Mammon •
He is described as a "calm, chillingly reasonable" being with a modest appearance that hides his true power. Whore queens, Barbatos • Shelyn •
Magic Resistance. Tears of blood run from his eye sockets, yet his expression is one of unquenched rage. Flames burst from the gaping maw as it attempts to suck in unlucky victims. Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide, If they succeed, they are no longer poisoned. Melee Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Venkelvore • Magic Weapons. Infernal dukes •
Now you see me. This page needs grammatical help. Asmodeus is the strongest, most cunning, and most handsome of all devils. Baalzebul • Melee Attack: +14 to hit, 4d4 piercing damage. He is often shown wielding a contract or a flaming mace.
Trudd •
Loyalty to the Lord. Grundinnar • Magrim • Asmodeus on touching a humanoid or a piece of dead humanoid calls its soul back and forms a new adult body for the soul to enter. Sarenrae • He dresses in regal finery of unimaginable expense; a single article of clothing worn by Asmodeus is worth more money than an average nation will spend on food in a year. Mephistopheles • Nivi Rhombodazzle • Multiattack. If the target isn’t willing to do so the spell fails. Folgrit •
If Asmodeus fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. As a bonus action, if Asmodeus' rod was ever knocked or taken out of his hand, he can instantly teleport it back into his palm.
Camazotz • The body that is formed for the soul is a Tiefling’s body.
Desna • 1/day each.
Sivanah • [2], Of the evil deities, the Prince of Darkness is the most respected and trusted by his divine peers, though they realize his aid is not to be sought or accepted lightly. Beneath his clothing, Asmodeus' body is covered in bloody wounds which he sustained when he fell from the Upper Planes. Besmara • He is typically described as appearing as a giant human, over 13 feet tall, with dark skin and hair, red eyes, handsome features, and small horns on his forehead. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Asmodeus's weapon attacks are magical. Herecite of Asmodeus CR 9 Source Pathfinder #100: A Song of Silver pg.
Haggakal • Chamidu • Annihilation Ray: Once per round, and no more than five times per day, the rod can fire a ray to a range of 60 feet.A creature struck by this ray must succeed on a DC 40 Fortitude save or be annihilated instantly—not even a trace of dust is left behind. Asmodeus can cast the following spells without needing components or expending a spell slot: At will. [5][2][3], Clerics of Asmodeus may prepare lesser geas and a variant of geas, and the Prince of Darkness grants access to infernal healing and greater infernal healing.
Yea, the tiamat stats are for the avatar of a lesser deity, Asmodeus is borderline greater deity (and the main reason he isn't one is because they tend to avoid meddeling) so 5e probably wouldn't be able to accomidate stats for him without some macguffin to even things up. (1) He is physically stronger than any other devil (as strong as a storm giant) and the most cunning and artful. Innate Spellcasting Asmodeus' innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (Spell save DC 30, +25 to hit). The target must roll again every day. Kols • Yuelral • Asmodeus has advantage on saving throws against magical effects. Bolka • If you do not understand the English language please leave comments on this page's talk page before making any edits. In addition to forging the contract of creation, then accepted by all the gods and rumored to contain a secret that will one day lead to its author's rise to power above his fellow deities, Asmodeus played a key role in the defeat and imprisonment of Rovagug. [6] Many of his temples were originally dedicated to other gods but were abandoned or purchased by his faithful and profaned to serve their purposes. Alseta • He preaches strict discipline and unwavering devotion from his worshipers; the strong should rule the weak. Asmodeus is Immune to spells of the 4th level or lower, unless he wants to be affected. Senses darkvision 1000 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception +17 Angradd • Dranngvit •
Zogmugot • Zarongel •
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