how tall is predaking tfp

Predaking's CNA was accessible through the cloning machine, resulting in Predacons that shared component parts with him. Predaking is now alone on Earth after witnessing the execution of Skylynx and Darksteel. He is called "Tall, Dark and Scaly" by Knock Out in Synthesis, a term used to describe either monsters or demons. It sustained many of the ship's defenses and soon fell victim to getting bashed around as it was on top of the ship before finally being disposed of by being hit against a rock slide and digging it's way out. Predaking transformed into his beast mode and began attacking aggressively. Affiliation After a suggestion from Shockwave, Predaking led them in an attempt to assist the Autobots in fighting Unicron's horde of Terrorcon Predacons. (Y/N):" Don't start Predaking." Y/N has been blind all her life. Predaking calls Dark Energon ,"Dark Magic". So he transformed into beast mode and unleashed a fireball into the sky in the hopes of attracting them. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" "Where did I come from? Can see a dime from 10,000 feet. Has particle-beam rifle with infra-red sight, and laser-guided sword. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Predacon lived at least once, maybe twice before the events of the TV series. From: Chain of CommandWhen Predaking finds his way home, Megatron assigns Starscream as stable-boy. Predaking remembered Megatron's advice of facing his true enemy as a beast. His implied anger at the Autobots in Persuasion leaves the question open however though whether he truly forgave the Autobots. Later during the Autobot/Decepticon war for Cybertron the original Predacon was cloned along with other Predacons by Shockwave and sent to Earth to wipe out Autobot forces and guard the Energon reserves. Predaking led the two against the undead Predacons and killed a substantial number. After demolishing every Vehicon in his path, the Predacon attacked Megatron and almost got the better of his former leader. Unearthed by the shifting of plates during our planets' restoration." This actually fits him as his robot mode is rather demonic looking. Rebellion, Some time later, the temperature in the Arctic rose to a sufficient level to allow the Predacon to free itself. Predaking tried to pursue, but the Autobots Ground-bridged away just in time. Plus One, During a tour of Shockwave's off-site laboratory, the Predacon revealed his intelligence and ability to transform to his fellow Cybertronians. The Predacons once ruled Cybertron but became extinct at the beginning of Cybertronian history, in an apocalyptic wipe-out known as the Great Cataclysm. Predaking fell for the ruse, engaging Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack after they destroyed the clones. Predaking came upon Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave playing cards within the Decepticons' volcano base. - Predaking attacks Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack, "Prepare to perish." The Predacon would later be lured into a trap during the assault on Darkmount as he chased Ultra Magnus' ship. TFP Predaking x Fem! While it held off Wheeljack, Bulkhead turned it's attention when he attacked it. Decepticons (formerly) Predacons Autobots Skylynx (Predacon brother) Darksteel (Predacon brother) Ripclaw (Predacon sister) Shockwave (creator) 1. Equipment Later on the Decepticon warship the Predacon vowed his loyalty to Megatron but requested to lead the Predacons themselves with the name Predaking. - Predaking to. If he returns in the sequel, this will likely be explained. Shockwave, who suddenly appeared, congratulated all three of his creations, but suggested they should fight their enemy and not each other. He chuckled merrily at the Decepticons' misfortune. Later Predaking was called to service again when Shockwave was gathering supplies at a human base in the North Pole for the Omega Lock. At the dawn of Cybertron's beginning (after Primus and Unicron's confrontation) the original Predaking walked among the other Predacons. As Project Predacon was nearing its completion, he surprised everyone, including Megatron, by transforming into a robotic form and demonstrating his  intelligence. However the time waiting for Megatron to arrive the Predacons passed away from the passage of time or more likely a lack of Energon and their bones (micro-chipped) were left buried under rocks. Search and Discover. His kind preyed on the smaller, weaker Cybertronians for amusement and nourishment. Predaking Predaking tried to recruit his brothers to fight Unicron, but they refused resulting in a brawl between them. Predaking contradicts himself on several occasions. You carefully pressed your lips against his derma, passionately kissing him. Transformers Prime Season 3: Beast Hunters: Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. But I think Soundwave and Starscream are the same size as the Vehicons and should be a wee bit smaller. It was there that he encountered two other Predacons, Darksteel and Skylynx. The Predacon fighting Wheeljack and Bulkhead. Darksteel and Skylynx pursued, but were destroyed by an armed security system that Starscream accidentally tripped. He brought the creature online and took it to Earth to hunt Autobots. However it hasn't been confirmed he made peace with them fully, and he may therefore have just left them alone in order for his race to survive. The Predacon watched him and later, when alone, it entered Starscream's access code into the computer and began to call up information on the origins and existence of Predacons. He offered to lead the Predacons on Megatron's behalf as "Predaking", but Megatron was wary of giving control of an army more powerful than his own to someone else. Despite pledging his loyalty to Megatron in gratitude for his creation, the Predacon and his kind were seen as a threat to the Decepticon leader. Unicron defeated him, taking the location of the burial ground from his mind, and by the time Predaking returned, he found to his horror that Unicron had desecrated the site. Predaking's breath is hotter than the planet Mercury, which has highs of 700 Kelvin (or 427 degrees Celsius/800 degrees Fahrenheit) at daytime. When the Nemesis crashed they stood by the Autobots to defend Cybertron. Prime having foiled the Predacons' initial attacks individually, they merged into Predaking and resumed the chase. Minus One He was prevented from finishing Optimus off when Megatron instructed him to make sure the target of the Decepticon mission was kept safe, and he had to retrieve Shockwave and a generator from the Solaris particle collider building. The beast emerged triumphant, only for Ultra Magnus to arrive in his ship and fire at it. Thus I begun to burn with questions......."Who am I?" Before discovering how to transform, he was simply called the Predacon. The Predacons put aside their differences and join the Autobots in the war against Unicron. Predaking proved to be more powerful than Megatron, but a cheap shot in the back from Starscream allowed Megatron to chuck Predaking against the airlock release. "You assume that because I turned against Megatron, I can forgive the Autobots, their role in the destruction of my brethren on Earth!? For his own amusement, he breathed fire on the gang, sending them scrambling in all directions. "In the name of the mighty legions of Predacons who proceeded me, I shall never again yield to your charge. Predaking found an area where his brothers clearly had been, but the trail was cold and he realized that trying to track them would be useless. From: ScatteredThe Decepticons get reinforcements of their own. Alias(es) The Predacon then informed a skeptic Megatron that he only recently discovered his ability to transform after much research. They tried to defend the Well of All Sparks against the undead, but were pushed in by sheer force. I will no longer be alone. Later when Megatron planned to re-create the Omega Lock, Predaking requested that when done so, Megatron focus on the re-creation of the entire Predacon race for Predaking to lead in a combined alliance against the Autobots, swearing his loyalty to him. Predaking In his original life possessed many similar traits with Megatron, as they were ruthless tyrants in their time, though he had more respect for his fellow Predacons. The Predacon was taken to Megatron by Shockwave from his lab and presented as the ultimate Autobot hunter. When Predaking, Skylynx, and Darksteel confronted Starscream in Darkmount, the treacherous Decepticon fled into the depths of the fortress. Peter Mensah. "I am Predaking! Despite Predaking's hatred for both Autobot and Decepticon, Predaking does seem to have the common sense to team up with the winning side when the stakes are high as he gave a death threat to Bumblebee and the Autobots, but later teamed up with them against Unicron. Follow/Fav HTTYD 2 and TFP: Rise of the Predacon. - Predaking showing. I imagine Predaking would be about 43-45 feet in height, seeing as Megatron comes to about his chest line. Slowly, Predaking began to grow back to his normal size. The Predacon attacked Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack, eventually causing a cave-in after swatting away Wheeljack's grenade. Far later, he, along with several Insecticon minions, are shown to be experim… I want to tell you about the Transformers! A missile to the back from Starscream rattled him enough that Megatron was able to blast him out of an airlock. ", "Then I shall simply battle twice as fiercely! Evolution, Predaking continued to believe that once Cybertron was restored, Megatron would resurrect the rest of the Predacon race. Drkav. - Predaking to Bumblebee, Arcee, Smokescreen and Bulkhead. He was strong enough to break the Forge of Solus Prime in two with his bare hands and beat up Megatron (shown to be strong enough to overpower him in close combat), something very few characters have been able to do. In Mini-Con Madness, Starscream had explained to Bumblebee about how he survived from the encounter with Predacons at Darkmount. She is the only female member of Team Prime. He succeeded in intimidating the Vehicons and even two of Megatron's highest-ranking officers. Also, Predaking has never been shown talking in his beast mode, suggesting it's an ability only his Robot mode can perform. First appearance Though these two Predacons were not willing to obey, Predaking quickly asserted his dominance over the two. Primary Color After the Autobots were given reinforcements, the Predacon took chase after them and attempted to blow the Autobots out of the air. Despite this however Predaking seems to have forgiven the Autobots as he wasn't seen betraying them and possibly fulfilling Bumblebee's wish of Autobots and Predacons living on Cybertron together. The Predacon would later be placed under the command of Starscream, much to his and Starscream's chagrin and would endure Starscream's abuse for a time. Due to the fact that Predaking was more than a match for any number of Autobots, (or even Decepticons), Megatron surmised that the former beast and his kind would eventually turn on their masters. His signal intended to attract the two Predacons instead brought Unicron, now in possession of Megatron's form, to his position. Predaking took refuge at the site where the Predacons died eons previously. —Predaking asserts his dominance over the Predacons, Predacons Rising, Predaking's presence was so frightening that the Autobots began hunting for ways to combat him. It was through this incident that the Predacon began to learn about his origins and gain more intelligence. On Starscream's advice, he arranged for the termination of the clones using the Autobots discovering the lab as a pretense. As a bot, he was loyal to Megatron, but grew somewhat ambitious and a bit boastful of his abilities, something Megatron has become fearful of. Predacon King/Leader Surprisingly fast and agile, he have manged to dogde attacks on certain occasions. The two battled for the fate of the universe with neither gaining advantage. And then she gets ambushed by Predaking, who is pretty much determined to both wait it out for his Master to wake and to find out why her body is "malfunctioning". - Predaking to, "What have you done to my brethren? Another side to his personality is that he is willing to defend his fellow Predacons with his life, something a true king would do. Essentially Predaking's role in that hunt concluded once he had flushed Prime o… Portal of Destruction, When Shockwave left his technology unattended, you could use it to custom-create your own monstrous Predacon! He can also fire a Stasis Beam from his mouth according to the Covenant of Primus. If Predaking did not die then, the resultant fallout slowly killed him. A second Predacon clone that looks like Predaking can be seen among this group of Predacons. His color scheme is like that of a campfire. The Predacon returns after failing his first mission. Predaking is a Decepticon-created beast, created from the CNA of his predecessor and brought to life by Shockwave's science. Builds mecha-nests atop tall buildings and mountains; composed of late model sports cars, wings of jets, theater marquees. - Predaking to his two subjects, "I would recommend leaving that to those more suited for the task." Predaking harassed Starscream once again when he found him preening in front of a full-length mirror. Many also took the revelation of him being stronger than any Decepticons but willing to live peacefully with Autobots very well. His snout is short and his lower jaw can separate and move like a stag beetle's jaws. Back with the Decepticons, they learned of its loss. Starscream Unicron Autobots (formerly) Chain of Command, Back at the Nemesis, the Predacon responded to Starscream's continued orders with a swipe of his tail that missed the Decepticon but demolished the ship's communications array. They turn the Predacons, standing on a tall rock formations, Predaking climbs down, Hiccup reaches out his hand touches Predaking's nose to gain his trust, so Predaking turns to his left and lowers his head. Allow nothing to enter the well!!" Hunt the Beasts, Through a series of simulations, Predaking's destructive prowess was tested out. Hiccup climbs up ready to ride. Unicron attempted to gain Predaking's allegiance, unaware of Predaking's betrayal, but the Predacon instead attacked the chaos bringer. Since discovering his ability to transform, Predaking seems to prefer robot mode to beast mode. Beast Creator. His metal scales make him extremely durable being able to survive being buried alive by massive rocks and withstanding blaster fire and various other weapons. Basic Information His hostility to Optimus in Persuasion may also be a result of his original memories of being left to burn in the Cataclysm. It is possible Predaking himself is not aware he posses these powers if he has them in the show. His dragon form would also be considered a monster. In Uniend 610.23 Zeta, Ask Vector Prime Starscream lead the Seekers in the Battle at Tyger Pax. Once the conflict had ended, they flew off to Darkmount where Predaking took his revenge against Starscream with his two subjects off screen. Trophy Points: 117. ", "If my brethren are imperiled, I will confront the enemy. He also has a pair of jaw like tendrils coming from his cheeks that can help to grip prey. Synthesis Predaking somehow clung to the hull and went unnoticed by anyone, until the warship returned to Cybertron and restored the planet. When she was little she loved dragons. Predaking was cloned, by his creator Shockwave, from the fossilized remains of his original body. He is probably far more powerful than anyone currently realize. While the Decepticon ranks have held many an ambitious up-and-comer with an eye for mastery, Predaking may be the first one Megatron has legitimately feared. When resurrected via cloning, the Predacon displayed only a limited amount of intelligence and was unable to speak. Back on the Nemesis, he found that the Decepticons had captured Ratchet, whom Megatron promised would be his to terminate once the Autobot's usefulness had ended. I'm wanting to figure it out for a roleplay I'm gonna be doing with a friend. Predaking. I know that one source said Predaking's wingspan was the size of a football field or two, but I'm not aware of any listed heights for the others. For instance in his fight with Optimus Pime, after being outmaneuverd by the veteran Bot, he grabbed his arms and made the Prime's unable to surpass the Predacon's strength. He would even transform into his beast mode and attack his victim at will. This is the first time Predaking was redesigned since Generation One in which he was the combined form of five other Predacons. Predaking about to come to blows with the Autobots. Magnetism inhibits flying ability. Focused on taking the pressure off the Decepticons' vulnerable rear, Starscream opened fire on Bumblebee to protect Megatron, and then forced the Autobot into a retreat, despite Cliffjumper's attempts to bring Sta… - Predaking to, "I am not your boss. Despite the combined efforts of Magnus and Wheeljack, using the Forge of Solus Prime and even dropping a giant rock on him, Predaking was able to overpower the two in no time, even breaking the Forge with his hands. When Predaking regained consciousness he set off for the grave site only to discover they had been taken by Unicron and twisted into undead Terrorcons but discovered his new brothers Skylynx and Darksteel. After which Predaking grew a deep hatred and was willing to kill every Vehicon in his path before taking Megatron head on. 56 Comments. But to settle scores." Predaking is the first antagonist in the show to be a tragic villain. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. It began chasing Ultra Magnus's ship, but was tricked into flying through a GroundBridge to the Arctic, where it swiftly froze. During this time, Ratchet, who was a little injured, told Predaking the true circumstances behind his brethren's demise which enraged Predaking enough to let Ratchet go and begun attacking Vehicon troopers all over the warship, clearing the way for Ratchet to contact the Autobots for their final attack. As promised, when Ratchet finished his work, he was handed over to Predaking who tossed Ratchet around like a chew toy. 39'4 ft (12 meters) Before he could destroy Ultra Magnus, the Predacon was sent to the Arctic Circle via Ground Bridge, where like the Scraplets, the subzero temperatures were able to freeze him instantly. His legs … Physical Description He had no qualms about allowing his minions devour other Cybertronians and even sometimes killed them himself. Predaking then saw himself searching for his two new brothers Skylynx and Darksteel and forming an alliance with the Autobots for the fate of Cybertron against the clutches of Unicron. He is armed with two fire cannons one on each arm and fights with an incredible amount of ferocity and endurance. Yellow Predaking fights Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack. Unicron tried to recruit Predaking under his command, but Predaking thought it was Megatron. Size: 50 feet tall (Robot Mode) 65 feet tall, 80 feet long (T-Rex Mode) However, Predaking had in fact managed to grab onto the ship's hull as the Autobots and Decepticons battled in which Megatron was finally killed, and the Autobots used the Nemesis Omega Lock to restore Cybertron's core. Predaking was able to grab into the Nemesis while being tossed through mid air, a massive space battle, the ship falling out of orbit and through a Space Bridge. Originally, Megatron had expected this supposedly simple-minded dragon to follow his orders without question, but Predaking has shown that he is far more than meets the optic sensor. Transformers Imagines A blog dedicated to one-shots, imagines and all around Transformers goodnes. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 7, Predaking went out hunting for Optimus Prime, and soon found his prey searching for him in the desert. To help with getting an idea of how large his alt form is, I've made a height … "Skylynx, Darksteel. As the ship exploded, Predaking saw Megatron plunge through the floor. "Indeed legions of them. Shortly after his debut in the series, Predaking became a quite popular and well received character by fans. Whereas the two Predacons ended up destroyed by the fortress' internal defenses, Predaking' own fate is not revealed due to not involved in the chase.

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