mystical meaning of easter

As we approach Easter, I think the time is ripe to reclaim for our own lives the earliest articulation of an experience of the Resurrection: that which is noted by Paul. These two extracts from the book, ‘Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition’, are about the new consciousness that is born within men and women when they succeed in uniting with their higher self, in a union of the soul and spirit. Rebirth is the main theme behind not only Christianity but other religions that have celebrated the resurrection mythology.The symbolic nature of Easter is the process of dying to the old self and and being reborn in a spiritual sense. As Easter is just around the corner, it’s time to take off the dull and bleak shades of winter and bring back the bright and happy colors that celebrate the return of spring. When the coronavirus story meets the Passion story this Holy Week, even though we ache and yearn for the physical comfort of the familiar sacraments … Easter is symbolized by different elements for centuries; this include rabbits, lambs, lilies, crosses and a lot more. Spiritual Astrology - The Mother of Religions: Spring Equinox and the Astrological and Mystical Meaning of Passover and Easter. All the great spiritual writers from the beginning used the analogy of human love to show how this mystical marriage with Christ takes us up and into the love of God. Their magic is also in some ways inseparable … In this sense, rising from the dead is parable pointing to the oneness of spirit and matter. Skip to content. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. Easter celebration begins 40 days prior to the day when Christians hold a 40-day fast. In order to benefit from these days it is necessary to delve into the meaning of Holy Week. Add your two cents. Discover the true meaning of Easter and the metaphysical truths behind Jesus’ actions during the Crucifixion and the Ascension in this fascinating service. Standard. Easter: The Metaphysical Symbol for Rebirth. Easter, the Christian festival commemorating the resurrection of Christ, was the earliest feast day decided upon by the ancient Christian Church.Like its Jewish predecessor Passover, it is a movable feast, based on the lunar calendar rather than falling on the same Sunday every year.. Love is in the Air… at Leonidion Speaker: Joseph Kostelnik, Ph.D. Scripture Text(s): John 12:20-26 Now there were certain Greeks … Email Address: Follow It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31). During the Holy Week, people remember the reason and significance of Christ's death. Resurrection Logic. Posted on April 20, 2014 Updated on April 20, 2014. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Archbishop … The Meaning of Easter In The Bible In the true gospel, God calls us to trust in Jesus Christ, to believe that in His death and resurrection there is forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Posted on December 7, 2019 by Peter Thomas Lawrence Hardy. Discovering the Esoteric Easter By Cathedral of the Soul Easter, in the Catholic tradition, means the “passage of God in life;” in another instance, it refers to the “death of Jesus,” the Christ of the Age of Pisces. Lecture discussing the way mystics interpret the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus. The miracle we celebrate in these days of Easter is the new foundation of human history, revealing the mystery of the Father's plan from the beginning: to put all things under the headship of Christ His Son (see Ephesians 1:10). That's why we have a growing library of blog articles on a range of beliefs from Christianity to Zen, from Buddhism to Wicca, from Hinduism to the Kabbalah and Feng Shui. Especially for us Orthodox, the Easter of the Crucifixion and Resurrection, that is, the Passion and the Resurrection of our Lord, has a special significance and weight. The underlying feeling of loss during Holy Week paves the way for hope and rebirth, refocusing our attention once again on the ultimate meaning of life. Listen to Matthew Fox and Bruce Chilton as they explore the meaning of Easter in a two-session event hosted by Cameron Trimble. Why do we Eat the Body of Christ? Over the ensuing centuries, much of the mystical and occult truth regarding this Avatar has either been removed or obscured creating confusion and misunderstanding about his true reasons for coming. Easter and the cosmogonic dragon eggs of Avalon By: Annie Dieu-Le-Veut February 4, 2021 March 29, 2021 Mystery Teachings dragon-slaying heroes , Easter , eggs , mystical meaning of Easter , mystical meaning of Easter eggs , mystical meaning of hot cross buns , Oestre , St Michael And the celebration of the Eucharist is a daily reenactment of this same drama, fortified by the mystical communion one may partake of with the hero himself. EASTER. Mar 26, 2018 - Easter, in the Catholic tradition, means the "passage of God in life;" in another instance, it refers to the "death of Jesus," the Christ of the Age of Pisces. He’s offering a cupcake with buttercream icing — insists my infant cousin. While the modern world with its practical, scientific knowledge of biological forms could perhaps never view eggs with the wonder they aroused in our ancestors, we can understand their powerful symbolism. Spiritual Virginity & Mystical Meanings of Christmas. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Mystical Meaning of Christmas-The birth of Jesus is a mystical event that can occur in everyone. Mystical Marriage. Mystical Marian Transubstantiation The Holy Spirit is the Uncreated Immaculate Conception (St. Maximilian Kolbe) Menu. How the meaning of Christmas today can be revitalised from an unexpected source: the symbolism of virgin birth. However, for some of us the deep spiritual meaning of these holidays is as Salman Rushdie said, "buried, like so many of the earth's marvels, beneath the dust of habit." If you keep in mind this image of the manger with Joseph, Mary and the Child between the ox and the ass and the Star shining above the stable, you will in time understand its meaning. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. Bill Hicks joked that if Jesus returned the last thing he’d want to see would be crosses, and that in any case, it was macabre for people to wear jewellry of a device of torture and execution. The Mystical Journey of the Christian, Through the Desert, Towards the Resurrection and Pentecost (1 of 5) By Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos and Agiou Vlasiou. The second equally early and central meaning of Good Friday and Easter … EASTER. Gahl takes us on a magical mystery tour describing the origin of Astrology, taking it out of the fortune telling context and connecting it to Anthropology, Mythology, Kabbalah and mysticism. All are called to this mystical marriage, whether married or not. The Holy Week comprises of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter. Rudolf Steiner. Standard. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. The four-day cycle of Easter (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday) is an intense reliving of the core drama of the Passion and resurrection. The cross has a political meaning that the payment understanding completely misses. Wisdom School class in Chicago Feb. 2, 2017. The Mystical Meaning of Easter. Posted on April 17, 2014 by amaic • Tagged AMAIC, Australian Marian of the Immaculate Conception, Lighthouse Catholic Media CD Archbishop Fulton J Sheen True Meaning Easter • Leave a comment . This idea is supported by the ancient holidays we are celebrating around the world in the next few weeks: Passover (April 7/8); Easter (April 12 and for Orthodox Greek April 19). He promises us that because Jesus lives, we can walk in newness of life now and that in the last day He will raise us to resurrection life and glory. Spiritual significance of Good Friday and Easter - Date : 25 Apr 2011 THOUGHT FOR CONTEMPLATIONChristians across the world commemorate Jesus’ arrest, trial, … The Meaning of Easter "St. Paul" by El Greco. The Christian holiday of Pentecost is a moveable feast, which is celebrated on the 50th day (the seventh Sunday) from Easter Sunday. Posted on March 13, 2020 by Peter Thomas Lawrence Hardy. Mystical Marriage & Meanings of the Cross. In John 6, we hear one of the most bizarre teachings of the New Testament: “… I am the bread of life. Tuesday, March 20, 2018 20:33 % of readers think this story is Fact. Mystical Breath was set up in 2015 as a place where people can expand and deepen their knowledge of all things spiritual and alternative. The Mystical Meaning of Easter. The period of Great Lent, which we have entered, is a period of intense spiritual life, with fasting, prayer, repentance, temperance and all the means that Orthodoxy has. The Event at Damascus and the new Knowledge of the Spirit. This union is what Jesus called the ‘second birth’ It is necessary before a person can attain divine consciousness or ‘enter the kingdom of God’. The date of Easter celebration keeps changing depending on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox in … Downloaded: 4 time(s) since 8/10/2007 Length: 28:46 minutes / Size: 6.59 MB Recording: #2108 Recorded: 3/27/2005 Notice: Due to this being a transfer from audio cassette, the message may cut off before the end due to the master cassette's length constraints. Lecture - April 2, 1920, Dornach, Switzerland . Home; About; True Meaning of Easter . The mystical meaning of the resurrection, that he united spirit and body is true, but that is reading in a mystical and metaphoric sense…not a literal one. Elsewhere, Easter egg hunts, egg rolling and other decorated egg traditions persist beyond the more widespread chocolate egg commercialism. Though Greece may be an ideal getaway for summer, visiting Greece during Orthodox Easter in the beginning of spring promises to be a mystical experience. However, the greatest symbol of Easter is the simple egg. He is as comfortable delving into the metaphysics of modern-day movies as he is in pointing to the underlying meaning of the scriptures in the Bible.David’s own journey involved the study of many pathways, culminating in a deeply committed practical application of A Course in Miracles, of which he is a world-renowned teacher. Because it is the center of all our liturgical and worship life. Mystical Interpretation of Easter Author: Max Heindel Subject: Esoteric Christianity Keywords: Rosicrucian Teachings, Max Heindel, Western Wisdom Teachings, Esoteric Christianity Created Date: 7/29/2013 3:17:59 PM

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