how to respond to merry christmas reddit

I can't imagine anyone says "Merry Christmas" in order to be purposely offensive or irritating. In helps prevent the situation from becoming awkward. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.| Now we know which is their true religion is. I normally say "...and a Happy New Year to you." One should never endeavour to be intentionally offensive, simply for the reason that one has been offended before. That's just me. CAN YOU POST THIS ON FACEBOOK SO THAT I CAN THROW SOME FACTS ABOUT CHRISTMAS BEING A RE-PURPOSED PAGAN HOLIDAY SO THAT I CAN SCREENCAP IT AND SUBMIT IT TO REDDIT???? Thank you works just fine. Richard Branson may have some options for you. Did you know there is actually a movie about this? We and they wish it because, statistically, it makes more sense to. Thanks, you too! You didn't actually answer my question. I'd like to see more simple human pleasure in sharing our humanity and less stress on what we call it. It's about respect. ", [–]pafpdd 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children). In our hearts we must know the difference. One year my immediate supervisor wanted to argue the point. [–]silentsecrets 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children), [–]Pyrander 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children). I just always respond with, "you too." for me it's a time for hanging out with my family, eating good food, and giving presents to the people I love. Despite the circumstances, the first Christmas was merry for one reason—God was found there. Instead it's flattering to know that someone who believes they can communicate to the creator of the universe also believes said creator gives a shit about you, wants to hear about you. May this holiday season sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. I get angry in my head, but do not respond audibly. "Happy Solstice! Then, u will be teleported to the opening place. I'm guessing that's sarcasm, but I have trouble telling on reddit. If anyone complains I explain that they are interchangeable like saying Hello and replying Hi. By asking if the terrorists win you are letting the terrorists win. the kawansa was made up by some socialistc professor. [–]BeerMe828 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children). I can only live my life as a Stewart of my God and hope that you see by my example my God. I bet this really made a dent in The Dark Knight Rises sales when they were released. Barbara....God is not confined to your personal perception and beliefs. What happens to elves when they behave naughty? I do take genuine pleasure when I get as far as making them cry or at least angrily stammer and stutter. Can someone explain this to me? Not argumentative; just curious. You are all the masses and I am your savior." A time for giving, a time for receiving. I will say happy Hanukah . you need to say what is sincere to you, but don't stop and criticize somebody else from saying what they want. [–]CommanderShep 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children). Live and let live. [–]a2citizen 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children). I didn't want to invade his private time so I didn't start a conversation, but we jogged together about 2 miles. Hear hear! A rather simple concept that if you're not at war with the world can be very satisfying. I don't celebrate Christmas, so it does feel awkward to wish someone a merry Christmas. I don't understand this. -"Order? DOJ is still hosting documents about roleplaying games being a gateway to Templar Satanism. I think the reason would be best explained by watching a video called Truth or tradition or looking at the origin of Christmas. I always say merry Christmas, and if somebody who is Jewish comes by they tell me happy Hanukah and I tell them happy Hanukah, I don't know why people would think that merry Christmas is not a blessing or that they should not accept kindly a blessing of any kind. I accept all greetings as log as they are positive in nature. Most of it has nothing to do with religion anyway! I also think some churches and cathedrals are stunning— inside and out. That's the general consensus around here. If you are living in the southern hemisphere you would reverse this. On December 25 I say, "Merry Christmas". [–]Sir_Fancy_Pants 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children), Jesus also turned the other cheek ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, [–]TheTician 81 points82 points83 points 8 years ago (16 children). It's a time when most like to come together with family, exchange gifts, and enjoy each other's company. Reading, Kids Reading, Viewing, and Listening. [–]scarecrow2407 35 points36 points37 points 8 years ago (3 children), -"Believe! Happy Holidays is just a cop out, If you do not believe in any of the festivities surrounding this time of year, a small "Greetings My Friend" will GITERDONE! password. When I think of Christmas I think of Santa, frosty the snowman, and penguins, not Jesus, and I share that with a lot of Christians too. It's lucky I am not shoving down their throats Happy Festivus, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice, or Yule like they shove Merry Christmas down everyone else's throat. I don't believe that. May the Gods of all religions watch over you, pray for you, and help you to achieve peace in your heart and love for all. even if you don't believe in it, you should always say thank … You can't have spiritual freedom until you realize you are standing at the threshold of something that is so amazing, no religion on earth can teach it. When in life do you every use the word "merry"? You'd probably meant to say you received an email from your employer wishing you Merry Christmas and giving you some other information. Why Your Estranged Child Doesn’t Want to Reconcile Attribution theory explains their reluctance. Same here. Most importantly a place next to your God and Saviour. Don't yell, demean, or insult the person. [–]SycopathicPotato 2 points3 points4 points 8 years ago (0 children), [–]Strong Atheistlimbodog 2 points3 points4 points 8 years ago (0 children), I say "What's so merry about it? Damn kids! There are just too many religious and secular holidays celebrated in December that it is ludicrous to wish happiness for any specific holiday except for the day(s) designated for it. Interestingly, I am in Costa Rica right now, and I haven't had a single store clerk say "merry xmas/feliz navidad" here. If you ever need me, I am just a phone call away.” The first part of this Merry Christmas text message is actually a quote by Taylor Caldwell, and I think it works well as a message to anyone who has been feeling a bit lonely and despondent recently. If you take a closer look at the facts, you will see why: An estimated 53% of Americans identify as Christian. Will God Protect the Earth? [–]derpinsteins_monster 2 points3 points4 points 8 years ago (0 children), [–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points 8 years ago (5 children), It is much easier in Denmark because we say "glædelig jul" which means "happy yule/tide", so we don't have the whole religious stigma going on, since only about 1000 or so are pagans today =), [–]fnordx 2 points3 points4 points 8 years ago (2 children). Zounds, I seem to've dug quite a hole for myself, then! Another simple way to prevent this from becoming an issue is by saying "Happy Holidays" in return. Few months later, my mom’s emotional blackmail raised to its peak. As it turned out, he had to abandon that question because almost nobody replied to either type of card. Good for you. I'm not Christian but who doesn't love Christmas?? Only time I've been offended by someone offering me some semblance of a seasons greeting was when I cheerfully told someone leaving our restaurant "Happy Holidays!" Similarly, when someone says they'll pray for you, even if it's said in a supercilious tone, I don't think, "Lol you talk to an imaginary friend???" This can be confirmed by nearly every redditor, including OP. The intent is what matters if they say the same sentence with the intent of offending you then it would be wrong. I don't see how replying with "happy holidays" is smacking someone around though. Yes thank you. No one was upset by my behavior this past season. I'm with you. I smile and say thank you. Also, there's another war on Christmas movie that came out last year: Christmas With a Capital C, [–]RickRussellTX 7 points8 points9 points 8 years ago (1 child). Merry Christmas Dear Evangelicals Spar on Climate Change, Secret History of the Easter Bunny: What They Don't Teach You in School, Was Saint Patrick Irish? how do you take your toast? Let''s keep some peace and civility in this time of year regardless how celebrate. Just like all the symbols below. Christians seem, not only why we celebrate Christmas, but why we wish its Merriment. Christmas is probably more secular than anything else these days. It is annoying and doesn't make me want to shop more. Hehe I could imagine that would make an uproar when you do that :D, [–]Gingerscotch 0 points1 point2 points 8 years ago (0 children), [–]Apatheistpidgezero_one 2 points3 points4 points 8 years ago (0 children). Recommended: Why aren't they mad about it?? If they wish me a merry Christmas (and I do celebrate Christmas in my own way with friends and family), I wish them in turn a merry Christmas. Crying shame, though. Don't ever presume anyone celebrates what you celebrate unless they are a friend or family. Take Christmas as what it is, a cultural holiday of giving and caring and please stop ruining it for people (religious or secular) who are just trying to have a good time with their family and friends. I suppose, JAKIM will now certify my kitchen as non-halal… dapur haram. [–]Wistfuljali 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children). [–]AtheistISOCRACY 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children). I rarely get to see my cousin. Why is it not okay to wish someone a happy day regardless of what they call it or when they celebrate it? I hope the holidays find you well. Christmas jokes are great for kids and bring more laughter to the festive season for the entire family. I am a Reiki Master, and love to teach children in particular how to honer and protect our beautiful blue and green planet. I am a pagan with a very strong spiritual belief, I also believe in Faeries. Hello Thanks for sharing your opinion. Have a great day and enjoy the festivities. Take a moment to share information about the holiday you celebrate. If they say happy Hanukkah, o reply with happy Hanukkah. ", [–]jellysand1 13 points14 points15 points 8 years ago* (4 children). Tip: See my list of the Most Common Mistakes in English.It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more. Say Merry Christmas to me all you want. Compare how many people show up for Black Friday door-busters vs how many people show up for Midnight Mas. There are just too many holidays to focus on just well wishing for one so I tend to lean to the happy holidays. [–]demostravius 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children). It seems to confuse most people, and they have no idea how to respond. hmmmm, it appears you just got a bit angry in the head, there. This is the message of Christmas – we are never alone.’ Merry Christmas. If this happened to you, and you're at a loss of words to respond with, guys on a recent Reddit thread have some pretty solid suggestions for how to respond … As a Christian we are to worship and celebrate our Lord's life and our Salvation 24/7 and not on one day a year. Even if so, responding with kindness would deflate the mal-intent. It's not hard. Intrigued by the periodic flare-up of stories about “the war on Christmas”, Prof Meier planned to test whether people would respond differently to a “Merry Christmas” message than to a religiously non-committal “Happy Holidays”. It can be really awful for someone with no money and no family to be constantly reminded that everyone else is celebrating ..when you can&t I say just try to be mindful of that. At least, that's what most of the holiday songs on the radio like to tell us. Choose your favorite phrase and Wish Good Intentions for those u speak too. Required fields are marked * Comment. The winter holidays may largely be over, but we're still seeing a lot of questions about proper holiday etiquette. The scumbag people in my religion are always like your going to hell because you do this and this. It includes Christmas. Well it's Jersey, so my guess is that they're more worried about offending Jews than Christians. we have many holidays. you mean you don't go around saying that like i do? Most people mean no harm and they don't know what your religious affiliation is unless you wear a sign around your neck. This last Christmas I was in a shopping center,that had a Santa for children to have photos taken with. [–]caroline_ 1 point2 points3 points 8 years ago (0 children). However, with the holidays come many controversies between people of different religions. Apply cool water directly to the burned area. If I received that email on December 27th, I would reply with "Thanks. What other amazing revelations can you share? Although my usual response is something more like, "Bah! ", [–]CompulsivelyCalm 0 points1 point2 points 8 years ago (1 child), [–]Barzhac 0 points1 point2 points 8 years ago (0 children), Thank you so much for that. [–]Nisas 2 points3 points4 points 8 years ago (0 children). American here. Are you saying then that wishing someone a happy holiday that you don't celebrate is okay as long as it's sincere? No less about good tidings. If someone tells me "merry xmas", i respond with merry xmas as well. [–]CaptOblivious 37 points38 points39 points 8 years ago (16 children). Spoiler alert: Practically nobody has a problem with Merry Christmas, but a number of Christians have a problem with Happy Holidays. Sometimes I even include Happy New Year, Happy Mardi Gras, and Happy Valentine's Day (which is my birthday, and the end of the holiday season for me)! I don't understand the outrage. Here’s what you can do about it. I saw someone's entry that they get angry in their head....holy cow, pretty absurd, move to an atheist community if kindness and good will from strangers is so offensive to someone. Things that can compromise my Merry Christmas. The ones who try to lecture you, and hand out bibles.

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