mennonites in india

Amos Dick was asked by community leaders to provide goat milk for Gandhi and his entourage. I apply the test of satya [truth] and ahimsa [nonviolence] laid down by these very scriptures for their interpretation. Dr. SAtyendra Netam is the voice moderator, Deacon S.C. Khristy is the treasurer, Rev. The Medical Board administers Dhamtari Christian Hospital, which is the primary point of connection with North American support. Mennonite Church missionaries, who had arrived in 1899, and General Conference Mennonite missionaries, who entered India in 1900, were in the Chhattisgarh region about 500 miles southwest of Calcutta, near the main railway line to Bombay.[7]. [18] They were also diligent ethnographers. It is a torn copy of the Goshen newspaper, The News-Democrat, dated January 30, 1948. This is the context for our look at Gandhi and Mennonites in India. Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2L 3G6 [20] George Jay Lapp, Our Mission in India (Scottsdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House, 1921), 13. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:46-49; John 20:21; Acts 1:8. The Gita is a subtle, extended argument to convince Arjuna, the commander of one of the armies, that it is his religious and social duty to lead his troops into battle against other members of his own family. About 1815 Eby saw to the building of the first schoolhouse. A. Why worry! Although he intended to stay for only a year to complete the specific legal business he had been sent to transact, it would be more than 21 years before he returned to live in India again. To say that he was perfect is to deny God’s superiority to man…. When a person from one religious tradition experienced the riches of another, it was best to add rather than to replace. Together we now explore many facets of life, including those by foot, by truck, by motorbike and by kickbike. His main criticism of Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance was that its purpose was to seek justice, redress for grievances, and political change. I could not understand the raison d’etre of a multitude of sects and castes. The theology of Mennonites impacted and influenced numerous mainline denominations. Its membership exceeds 100,000 persons, in 840 congregations. Given that one of the defining characteristics of the Jewish and Christian traditions is monotheism, missionaries were astonished and repulsed by the multitude of gods and goddesses. He was initially most attracted to Christian vegetarians, many of whom were also social reformers. Mail Clad only in his loin cloth and large horn rimmed spectacles. Mennonite congregations worldwide embody the full scope of Mennonite practice from "plain people" to those who are indistinguishable in dress and appearance from the general population. [18] Lapp, The Mennonite Church in India, 1897-1962, 78-79. Lehman’s visit to Gandhi in his ashram in Sabarmuti in 1929 and their conversation about faith and conversion.[17]. He identified core criteria by which he evaluated scriptures, theology and religious practices, and on this basis he gave prominence to some texts and practices and marginalized others. Mennonites arrived late in India. of California Press, 2008); Joseph Lelyveld, Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011); Judith M. Brown and Anthony Parel, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Gandhi (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. These assumptions were based on their theology and experience. Civil disobedience did not seem to them to reflect the goodwill and love that should be the motivating spirit behind social reconciliation. Malagar (later Bishop Malagar) were commissioned by the Mennonite Church in India to write a letter to several Indian leaders in the weeks before Independence, requesting exemption from military service. Although they were supported by the Mennonite Brethren in Russia, Abraham was pastor of a church of 300 members that had been established and sponsored by the American Baptist Missionary Union (AMBU). Learn how and when to remove this template message, Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, Mennonite World Conference (Asia Pacific),, Religious organizations established in 1897, Affiliated institutions of the National Council of Churches in India, Articles lacking in-text citations from May 2019, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 May 2019, at 17:37. John Wiebe (Mennonite Brethren missionary in India 1927-1959, d. 1963) wrote a master’s thesis at the University of Minnesota in 1949 on the acculturation of the Madiga, a low/outcaste group  in the state of Andhra Pradesh, who became Christians. The Lectureship honors Eby’s belief that the motivation to learn is a response to the Christian gospel. [45] Gandhi was, to use today’s language, a highly informed “religious pluralist.”. With its congregation dwindling to around 12, the Christian denomination has had to rethink its strategy Mennonites interpreted the powerfully sensuous Hindu worship as an expression of the character of the gods. Writing in the Harijan in 1936 he clearly reflected the anti-Constantinianism that has almost become a litmus test for Mennonite theologians; he said that orthodox Christianity had “distorted the message of Jesus” and that “when it had the backing of a Roman Emperor it became the imperialist faith as it remains to this day.”[42] Writing in Young India in 1920 he commented, “Europe is today only nominally Christian. There he met British people who introduced him to books and ideas that significantly shaped his lifelong religious worldview. I helped carry the mutilated bodies of so-called Christian Germans and Englishmen who had stabbed and shot each other and blown each other to pieces. Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches in India is the largest Mennonite denomination of India. What was it that Mennonites found so offensive in Hinduism in the first half of the twentieth century? On February 10, 1948 J.D. He attended churches frequently, including the Metropolitan Tabernacle where the famous Charles Spurgeon preached. It is part of the Mennonite World Conference. Yours sincerely, M.K. Finally, Hinduism legitimated the caste system that was the most defining characteristic of Indian society. Visit our COVID-19 information website to learn how Warriors protect Warriors. Add to clipboard. He was eager to ask Gandhi some questions, because he had studied many of Gandhi’s speeches. [64] Lapp, The Mennonite Church in India, 1897-1962, 92-93. During his time in South Africa, one of his British friends sent him Tolstoy’s The Kingdom of God is Within You. [2] Nineteen years later, when Gandhi sailed from Bombay to England in September 1888 to study law in London, Friesen and Martens had married and were studying at the Baptist Missionary School at Hamburg-Horn in Germany, preparing for missionary service in India. I assume that he meant that if there was a war, and if Indian citizens were conscripted into military service, he and the Mennonites would be on the same side of the issue and share the same treatment. If religious reform was needed, it would be defined and implemented by Hindus drawing from the profound resources of Hinduism.[32]. Its leaders were not priests who mediated between the members and God. Quite my favourite picture of my adventure so far - '6 men (Mennonites) in a boat' taken on our river cruise to Lamanai! In India they encountered not only a bewildering variety of Scriptures with varying levels of authority, but also mass illiteracy. Mennonite Brethren Church. [22] Harold R. Isaacs, Scratches on our Minds: American Images of China and India (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press Publishers, 1958), 259. Santosh Masih, Rev. I am in the same boat with you. As Gandhi put it, “I believe in war bereft of every trace of violence.”[63]. Travel Iowa is the official tourism website of the State of Iowa, the Hawkeye State. Throughout the rest of his life he continued to deepen his understanding of Hinduism and to expand his knowledge and appreciation of other religions. Writing in his paper Young India in 1925, he characterized himself this way: I am not a literalist. Mennonites made the life of Jesus, his teaching in the Sermon on the Mount, and his self-sacrificial death the normative framework for interpreting the rest of the Bible and for assessing the faithfulness of the Church through history. One of those friends gave him a Bible. El Vecino offers Mexican Mennonite empanadas and Russian Mennonite treats like vereneki. Since most of the persecution had been at the hands of other Christians, Mennonites were often critical of other Christians and kept separate from them as well. The research was greatly facilitated by the assistance and guidance of archival and research library staff at the Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Fresno Pacific University in Fresno, California; the Mennonite Church USA Archives in Goshen, Indiana and North Newton, Kansas; and the Mennonite Archives in Waterloo, Ontario. In 2012 the conference had 103,488 members in 840 congregations. Thus it was inexplicable to Mennonites in India that Gandhi would not reject Hinduism and embrace Christianity. The quote is taken from Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule (Phoenix, Natal, South Africa: International Printing Press, 1910), ch. [57] Guy Franklin Hershberger, War, Peace, and Nonresistance (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1969), 190-91. Missionaries and Indian Christian converts alike regarded Hinduism as the root cause of the social and spiritual evils that they experienced. The largest populations of Mennonites are in India, Ethiopia, Canada, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the United States. The principle he expressed was that all religious traditions had within them the resources to stimulate spiritual inquiry, to experience God, and to provide the basis for a life of selflessness, nonviolence, and generosity. Madhukant Masih, Rev. The new organization was christened the Communaute des Eglises des Frere Mennonites au Congo, or CEFMC. Mennonites in Belize . It has 19 congregations. But nine days later Gandhi replied by postcard in his own handwriting: “Your letter. The Mennonite churches in India were established among marginalized people, poor, low caste or outcaste, and tribal groups. Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches, India (Mennonite Brethren Church, India) is a Mennonite conference in India that is officially associated with Mennonite World Conference.It is the largest of the 5 conferences in India affiliated with MWC. The sin of Adam and Eve affected all humans. [19], Missionaries not only observed and documented; they also explained, compared, and evaluated Indian religious life from their own religious perspectives and within the framework and cultural assumptions of Europeans and North Americans. It has 19 congregations. Mennonites said that non-resistance was not natural for humans, who were naturally inclined to sin and violence. Ought the word “non-resistance” to be taken in its widest sense -- that is to say, as intending that we should not offer any resistance of any kind to evil? It was iconoclastic and had minimal ritual and pageantry. A. Unruh is standing at the far left. Mennonites were people of the book, the Bible. I reject what is inconsistent with this test, and I appropriate all that is consistent with it. For most of these issues, missionaries had naturalistic explanations and responses. Many missionaries were careful students of Indian religious life. Find a tourism map, travel guide and the best things to do in Iowa. It was possible to demonstrate good will toward opponents, to cooperate on common causes, even while continuing to resist what was evil. The Mennonite Brethren, who had begun their work in 1889, were clustered in the Hyderabad region. First, human nature is fundamentally good. Caste divided people into very broad categories and specific occupational groups. [40] Harijan, April 17, 1937, cited in Ellsberg, 26. Ethnic Mennonites, that is Mennonites of German, Swiss German and Dutch descent in Paraguay are spread across 19 colonies and in the city of Asuncion. But the poor ignorant heathen must have something before him which possesses some real power. This conference served as an extension of women’s ministries already taking place in BGCMK, such as the yearly women’s Sunday, women’s prayer cells, and women’s visiting ministries in Jagdeeshpur and Champa. [3] Nearly three years later, on June 10, 1891, Gandhi was called to the bar in London. But in the wake of the strong anti-German and anti-pacifist prejudice that … It is a copy of a Memorial Service honoring Mahatma Gandhi held at The Community Church in New York City on February 1, 1948. Press, 2011). Today, the Mission Network relates to a variety of partners emphasizing leadership training, providing scholarships for Indian Mennonite pastors and health workers to obtain broader skills in their chosen professions.

Lehman (Mennonite Church missionary in India 1906-1930, d. 1963) earned a doctoral degree in philosophy from Yale in 1934 with a thesis on the writings of the 19th-century poet, dramatist, critic, and journalist Bharatendu Harishchandra. The Democratic Republic of Congo has 225,000 baptized Mennonite church members in five groups, according to Mennonite World Conference. [66] Gospel Herald 41.6 (February 10, 1948): 133. While the Mennonites are strict, organized and thoughtful -they are Dutch, after all- the indigena are not. Mennonite church in India is one of the nine Mennonite denominations in India. It is difficult for us today to imagine the extent and severity of their marginalization. Mennonite missionaries—including my great-great-great uncle Peter Penner (center)—at a leper station in British India, ca. “Come ye out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord.” II Cor.6:17. They came down to India from … Bible translation and literacy education were always among the first priorities of Protestant and Mennonite missions. This postcard from Gandhi is a highly prized artifact. The early decades of this small, far from unified, religious movement in an often hostile environment continue to be a focal point for Mennonites today who seek to understand their past, as they are for historians of They described the shrines and worship of local gods and goddesses and their influence on health, family life, and agriculture. That language is jarring for many of us now, but it was the language of common public discourse at the time, and it reflected widely shared assumptions in North America and Europe until well after the Second World War. When critics condemned established Christianity for its history of violence and domination, Mennonites joined in that criticism and at times stated flatly that those who perpetuated such violence were not true Christians at all. [55], Missionary M.C. New converts would leave the religious traditions and practices in which they had been raised and would, as much as possible, adopt the religious beliefs and practices of the missionaries. He championed the cause of the untouchables, whom he called harijans (children of God), but who call themselves Dalits (those who are crushed). Read Grebel's full land acknowledgement. As noted earlier, Gandhi insisted that this nonviolent, suffering-resistant discipline was rooted in reliance on God. The Livery Barn is at the Mennonite Heritage Village and is open seasonaly. Second, there was popular worship. [12] Paul D. Wiebe, Christians in Andhra Pradesh: The Mennonites of Mahbubnagar (Bangalore: Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, 1988), 54-55. And that is what set in motion the correspondence that led to the enigmatic postcard that Gandhi sent to James Norman Kaufman in June 1947. Kaufman and P.J. The headquarters at Jadcherla, Telangana. He encouraged his readers to reaffirm their own commitment to peace as taught in that Sermon. [9] Lapp, The Mennonite Church in India, 1897-1962, 29. And because the life of Jesus has the significance and the transcendency to which I have alluded, I believe that He belongs not solely to Christianity but to the entire world; to all races and people, it matters little under what flag, name, or doctrine they may work, profess a faith, or worship a God inherited from their ancestors. Using the language and worldview of the day, they increasingly expressed concern that they were not doing enough to ensure that the “heathen” heard the message of salvation and came to faith in Christ. I am in the same boat with you.” We will return to that enigmatic postcard message later. On June 21, 1947 they wrote: It is our understanding that the Constitution for independent India is now in the making. Graber began his “Today in Mission” column in the Gospel Herald with the words “Gandhi is dead.” He wrote: Gandhi was not a Christian, but he lived out a spirit of sincerity and devotion to a cause that puts most Christians to shame. Henry Krahn (Mennonite Brethren missionary in India 1956-61, d. 1985) completed a master’s thesis at the University of Washington in 1962 on the historical development of the MB mission program in India. Whether the original mission impetus was establishing churches or feeding the hungry, Mennonite mission work in different locations soon looked much the same. The lines are from the second stanza of the missionary hymn “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains.”. [28], He applied these criteria even to his favorite scripture, the Bhagavad Gita, a small section of the Mahabharata, the massive epic poem recounting the conflict between two parts of the same family. The most ancient are philosophical. Its bishop has his seat at the town of Dhamtari in Chhattisgarh. On June 30, 1947 Gandhi sent a post card to Kauffman with this simple message: “Why worry? [19]  For example, M.C. Like other Protestants at that time, Mennonites were very anti-Catholic, and their critique of Hinduism on this issue was nearly identical to their criticisms of Catholics in other settings, namely that the priests were deliberately keeping the mass of people ignorant. [40], He was one of the greatest teachers humanity has ever had…. Their huts were outside the main part of the village. Mennonite missionaries came to India convinced that all people should be converted to the Christian faith. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. When Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi[1] was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, a coastal town on the Arabian Sea on the northwest coast of India in the present state of Gujarat, there were no Mennonites in that country. Their personal journals, letters to family, reports to mission agencies, sermon and teaching notes, and articles in the Mennonite press describe their impressions and interpretations. He is as much a seeker after truth as you and I are, possibly more so.”[39]. More than a dozen missionaries wrote masters or doctoral theses in sociology, anthropology, history and religious studies based on their experiences in India between 1900 and 1970. Let us pray that even after his death Christ’s people in India may lead a quiet and peaceable life so that the purposes of God may be realized who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.[66]. [33] There was one God, who was revealed through the Bible, the only authoritative scripture. The front page headline shouts “Mahatma Gandhi Assassinated.” More than two pages are dedicated to Gandhi’s death earlier that day in a garden in Delhi and to the story of his remarkable life. This would be expressed visibly in clothing, speech, inter-personal relationships, occupations, simple living, and nonresistance. [39] Reported in Young India, August 6, 1925. It has 19 congregations. “Lehman Sahib, I would be ashamed to be a Christian.” Pressed for reasons Gandhi continued, “I went to the World War as a stretcher bearer. In a 1925 address to missionaries, Gandhi said, “One of the greatest of Christian divines, Bishop Heber, wrote the two lines which have always left a sting in me: ‘Where every prospect pleases and only man is vile.’ I wish he had not written them… [Man] is not vile.

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