creepy experiences reddit

The most interesting thing to me is that I wasn’t really scared. He was so distant and creepy and seemed to creep up from nowhere. He described him as wearing a red flannel shirt, jeans, and work boots. It was like one moment I’m happy and exploring, the next I’m being watched by someone who very much hates my guts. We say hello, but he doesn’t pay attention to us. So we ran back together and made it to the road. After my grandmother died, my family performed this ritual (as per tradition). She has quite a few unexplained things happen to her. I assume the husband is calling back, but that wasn’t the case. The online community known as Reddit will stop at nothing to plumb the sum total of human experience. I wasn’t entirely sure it was the same van though, so I just continued walking. I was terrified that we both remembered seeing a person dressed as a bunny in our room. Later that day, our coordinates led us to a McDonald's. I walk over to it and I distinctly remember not feeling spooked at all. - Reddit Scary Stories Ep. The family was going to remodel the basement, but after tearing it apart realized they couldn’t do it and had to move. Apparently I would play down there for hours by myself. I stopped, turned around, and booked it back in the other direction. Everyone thought it was a prank but it become very apparent, very quickly that it wasn’t. I was 12 years old. The other people in the room were looking at a book, when suddenly I had a weird feeling that I needed to look into the dining room. So in order to start your weekend off right, I've combed the latest AskReddit threads about real life creepy stories and assembled a “greatest hits” of sorts. One Easter I remember waking up and seeing the Easter bunny (one of those terrifying costumes) and what really gets me is I remember smelling the wet hay. We were all a little on edge, esp. The results ranged from touching stories of loved ones lost (and found), to the dark and sinister. My uncle still has no explanation for this one. I know that feeling of connection with a land. We never made that trip again. A few drinks in, we start joking about me sleepwalking and the creepy basement. If you have a true (or fictional, but specify) account of a paranormal experience and would like to see it on Thought Catalog, email I was in bed awake for probably an hour when I started hearing a rather unsettling noise. And although none of them are bad enough to scare you off from dating for life, they'll make you thankful for all of the good dates you've been on. i couldn’t tell what it was but the branch was swaying slightly, and the rustling noise was back too. I noped out of there right then. Front door, locked. As I turn, I suddenly hear some shuffling around and the previously “hurt” gentleman yells at me: “I’m gonna kill you, motherfucker!”. I turn to her and said “Uhhh I had such a crappy sleep, I wo-” and before I finished my sentence she cut me off and said “Yeah me too, I woke up and thought I saw a Tall man in a Top Hat in the doorway!”. Okay, this is my go-to scary story that happened to me. Asking me if I was behaving and typical aunt talk. I wanted to reach my usual running checkpoint before turning back so I decided to keep my distance and run by. What he didn’t realise was that the hob had been on the entire time, and the moment he touched the dish it exploded everywhere. Didn’t really pay to much attention to it though, at first. But the next hour, alarms go off in empty rooms, call lights come on for patients that can’t move, an important piece of equipment died, and the dementia patient keeps complaining about the other patient that keeps coming into her room (loosely fitting the description of the deceased). I had to call a co-worker to confirm. It is always specifically to help someone in need – never for personal gain or random voices or anything like that. One day I was walking/exploring with my dogs down one of the horse trails in the woods about 20 minutes away from the house and decided to randomly go off trail. I froze and checked my phone and got a message from my mom’s friend saying that my mom was over with her. Let me tell you, this house is over 100 years old and there have been creepy things that have happened in there that I can’t explain… Hence why I was scared in the first place. Reddit user 666_numberofthebeast shared this story about strange occurrences in their dad's home:. My patient died on the wing I work on. anyway, a few minutes pass and i near nothing more, so i lean back into the bench and start to relax a bit. Based on her position, She had to have come from between my house and my neighbors house. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. I see the rubber wedge on on the floor, a couple of feet away, as if tossed there. At some point during the night my husband went for a short walk near a small pond on the property to “take a leak”. A young woman ponders all the ways travel can go wrong. Anyway, I walked down and turned on the lights for the whole basement. If you knew me in real life, I dont have the ability to lie. I remember coming very close to calling out to him, because my brain was trying to tell me he might be hurt, which was the only reason I hesitated – but it was like my body shut my voice down before I could say anything, and I knew I had to stay very quiet. crouched in the tree like some silent, naked monkey. I went up to the bedroom, but it took me forever to fall asleep. It’s hard to explain, but I knew deep down he wasn’t right in the head, and nothing good would happen if he realized I was listening. I called for my mom to make sure that she wasn’t there and heard a weird cough/choke in the basement. Phone rings, I look and see the patients room number on caller ID. I got pretty familiar with the area, and being out in the wilderness at night in general, which probably made me too confident. She arrived home at her usual time and we had only been gone a grand total of 13 – 15 minutes. For some unlucky campers, however, that experience was marred by the same vulnerability to the elements and connection with nature that they originally sought out. What are some TRUE scary experiences that you Redditors have been through? When I was around 5 years old, I woke up and saw a glowing white manlike silhouette pacing back and fourth down the hallway, but kind of gliding. I focused on it, hoping it was my imagination or I was asleep. When I woke up I didn’t tell anyone, but there was an extra Easter egg in my house that my parents didn’t hide. Halfway back, we both go from sprinting to a dead stop at the exact same moment. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Well out of nowhere some super sketchy guy appears and asks to join us in pissing on trees. Basement door, locked. I took a flashlight, but this was around 2002 so no cell phone. Thankfully it just faded the further I got from it, and I made it back to my car. Still don’t know what happened. I had not told anyone in that room about my religious background, and I was living a life quite contrary to my upbringing. Adrenaline is fucking powerful. he had no expression on his face but his eyes were open really, really wide. At this point, I’m most of the way up the incline going towards the railroad tracks that ran parallel to the street. Phantom alarms. I called out to ask if she was alright and eventually saw her climbing down. We ran as fast as we could down the road and there is a segment without windows for her to follow which direction exactly we went but by the time we got to the next set of windows running full speed she was standing there already, watching in our direction. Bars on windows, multiple locked doors to get to where I am. Still weirds me out. Not on a trail but walking my dog late at night…. Climbed some trees for a while, explored a section of the car graveyard we hadn’t checked out before, and other typical teenage exploring type stuff. It is a deer fence. Nothing I can explain, just a feeling. I turned off the light and got under the covers to go to bed one night. after a while i mustered up the little raisin-esque kahooneys to shine my goddamned light at the tree. I was about 15 minutes running deep into the woods and still hadn’t seen anyone else around. An hour later I go to check on her, I’m quietly checking her IV, making sure her stuff is in reach, move her table and then notice she was gone. We were absolutely filthy and over a mile from my place. So I got the keys and instructions. So I go feed the cats, get my stuff, and drive back to my place. After getting home I call my manager and ask what was on the camera. When I got to bed, i was still feeling restless. Then all of the sudden the dog gets spooked and whips around. So my sense of direction is pretty horrific and there was a time I was in a very remote part of Austria (Grünau) and wanted to go meet up with some friends at a lake. Not old teepees, they looked ratty and unusable. But for some reason I looked to my right and I see this weird looking humanoid shape on top of the little bump hill about 50 feet away. Most of them sound like encounters with people on various drugs, but still extremely unsettling to say the least. He seemed pretty crazy and potentially dangerous but I didn’t have a choice. It was totally unfinished and was the one major thing they wanted to fix up. I said, “you don’t live there… I know who lives there.” She just scoffed and wandered her way into MY back yard. As soon as I picked up the knife, it was like the woods changed. I go hiking in the woods that permeate my town, sometimes so late that i get to see the sun rise out there. Perfect. I made a few turns onto different roads, and then ran right into someone’s yard. The hill was really steep so she put in a lot of effort to get up there and away from whatever was after her. bears were not uncommon where i’m from, so i took out my flashlight and shone it around over there. Now here’s what that convinced me. Man, I was freaking out. She was going to spend the night there until I came along because she was too scared to go back down. Nothing involving anything like what I saw, and it hasn’t happened since. This was his explanation: the previous (and first) owners of the house had a teen daughter that used the basement as her bedroom. We climbed down and up an old quarry and dropped off on the main road that leads to my house. Mind you, my mom has very weird ‘feelings’ that she gets frequently, as she calls them. The only thing that led to us finding out so quickly was my grandmother somehow communicating to my mom that something was wrong. When my brother and I were around 4/5 we lived in a house that was about 100yrs old. Somehow a piss break came up and suddenly we were all pissing on trees. Of course I left, I don’t go hiking at night in that particular park anymore. What she intended to do… but she scared the ever living shit out of me. I continued on. But they weren’t entirely blocked. When I was in high school, I had a lot of these experiences… I test out trying to open the door, and it won’t budge. I’m told to go home and the manager and girl who replaced me would look over the camera. Santa Cruz can be a pretty weird place, I’ve heard legends of students flunking out of school there and then just living in the forest. I never felt comfortable alone in those woods after that. She was in good spirits, her assessment was fine. The door was to her closet, where one night she curled up, took some pills and killed herself. 20 Creepy Websites - Do you want to get some ugly or creepy internet experience today and looking mind disturbing websites the here I am coving 21 scariest websites for you, that can give you goosebumps, Here I also cover red room, humen experiments, gore collection popular sites and etc, lets check scary websites Like, 90 degree turn, climb down into a spring, then up under an ancient barbwire fence and wander along for a while until I found 2 large limestone caves directly across from each other. We arrived home before my mother which seemed strange so I threw out the note so she wouldn’t know we were out gallivanting. The creepiest though, happened about two months ago. Places have feels to them, the country around you has it’s own feel that you get used to. After work, I get the same feeling of dread as I’m walking to my car. We just walked the road back to my house. When I was about 10 or 11 years old, I stayed up sort of late. At any rate, after the silent hour had passed we called my aunt who was doing the same ritual at her house. Someone on the board asked “Mary who?”. I look around for the light from upstairs, and it take me longer to find it because it’s farther away. As we parked in the driveway of the condo we were staying at, my mom said out loud ‘mom, I am sorry but I don’t know what you’re saying to me. It read “why didn’t the family answer the door?” We looked at the man confused and he gave us a second piece of paper, still smiling. I never asked him what he saw, because I saw it for myself. He replied “wait….why were you in the basement?” I realized that when I texted him the day before, I never actually told him where I woke up. I got passed the point where I first passed him but he was nowhere to be seen. When Bad Directions Attack! So, what the hell, let’s see. I go to try and rewind the camera, but the digital recording is password protected and i don’t know the password. When I was maybe 6 or 7, I was staying the night at my grandparents house. We took or usual route up the backyard hill making sure to avoid the crazy people that resided in makeshift homes up there. Out of the bedroom, down the stairs, trying to open the basement door. Was watching tv in my old house when the show cut out and blue screen appeared with text on the bottom that read “help me. I was so fucking confused. It was really dark now and I was feeling sketched out that I had to pass this guy again to get back. Suddenly a girl from up on a hill screamed for me to stop. My husband went and told his friends what happened. Other strange wilderness experiences seem to be connected more with ghosts and other unexplained paranormal phenomena. After a while, he sends this novel-length text. So like most nights, i finished my work in like 30 to 45 minutes and pulled out my phone and played games / Netflix browse reddit (since nobody else is in the building at night). Someone made the trouble of getting a fire going and then left it. After a few seconds she looks up at me and screams, but it sounded like it was coming from far away. Me and few friends were playing in the woods about 6 of us around 10 years old. it was a man. At work though, I was still curious about what was behind the door, so I texted my brother and asked. Then my younger sister, who I shared a bunk bed with when this happened, said she remembers when the Easter bunny came into our room and made a remark about the hay smell. I was talking to my boyfriend while I walked around the house. The piece then slid off the table toward me and landed at my feet. I turned around in bed to … I’m sure it could be explained as nerves or whatever, but I looked for the caves later but never found them, despite knowing exactly where I left the trail. Not hiking so much as car camping, but we were way the fuck out there in the middle of nowhere on BLM land in Colorado. Not a single person in my mom’s family had talked to her in years (they are somewhat estranged) and there was a little bit of finger pointing – nobody wanted to believe that my mom literally happened upon the funeral but that is exactly what took place. No one else was in the house with me, so I can’t logically explain what I experienced. Back in my college days I was walking home with my sisters from a sorority meeting. I mean, this has to be a prank right? Last winter, I was going to my mom’s house to say good night (I was helping her clean up her house earlier that day because she was going to move… I was at her house, then left to run a couple errands, and then returned to say good night before heading home). I turned around in bed to see a woman in a dress standing at the far side of my room, crying into her hands. The most blood curdling, high pitched screaming you’ve ever heard. I don’t even hesitate to go down to turn them off. i stared at it for what seemed like forever, and it slowly stopped moving. It was about 1:00 in the morning, my dog rang her bell and I begrudgingly got up to take her outside. I saw his face and knew he was telling the truth. We didn’t live on campus, but instead were about a 20 minute walk away. With her? My friends and I were visiting a graveyard a couple blocks away from home on Halloween, because why not? We decided to go hiking before my mother could say no so we left a note on the counter and took off. The graveyard is basically this places ‘backyard’. Members of the Reddit community recently shared their most bizarre and terrifying experiences with the paranormal. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Anyways, security is kind of tight. Being all like “wtf?” I rubbed my eyes again looked up and nothing was there. I look around and there is nothing around that would of caused that. She made eye contact with me, turned around and walked through the wall. I stood, frozen, trying to comprehend what just happened when I heard a crash behind me, (in the direction I had been heading but I turned around when I felt the tap) A car had jumped the curb and crashed into the building right where I would have been. Two months after my brother and his wife bought a new house, they had to go out of town and needed their cats fed. I still have nightmares about it sometimes. I’m about to leave when I remember that the basement lights are still on. Just not there for me. My brother said if I wanted, I could just stay over in the guest room rather than driving among the three places. Still, I was convinced some wild-eyed hermit was going to rush out of the forest and bite me to death, right up to the second I locked my doors and got the fuck out of there. Anyway, I saw the TV was still on in the living room, playing Wedding Crashers. It was very, very strange. She was going to a facility with hospice, after a fairly long battle with cancer. I stop at the hardware store and pick up one of those rubber door-stopper wedges. My uncle got out a glass dish and put it on top of the oven so he could begin preparing food, but got distracted and went back into the living room. The weird part was that this was well passed midnight when i found this place and it was quiet as a grave. How he volunteers to do every chore other than the laundry so he doesn’t have to go down there. I have no idea how she wound up back there. Yellow dog looks at us, looks scared, and keeps walking with it’s master. I was on the couch trying to sleep when I heard whispering. People Share Their Scariest Paranormal Activity Experience! i don’t think i’ve ever been that scared. I was taking a nap on Christmas Day, I had the common experience of a visceral buzzing in my ear/head, and a feeling of terrible evil coming upon me. Somebody had slashed the front right tire on each of the 3 cars with what appeared to be a box cutter. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Sitting up, holding on to the side rail. He’d have seen me for sure. She had been seeing this same guy in the house, sometimes standing at the foot of the bed, and her husband did not believe her. Both parents came out of the kitchen (opposite side of the stairs and isolated from the living room). We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. This time I knew for sure because it didn’t have license plates. It was unusually beautiful that day. He saw me and called out to me for help but I kept walking and turned to make my way back up towards the street. the unsettling, possibly horrifying stuff, Women Are Sharing Side-By-Side Pictures Where They Weigh The Same But Look Completely Different (50 Pics), Pretty Girls Are Bravely Sharing Their Ugliest Faces (50+ Pics). Literally seconds later my phone bleeps. An older gentleman walked up to us smiling and handed one of my cousins a piece of paper. He hops on his bike and starts rushing towards me. I wasn’t in there long enough for someone to have been that precise on all 4 windows. He’s my big brother and has only bullshitted me about a million times in my life. We’re approaching a corner, and around the bend there is the same man, with the same crutches, coming at us again. The dog looked at us, looked scared, and returned to its master. My dogs got closer and clung to me. Can you help me?” I don’t know if it was the dialog from the show without the picture or whatever but it was creepy and I got right out of there. On the way back we stumbled on to a pond we had never encountered before. I put down the knife but that horrible feeling kept up until I was totally out of the woods and almost home again. 6. You could see headlights and hear cars from miles away from our campsite – it’s not like somebody could have snuck up unnoticed. During the last day, a glass vase which was right next to the shrine fell and shattered while we were sitting silently in the adjacent room. Here’s where it gets weird. At this point we both wanted to get the hell out of there. 1. Turns out it was the funeral for her mom’s sister. When me and my buddies were in high school we had nothing better to do than go ghost hunting. Nobody wants to believe that it is a purely random feeling or voice she gets on occasion where she has something to tell someone. A look into the dark and creepy things you can find using dark web ... the Reddit user was asking people to share any weird experiences they had … I had no reason to want to go down there and had kind of forgotten it existed.

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