lds talks on gratitude

[The following is the rest of his prepared talk.] Gordon tells how he grew up on a farm in Canada, where he and his siblings had to hurry home from school while the other children played ball and went swimming. The jack rabbit tasted like turkey and the turnips were the mildest we could recall. Almost immediately we realized that we were surrounded by goodness and were being cheered on from every side. When we communicate gratitude, we can be filled with the Spirit and connected to those around us and the Lord. “And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? “And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? This has been a marvelous session. I think of her. When the water finally receded, there wasn’t a plant left anywhere. Oct 23, 2018 - Are you looking for LDS talks on gratitude?Then look no further! We haven’t even got a goose left.”. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. They wondered how they had ever seen anything without the bright lights made possible by electricity. Let us obey His words. Grudgingly she started the job, indicating it would take a long time to cook that tough old thing. We never know how soon it will be too late. In the Book of Mormon, we learn that those who murmur do … Although it was nothing fancy, they acquired a washing machine that worked all day by itself and brilliant lightbulbs that dangled from each ceiling. When there was only the lamp again, they could hardly believe that it had been that dark before. I held her hand; she called my name. “And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.”, Notice that the Savior gave thanks for what they had—and a miracle followed: “And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full.”4, We have all experienced times when our focus is on what we lack rather than on our blessings. As He traveled in the wilderness for three days, more than 4,000 people followed and traveled with Him. Oct … “And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. This was especially true after harvesttime when the family celebrated Thanksgiving, for on that day their father gave them a great gift. President Joseph F. Smith, sixth President of the Church, provided an answer. My heart was filled with gratitude for him. Take some time and make a list of all the people in … My brothers and sisters, do we remember to give thanks for the blessings we receive? My most profound gratitude is for my Savior—an obedient Son, who did all that His Father asked and atoned for every one of us. From this pulpit in 1870, Eliza R. Snow asked thousands of women a question that I’d like to repeat today: “Do you know of any place on the face of the earth, where [a] woman has more liberty, and where she enjoys such high and glorious privileges as she does here, as a Latter-day Saint?”1 I bear witness that the women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do enjoy grand and glorious privileges. In the Book of Mormon, we learn that those who murmur do not know “the dealings of that God who … created them.”3 The Lord counsels us not to murmur because it is then difficult for the Spirit to work with us. “And as he entered into a certain village, there [he met] ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: “And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. Frequently we are oblivious to the Lord’s hand. However, those things which provide deep and lasting happiness and gratitude are the things which money cannot buy: our families, the gospel, good friends, our health, our abilities, the love we receive from those around us. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. So I went to the piano and played a number for her: “Here we go, [here we go] to a birthday party.”1 Then I gave her a kiss on the forehead, and she embraced me. The Lord has given us His promise that those “who [receive] all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto [them], even an hundred fold, yea, more.” The Divine Gift of Gratitude. We murmur, complain, resist, criticize; so often we are not grateful. “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.”10 In His sacred name, Jesus Christ, amen. Gratitude inspires happiness and carries divine influence. He took compassion on them, for they may not have eaten during the entire three days. Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley (1997), 250. He taught us how to die. In the book of Matthew in the Bible, we have another account of gratitude, this time as an expression from the Savior. Elder Hales stressed that we should never forget to thank Heavenly Father for the blessings, gifts, and talents He has given to us. May it permeate our very souls, now and evermore. President David O. McKay observed, “We find in the bitter chill of adversity the real test of our gratitude …, which … goes beneath the surface of life, whether sad or joyous.”9. (1939), 263. Do you think we should break down and get electricity?” Although elated at the prospect, she shed a tear or two as she thought of the hay loader that wouldn’t be bought. Gratitude is a divine principle. As I remember Him and acknowledge His goodness, I desire to be like Him. I appreciate the opportunities that I have and hope that I can serve him some way and show my gratitude the rest of my life. He went up to the attic, got an oil lamp, took it back to the table, and lighted it. Gratitude is a Spirit-filled principle. We are working to change that. …, “… [Our] home …, for all its want, was so rich [to] us.”13. Here are some of the best talks from LDS leaders on gratitude. . He has commanded us to be grateful because He knows being grateful will make us happy. A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues. Our lives are blessed in countless ways. President Smith is telling us that a prayerful life is the key to possessing gratitude. This requires conscious effort—at least until we have truly learned and cultivated an attitude of gratitude. To my remarkable, faithful sisters of the Church, I thank you for the ways you extend the Lord’s love through your service: your care for families at the death of a loved one, your watchcare as you visit teach, your willingness to build testimonies in children as you serve in Primary, your time preparing young women for womanhood. It opens our minds to a universe permeated with the richness of a living God. Luke chapter 17 records the experience of the Savior when He healed 10 lepers. We should regularly express our gratitude to God for the blessings He gives us and to others for the kind acts they do for us. They sold a couple of cows and all the pigs and other livestock they had intended to keep, getting very low prices for them because everybody else had to do the same thing. Nov 12, 2017 - Are you looking for LDS talks on gratitude?Then look no further! He is the Author of Our Salvation. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for blessings or benefits we have received. The lamps went quietly off to the attic. A grateful heart … comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives. Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life.” He continued: “Pride destroys our gratitude and sets up selfishness in its place. I think of all those General Authorities who’ve influenced me, and others, including the widows whom I visited—85 of them—with a chicken for the oven, sometimes a little money for their pocket. I share with you an account of one family which was able to find blessings in the midst of serious challenges. The leper’s expression of gratitude was recognized by the Savior as an expression of his faith. It is also a time to open our hearts to those around us and find a way to bless them. He beckons, “Follow me.”17 He instructs, “Go, and do thou likewise.”18 He pleads, “Keep my commandments.”19. James E Faust once taught that Gratitude is a Saving Principle of the Gospel. Through it, we become spiritually aware of the wonder of the smallest things, which gladden our hearts with their messages of God’s love. The kind of gratitude that receives even tribulations with thanksgiving requires a broken heart and a contrite spirit, humility to accept that which we cannot change, willingness to turn everything over to the Lord—even when we do not understand, thankfulness for hidden opportunities yet to be revealed. Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. “Live in thanksgiving daily,” said Amulek, “for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.” 4 Their father said he wanted to see how they stood, but they knew he really wanted them to realize on that feast day how richly God had blessed them and had smiled upon all their hours of work. Dec 8, 2017 - Are you looking for LDS talks on gratitude?Then look no further! His disciples, however, questioned, “Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude?” Like many of us, the disciples saw only what was lacking. Pathways to Happiness, comp. “And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God. Gratitude inspires happiness and carries divine influence. You will never know how much that meant to her and to me.”6 This mother’s words surprised me and brought me happiness. They planted again, but more rains beat the crops into the earth. …, “It [was] a lovely meal. Their potatoes rotted in the mud. In 1832 the Lord saw the need to prepare the Church for coming tribulations. A grateful heart … comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives. “Live in thanksgiving daily,” said Amulek, “for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.”4. He is the Son of God. As we cultivate a grateful attitude, we are more likely to be happy and spiritually strong. Regardless of our circumstances, each of us has much for which to be grateful if we will but pause and contemplate our blessings. Gratitude is our sweet acknowledgment of the Lord’s hand in our lives; it is an expression of our faith. Their mother said, “Maybe we’d better forget it this year. He taught us how to pray. Russell M. Nelson | "Thanks Be to God". He said, “Oh, Grandmother, you will know him. Gratitude requires awareness and effort, not only to feel it but to express it. The angry mob took His life. If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues. LDS Quotes on & about Mothers & Motherhood presented in an easy-to-read format. It turns what we have into enough, and more. He is our Master. It opens our minds to a universe permeated with the richness of a living God. Aldous Huxley, Themes and Variations (1954), 66. . How do you feel when someone expresses gratitude to you? We can lift ourselves and others as well when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude. Let us emulate His example. How much happier we are in the presence of a grateful and loving soul, and how careful we should be to cultivate, through the medium of a prayerful life, a thankful attitude toward God and man!”9. 2013. The 16 Best Youtube Videos (+ description/summary) These are the 16 best Youtube videos dealing with the idea of gratitude, not including TED Talks, even though some of the TED Talks listed above are hosted on Youtube. That gospel brings to those who live in darkness the light of divine truth. When we encounter challenges and problems in our lives, it is often difficult for us to focus on our blessings. Then What Else Matters? Wrote Gordon: “In the humble dimness of the old lamp we were beginning to see clearly again. Bonus: Playlist: Give Thanks – This link provides a quick ‘go to’ to find TED Talks that will help you come up with huge amounts of gratitude. Sharon G. Samuelson - “Gratitude-A Commandment of God” - BYU Speeches “And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious.”8. Apr 2016 Gerrit W. Gong. The Roman soldiers pierced His side. In D&C 59:21 the Lord says, “And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments” In that very same section we read, “Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things.” When it was finally on the table with some of the turnips that had survived, the children refused to eat. Yet the Lord said, “Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things.”5 All things means just that: good things, difficult things—not just some things. Gratitude helps us know the difference between needs and wants, between the essentials and the whims of the now. Mar 8, 2019 - Two young Latter-day Saint volunteers were arrested in Novorossiysk, Russia after local authorities A few months ago, while visiting in Texas, I asked six-year-old Thomas to tell me about his bishop. All they harvested that year was a patch of turnips which had somehow weathered the storms. They counted the cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and geese. When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is … Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God’s love. Perhaps momentarily. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours. The coming of electricity to their farm was almost the last good thing that happened to them that year. This has been a marvelous session. Apr 2014 Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Thank you for your devotion. She pressed my hand to her lips and said, “I knew you’d come.” How could I not have come? “Gratitude is of the very essence of worship. Gratitude is a catalyst to all Christlike attributes! George Long (1888), 429. Then comes a sense of peace. Gratitude is a Spirit-filled principle. Topics: Gratitude & Thanksgiving, Love. As I close this morning, it is my prayer that in addition to all else for which we are grateful, we may ever reflect our gratitude for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To the Aaronic Priesthood: Preparing for the Decade of Decision. Let us not wait until it is too late for us to express that gratitude. Gratitude on the Sabbath Day. Llewelyn R. McKay (1957), 318. Their father, however, had the capacity to help them understand that their work amounted to something. Cicero, in A New Dictionary of Quotations on Historical Principles, sel. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for blessings or benefits we have received. Frequently we are oblivious to the Lord’s hand. However, if we reach deep enough and look hard enough, we will be able to feel and recognize just how much we have been given. This afternoon I am honored to represent those Relief Society leaders who, here in this very Tabernacle, shared the doctrines of the kingdom, emphasized the significance of women’s roles in the home and family, called each other to charitable service, and reminded their sisters of the joy that comes from righteous living. We should regularly express our gratitude to God for the blessings He gives us and to others for the kind acts they do for us. Then they went out to the barn and figured how many tons of hay there were and how many bushels of grain in the granary. The Discourses of Epictetus; with the Encheiridion and Fragments, trans. +4. LDS Quotations is a resource for quotes on Change and 100s of other topics for talk or lesson prep, or just to browse. My beloved brothers and sisters, we have heard inspired messages of truth, of hope, and of love. It was also the year that electricity came to their town—although not to them because they couldn’t afford it. A grateful heart, then, comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives. Do material possessions make us happy and grateful? We murmur, complain, resist, criticize; so often we are not grateful. It was hard for them not to focus on their challenges. He had the children count everything carefully. …. . This is another evidence of His love. We all have many many things to be thankful for. When we are grateful for having healthy food, we might be able to step back from impulses and ask ourselves, “Do I actually need a candy bar, or am I better off just eating that sandwich and apple?” On Thanksgiving morning, however, Gordon’s father showed up with a jackrabbit and asked his wife to cook it. So the electrical line went up their lane that year. The expressed gratitude by one merited the Master’s blessing; the ingratitude shown by the nine, His disappointment. Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly, Recently Released General Relief Society President. In his October 2010 address, “The Divine Gift of Gratitude,” President Thomas S. Monson drew upon the scriptures to teach principles of gratitude. I have deep gratitude for the priesthood brethren with whom I’ve served. Why are we here? You put your arm around her. – Bonnie D. Parkin | Gratitude: A Path to Happiness He said, “You spend more time doing the wash than sleeping. One Sunday I sat next to a sister in Relief Society and got to know her a little better. Someone has said that “feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”12. In the book of Luke, chapter 17, we read of Him: “And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. The sick He healed; the downtrodden He lifted; the sinner He saved. Elder Robert D. Hales said, “Gratitude expressed to our Heavenly Father in prayer for what we have brings a calming peace—a peace which allows us to not canker our souls for what we don’t have. Repentance is an act of humility, and it ought to also be a reverent expression of gratitude, for Lord’s tremendous grace for mistakes big and small. Instead, He said, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.”7. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features © 2020 … Gratitude brings a peace that helps us overcome the pain of adversity and failure. Gratitude is our sweet acknowledgment of the Lord’s hand in our lives; it is an expression of our faith. The Lord declared through a revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith: “Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things. It was midnight, and I went to the nursing home, and the receptionist said, “I’m sure she’s asleep, but she told me to be sure to awaken her, for she said, ‘I know he’ll come.’”. My sincere, heartfelt prayer is that we may in our individual lives reflect that marvelous virtue of gratitude. Gratitude is a commandment with a promise, as is taught in Doctrine and Covenants 78:19: And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more. William H. Davies, The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp (1908), 4. I leave my blessings with all of you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Thanksgiving & November are a time of gratitude. It opens our minds to a universe permeated with the richness of a living God. Said he: “The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil. “There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. When we take a minute to talk to Heavenly Father and tell him, “Thank you,” every night, we connect with Him and build a relationship with Him. As you recall, only one of the cleansed lepers returned to express his appreciation. This grateful awareness heightens our sensitivity to divine direction. Our thoughts have turned to Him who atoned for our sins, who showed us the way to live and how to pray, and who demonstrated by His own actions the blessings of service—even our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And [the disciples] said, Seven, and a few little fishes. H. L. Mencken (1942), 491. May we be blessed to feel of His love in our lives daily. His life is a legacy of love. It’s True, Isn’t It? 2014. There were no more lamps to fill with oil, no more wicks to cut, no more sooty chimneys to wash. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, amen. There have been 1000's of talks given by LDS church leaders over the years many of which you haven't heard. He taught us how to live. Let us follow Him. Said the Greek philosopher Epictetus, “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”5. Before family prayer each night we would talk about how our day had gone and then share with each other all of the many blessings that had been added to our ‘blessing basket.’ The more we expressed gratitude, the more there was to be grateful for. John Thompson, “Birthday Party,” Teaching Little Fingers to Play (1936), 8. (2010), 15. LDS Quotations is a resource for quotes on Mothers & Motherhood and 100s of … Isn’t it interesting that the Lord did not say, “Your gratitude has made you whole”? William Arthur Ward, in Allen Klein, comp., Change Your Life! He wears glasses and always has a smile.” I recognized Thomas’s bishop as soon as I saw him. Someone has said that “gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”8, How can we cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude? I have experienced the love of the Lord through your faithfulness. He took an inventory of everything they had. …, “And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things.”6, In the Book of Mormon we are told to “live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which [God] doth bestow upon you.”7. Mercies and blessings come in different forms—sometimes as hard things. Gratitude is a Spirit-filled principle. LDS Quotes on & about Change presented in an easy-to-read format. There are marriages that make it, parents who love their children and sacrifice for them, friends who care about us and help us, teachers who teach. Some Apostles doubted; one betrayed Him. Tribulations are frightening. Get into the spirit of Thanksgiving with this great family home evening lesson on gratitude! The loss of loved ones almost inevitably brings some regrets to our hearts. 6 talking about this. The mother wrote: “Our world had completely crumpled, so we turned to Heavenly Father for guidance. And yet the Lord said: “Be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. Let me share a sweet story with you. One night when Gordon’s mother was doing her big wash, his father stepped in and took his turn over the washboard and asked his wife to rest and do her knitting. My mother once said of me, “Tommy, I’m very proud of all that you’ve done. She was wide awake. Here are some of the best talks from LDS leaders on gratitude. His glorious gospel provides answers to life’s greatest questions: Where did we come from? I’d like to express gratitude to someone who cares about my grandchildren. This is an account I read many years ago and have kept because of the message it conveys. This is a wonderful time to be on earth. Often we feel grateful and intend to express our thanks but forget to do so or just don’t get around to it. Gordon’s mother cried, and then his father did a strange thing. It was written by Gordon Green and appeared in an American magazine over 50 years ago. On Thanksgiving morning he would take them to the cellar with its barrels of apples, bins of beets, carrots packed in sand, and mountains of sacked potatoes as well as peas, corn, string beans, jellies, strawberries, and other preserves which filled their shelves. We felt the love of the Lord in a significant way as opportunities for growth presented themselves.”2. Finally, when they sat down to the feast their mother had prepared, the blessings were something they felt.

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