph (the tarantula’s “blood”), or is dehydrated. Now, tarantulas are known to rest in all sorts of strange and sometime awkward positions, and unfortunately, a few of these normal postures can resemble a curl. See, I had shown her molt online to people and we all agreed she looked female, but I never did a second go on sexing when she got even bigger.

While there aren’t many illnesses tarantulas can get, there is one deadly disease for tarantulas that cannot be cured – and that’s Dyskinetic Syndrome (DKS).

( Log Out /  I don’t know if you can help at all my daughter has a spiderling has moulted once was fine yesterday and now it’s curled up its not moved st all I’ve taken it out and it’s on a moist cloth but it’s leg are right underneath so think it’s too late Am I right in thinking this? Whether they survive depends on how far they fall, and onto what type of surface. I need help with my p.miranda it hasn’t eaten for four months it molted four months ago it hasn’t got a big abdomen it’s just sits in a corner of its tank. What a shame, I was hoping to see this spider grow to at least 2 inch.

Well, more bad news a few months later, which is today. Is she doing any better? Help! I follow several tarantula message boards and at least once a week, a panicked keeper will come on asking how to save his/her dying pets. Yeah.

Any fiddling with the animal could prove deadly to the T. My A. schmidti on her back and ready to molt. I VERY GENTLY picked her up and laid her right side up and her legs with to normal but she did not make any movement. I have yet to hear of a tarantula that survived after showing these symptoms. i captured a p undatus yesterday and its on its back can you tell me if its dead or alive. Will I still be able to do so tomorrow? It does happen, but I always try to learn from the experiences. Is that ok if she didn’t eat for 2weaks? Usually if their abdomens are sunken in, that’s a sign that they are dead. When most tarantulas die, they don’t flop onto their backs as many believe (this is actually a MOLT! ( Log Out / 

I haven’t heard of Ts molting out of DKS but that’s something I’d definitely be interested in looking into. In February of this year, I purchased an A. insubtilis which I later had sexed as a male. I usually wait a couple days after a rehousing before introducing food.

I’m so sorry! She is not leaking any fluid what so ever. ( Log Out / 

Every time I hit Walmart, I check out their Sterilite containers. Mine falls all the time, which is why I only give her about 6″ wall space from the substrate to the top. If her abdomen is sunken in, she is dead.

Is that possible? So, my question is, have you ever had (or heard of) a tarantula dying STUCK to the tank wall, and what your cause of death opinions might be?

I’m not sure if the molt had anything to do with his development of DKS, or whether it was other factors that caused it. You did the absolute right thing by slowly raising the temperatures up, and you’re right not to poke her. She literally as I was putting her back in cage, she reached to her back to itch and started bleeding on my hand. I’m still leaning towards heat though….I feel just awful about it too. My larger Ts seemed fine, but this was definitely not safe for my smaller guys.

Oh, dear…that doesn’t sound good. When you first get a tarantula, it can take them a couple weeks to settle in. I have seen severe dyskinetic symptoms in males before their last instar (molting season). My tarantula, a rose hair, is in the curl, completely unresponsive. Or, visit Tarantula Forum or Arachnoboards to seek the advise and opinions of other keepers. I don’t know if this was just a short term fix and it would return again or if these tarantulas had a “mild” DKS but it makes me even more confused about euthanasia because you don’t want them to suffer and you just desperately want them to survive its like what do you do? Tom, Thanks for your input but sadly she has passed. I thought GREAT I get to see the dang spider actually molt and I missed the other two molting process. So, this behavior is actually pretty normal. First off, sorry to hear about your your rose hair passing. I’m very sorry to hear about your two losses. We thought the one that was smaller was dead but then saw it move.

Can you send me pics? DKS is a series of symptoms characterized by jerky motions, loss of coordination, and an inability to eat. I appreciate the help. Generally, when they show those signs of jerky movements, they don’t make it. I would try offering food again once you catch her hanging out on the ground. I only mention it as it was something abnormal that occurred just before he started exhibiting signs. Replenishing water dishes has become almost a full time job for me lately because the water is just evaporating, and I’m misting the pokies, the irminia and the slings twice a week now instead of once a week.

Congrats! I have yet to hear of a tarantula that survived after showing these symptoms.

We have him in an ICU tub but what wlaw can we do please. lol.

She’s still alive, but still on her back with her legs moving. We read not to bother her, but how do we know if she is still alive? I do hope that your other guys remain happy and healthy! . I haven’t treated him or my cat for fleas in about 3 months due to fleas dying off in my area for the season. Honestly, there isn’t too much you can do right now unfortunately. I replied to this, but it’s not showing up! Oh, no…how terrible! GREAT idea rehousing her if the substrate was too moist.

Although no one is completely sure what causes DKS, some theories are pesticides (including flea and tick treatments for dogs and cats), micro organisms infecting the T, mold, or other toxins. I heard a decent thud.

Eucratoscelus pachypus – The Stout Leg Baboon. Those are great spiders! Is it possible that she’s in premolt?

I don’t know what to do. This kept the humidity up during the winter, and prevented the water from their dishes and substrate from evaporating too quickly.

Also her rump is very soft. Is she dead???? In the majority of instances, their legs curl beneath them in a very unmistakable position, one that hobbyists refer to as a “death curl”. I would allow her some more time to come out of it, make sure that she has water, and wait it out. We but the front of her head in her water but we don’t know if she is drinking.

I have several juveniles in their own containers, placed in a 10 gallon tank with a heat pad on the side. I have two tarantulas a rose hair adult and a juvenile A.Versicolor (3 years old). It’s breaking my heart to see her like this. My G. porteri is quite old as well (I’ve had her going on 20 years, and she was likely several years old when I got her) and she rarely throws down a feeding mat anymore.

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