catholic countries in asia

One of the key centers of Christianity became the city of Antioch, previous capital of the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire, located in today what is modern Turkey. From the 7th century onward, the nomadic Turks of Central Asia started to convert to Nestorian Christianity. [3]. The abbey was never united with or changed into a diocese presumably due to the lack of effective church activity in the area since the division of Korea at the end of World War II. ^ g: Mainly non-citizens: expatriates It shows that the governments of each of these three countries chose to use violence against Catholics when the threat posed by Catholicism outweighed the benefits the religion offered. Following the East–West Schism of 1054, various efforts, over several centuries, were made at reuniting eastern and western Christianity, with the objective of putting both under the rule of the Pope. He left in August 1254, bearing Möngke's reply to King Louis. His visit will highlight two countries in Asia where miniscule Catholic populations live in peace with non-Christian majorities. He preached to all classes of people and had about 170 converts, including members of the four principal castes. In later years, other emperors were not as religiously tolerant. These include the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom. 大秦 Dàqín designates Rome and the Near East, though from the Western view, Nestorian Christianity was considered heretical by the Latin Christians. For a while the diplomatic intent of the union worked out in the West, but in the end Pope Martin IV, an ally of Charles of Anjou, excommunicated Michael VIII. Catholicism in the Asian Countries (Data in thousands of people). In 1272, John of Montecorvino was commissioned by the Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos to communicate with Pope Gregory X, to negotiate for the reunion of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. Prominent Jesuit missionaries included the Navarrese St. Francis Xavier, and the Italian Matteo Ricci. [10][11] By the time of the establishment of the Second Persian Empire (AD 226), there were bishops of the Church of the East in northwest India, Afghanistan and Baluchistan (including parts of Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan), with laymen and clergy alike engaging in missionary activity. India ► 15.5 million Catholics 3. From there he preached the gospel throughout the Malabar Coast. According to the Acts, Thomas was at first reluctant to accept this mission, but the Lord appeared to him in a night vision and compelled him to accompany an Indian merchant, Abbanes (or Habban), to his native place in northwest India. The general opinion now entertained by scholars is that somewhere from the fifth and seventh millennium B. C., Asia was chiefly peopled by two great races, viz., the Asia’s population exceeds 4 billion. [8], According to Eusebius' record, the apostles Thomas and Bartholomew were assigned to Parthia (modern Iran) and India. By the 4th century, Christianity became the dominant religion in all Asian provinces of the Eastern Roman Empire. The Asian continent is the fourth by the number of Three missionaries from an independent church in Ermelo, Netherlands arrived in 1857, and on 7 October 1861 one of the Ermelo missionaries united with the Rhenish Missionary Society, which had been recently expelled from Kalimantan as a result of the Banjarmasin War. While many of Korea’s Protestant churches have adopted pentecostal beliefs and worship styles, charismatic influences have been minimal in some major Protestant churches in Asia, such as the 2-million-member Church of South India (Bergunder forthcoming; Satyavrata 1999: 207). William visited the court of the great khan Möngke in 1254, and observed representatives of several religions there. [5] They multiplied rapidly, and by the time of Theodosius (347–395) were reckoned by Chrysostom (347–407), Archbishop of Constantinople, at about 100,000 people. A 2015 study estimates 6,968,500 Christian believers from a Muslim background in Asia, while about 483,500 Christian believers from a Muslim background in the Middle East, most of them belonging to some form of Protestantism.[40]. In 1564, Luís de Velasco, the Viceroy of New Spain, sent the Basque explorer Miguel López de Legazpi to the Philippines. Catolicismo Asia In this video, we featured the countries with largest christian population and also the countries with highest christian population in the asia 2018 Data. [36], Following the death of Monte Corvino, an embassy to the French Pope Benedict XII in Avignon was sent by Toghun Temür in 1336, requesting a new spiritual guide. Trade, in fact, existed before the 10th century. William of Rubruck visited Cilicia in 1254, and John of Monte Corvino in 1288. With the Dutch colonial period seeing a percentage of church members in excess of 10-20%.[16]. Ghana. Again in 1441, the Armenian Catholicos of Sis Grigor IX Musabekiants proclaimed the union of the Armenian and Latin churches at the Council of Florence, but this was countered by an Armenian schism under Kirakos I Virapetsi, which installed the Catholicos see at Edjmiatzin, and marginalized Sis.[33]. Guess the countries that have the largest population and the biggest percentage of catholics in the asian continent. Article nine of the revised constitution says that "a non-Muslim may not become a citizen". Due to the COVID Pandemic, EENI has implemented teleworking. Mongols tended to be tolerant of multiple religions, with several Mongol tribes being primarily Christian, and under the leadership of Genghis Khan's grandson, the great khan Möngke, Christianity was a small religious influence of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century. During the Middle Ages, Catholic monks carried Christianity to central and northern Europe. Description of the Subject: Catholicism in the Asian continent. The Portuguese arrived in the Malacca Sultanate (modern-day Malaysia) in 1509 seeking access to its wealth. At present, Christianity continues to be the majority religion in the Philippines, East Timor, Armenia, Georgia, Cyprus and Russia. It is an archipelago consisting of some 7,100 islands and islets lying about 500 miles (800 km) off the coast of Vietnam. [10], Thomas thereafter went south to Kerala and baptized the natives, whose descendants form the Saint Thomas Christians or the Syrian Malabar Nasranis.[12]. Malawi. According to tradition, further eastward expansion occurred via the preaching of Thomas the Apostle, who established Christianity in the Parthian Empire (Iran) and India. The number of Christians mentioned per country is the result of applying the percentages to the total population. Please only contact by email, WhatsApp or through the information request form A tenuous union between the Greek and Latin churches was signed at the Second Council of Lyons in 1274. The history of Christianity in the Far East is not one story. He laboured largely in the Mongol tongue, translated the New Testament and Psalms, built a central church, and within a few years (by 1305) could report 6,000 baptized converts. This is the largest percentage of Catholics in the Asian and Pacific Island region. Christianity in Asia has its roots in the very inception of Christianity, which originated from the life and teachings of Jesus in 1st-century Roman Judea. Although the Portuguese built some churches in Portuguese Malacca itself, their evangelical influence in neighbouring territories was perhaps more negative than positive in promulgating Christianity. Indonesia ► 7 million Catholics 5. Philippines ► 85.5 million Catholics 2. [9], The Sasanians also proved rather tolerant of the Christian faith until the persecution by the Zoroastrian priest Kartir under Bahram II (276−93 AD). Tanzania. [2], As of 2021, there are nearly 383 million Christians in Asia. The first Christian community in North Sumatra was established in Sipirok, a community of (Batak) Angkola people. In the 18th century, Catholicism developed more or less independently in Korea. The conversion of Georgia to Christianity is credited to the efforts of Saint Nino of Cappadocia (290–338). [14] The Anuradhapura cross is an ancient recorded symbol of Christianity in Sri Lanka. They observed that the Batak seemed receptive to new religious thought, and were likely to fall to the first mission, either Islamic or Christian, to attempt conversion.[38]. This was not followed in deeds however, as the local clergy and populace was strongly opposed to such a union. Another such monk was the historian Nerses Balients, who was a member of the "Unitarian" movement advocating unification with the Latin Church. Later, stone crosses were erected at the places where churches were founded, and they became pilgrimage centres. In 424 the bishops of Persia met in council under the leadership of Catholicos Dadiso and determined that there would be no reference of their disciplinary or theological problems to any other power, especially not to any church council in the Roman Empire. 0.2% — 300,000 Protestants; 0.1% — 140,000 members of the Catholic Church, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, Learn how and when to remove this template message, American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Christianity in Korea § Growth of Christianity, Palestinian Christians#Demographics and denominations, Freedom of religion in the Palestinian territories, Chronology of European exploration of Asia, The Global Religious Landscape: Christians,, "A Brief History Of Christianity In Sri Lanka", "Features | Online edition of Daily News - Lakehouse Newspapers", "Mar Aprem Metropolitan Visits Ancient Anuradhapura Cross in Official Trip to Sri Lanka | Assyrian Church News", "Believers in Christ from a Muslim Background: A Global Census",,,,, "Average intelligence predicts atheism rates across 137 nations", "International Religious Freedom Report 2009", International Religious Freedom Report 2008 - Saudi Arabia, "The Churches of the Middle East: Their Origins and Identity, from their Roots in the Past to their Openness to the Present", "Syriac Christianity in the modern Middle East", "Christianity in the Middle East: Some historical remarks and preliminary demographic figures". [10][12], Christianity was introduced to Sri Lanka in the 1st century (72 AD). Denise A. Austin, Jacqueline Grey, and Paul W. Lewis (2019), This page was last edited on 14 May 2021, at 17:59. Nations mentioned in the above list follow the list of countries and territories mentioned in the United Nations geoscheme for Asia. The study, which surveyed 232 countries and territories, finds that as of 2010 the Catholic Church had 1.1 billion adherents worldwide. These results will deviate from actual counts where they are available. [citation needed]. Pentecostals and charismatics are a minority among Asia’s Protestants. Why study “Christianity, Ethics and Business”? Various efforts were also made by the Byzantine Church to unite with Rome. One tradition related that he went from there to China via Malacca in Malaysia, and after spending some time there, returned to the Madras area. The number of Catholics in India, including Ceylon, is about 2,069,791, with 4,938 churches and chapels; 105 seminaries and colleges; 2,312 schools; 37 hospitals; 2,190 European missionaries; 1 patriarch (in Goa); 7 archbishops; 26 bishops; 3 Apostolic vicars and 3 Apostolic prefects. There were also numerous missionary efforts from Europe to Asia, primarily by Franciscan, Dominican, or Jesuit missionaries. Nigeria. The Christians of Mesopotamia and Iran were organized under several bishops, and were present at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. It is the Earth’s largest, most populous continent, containing 48 countries. There are Catholics to be found in all Asian countries but the Philippines is the only Asian country with a Catholic majority. He reported to Rome, apparently from somewhere on the west coast of India, that he had given Christian burial to four martyred monks. [8] Saint Thomas is also credited with the establishment of Christianity in India. While they did not exist as one country, the islands were nevertheless connected to each other via trade routes and slave-raiding that included other territories in the region. There were 326 Catholics in the country in 2010, but just 150 as of 2014, according to In accordance with apostolic custom, Thomas ordained teachers and leaders or elders, who were reported to be the earliest ministry of the Malabar church. South Africa. Quizzes . Today, Christianity is the predominant faith in six Asian countries, the Philippines, East Timor, Cyprus, Russia, Armenia and Georgia. The first missionaries were sent by Stamford Raffles in 1824, at which time Sumatra was under temporary British rule. The first nations to adopt Christianity as a state religion were Armenia in 301 and Georgia in 327. In 1253, King Louis IX sent the Franciscan William of Rubruck to the Mongol capital of Karakorum to convert the Tartars. Piecing together the various traditions, the story suggests that Thomas left northwest India when invasion threatened, and traveled by vessel to the Malabar Coast along the southwestern coast of the Indian continent, possibly visiting southeast Arabia and Socotra en route, and landing at the former flourishing port of Muziris on an island near Cochin in 52. However, between the 18th and mid-19th century, nearly all Western missionaries in China were forced to conduct their teaching and other activities covertly. The Edict of Milan in 313, granted Christianity toleration by the Roman Empire. Christianity then spread through the missionary work of his apostles, first in the Levant and taking roots in the major cities such as Jerusalem and Antioch. ^ b: Hong Kong and Macau are Special Administrative Regions (SAR) of China. Antioch was evangelized perhaps by Peter the Apostle, according to the tradition upon which the Antiochene patriarchate still rests its claim for primacy,[4] and certainly by Barnabas and Paul. Most Catholic Countries in Asia. In other historical Protestant strongholds such as Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Latvia, Estonia and Hungary, it remains one of the most popular religions. The various Churches he founded were located mainly on the Periyar River and its tributaries and along the coast. • According to analyses of numerous surveys across 26 countries in Asia, the Pew Research Centers estimate about 120 million Catholics living in Asia. Eastern Christianity seceded to form what is sometimes called the Church of the East, or Syro-Oriental Church,[17] though some historians refer to it with the catchall term Nestorian Church, even though many Eastern Christians were not following the doctrine preached by Nestorius. [10], An early third-century Syriac work known as the Acts of Thomas[10] connects the apostle's Indian ministry with two kings, one in the north and the other in the south. [35][1], In 1268, Marco Polo's father and uncle returned from China with an invitation from Kublai Khan to the pope, imploring him that a hundred teachers of science and religion be sent to reinforce the Christianity already present in Kublai's empire. According to a description of events,[according to whom?] Catholics (123 million). Despite the persecution though, the Church in Korea expanded. [34] The Armenian king Hethoum II (1266–1307) would himself become a Franciscan friar upon his multiple abdications. Learning materials in or One famous missionary, Saint Patrick, had even brought the Christian faith to Ireland. In 1338, a total of 50 ecclesiastics were sent by the Pope to Peking, such as John of Marignolli, who arrived in Khanbaliq in 1342, and stayed until 1347, then returning to Avignon in 1353. en-1. Catholics Population Percent Catholic Country Dioceses Diocesan Priests Religious Priests Total Priests Permanent Deacons Male Religious Female Religious When the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines in 1521, more than 100 ethnolinguistic groups already occupied the archipelago of more than 7,000 islands. A 12th-century Christian Egyptian record of churches suggest that a church was established in Barus, on the west coast of North Sumatra, a trading post known to have been frequented by Indian traders, and therefore linked to the Indian Saint Thomas Christians. Catholicisme. Missionaries from the Byzantine Empire brought Orthodox Christianity to Russia. The abbey was vacant for more than 50 years until Fr. Armenia and Georgia were the first nations to adopt Christianity as a state religion, in 301 and 326 respectively. ^ i: As no reliable percentages were found in the Wikipedia article Religion in Russia, this percentage is derived from the CIA World Factbook by subtracting the percentage of believers mentioned there from 100%, Expansion of Nestorian Christianity (431-1360 AD), Expansion to Sogdiana and eastern Central Asia, Catholic missions to the Mongols and China, Independently formed Catholic movements (Korea), Percentage and number of Christians per Asian country or territory, James, M. R. (1966) "The Acts of Thomas" in. ^ a: The provided data are for the whole of Russia as no separate data are known for Asian Russia (Siberia) The mission was immensely successful, being well supported financially from Germany, and adopted effective evangelistic strategies led by Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen, who spent most of his life from 1862 until his death in 1918 in North Sumatra, successfully converting many among the Simalungun and Batak Toba as well as a minority of Angkola. Christianity then spread through the missionary work of his apostles, first in the Levant and taking roots in the major cities such as Jerusalem and Antioch. Thomas next proceeded overland to the Coromandel Coast in southeastern India, and ministered in what is now the Madras area, where a local King and many people were converted. Jordanus is known for his 1329 "Mirabilia" describing the marvels of the East: he furnished the best account of Indian regions and the Christians, the products, climate, manners, customs, fauna and flori given by any European in the Middle Ages - superior even to Marco Polo's. In return, the Mongols stated that after they conquered Jerusalem, they would return it to the Crusaders. So according to the Syriac version of the Acts of Thomas, Mazdai, the local king at Mylapore, after questioning the Apostle condemned him to death about the year AD 72. —In the present article it is intended to give a rapid survey of the geography, ethnography, political and religious history of Asia, and especially of the rise, progress, and actual condition of Asiatic Christianity and Catholicism. He also established a lay training school of 150 students. The Ifugao in … The text of the stele describes flourishing communities of Christians throughout China, but beyond this and few other fragmentary records, relatively little is known of their history. Taiwan (officially the Republic of China) is a de facto state claimed by the PRC. The various popes, for their part, seemed to be unaware that Christianity already existed in the East, and tended to respond with messages insisting that the Mongols convert to Christianity and accept baptism. Manila is the capital, but nearby Quezon City is the country’s most-populous city., Wikipedia articles with style issues from June 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2010, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from January 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, expatriate Christians are around 1,200,000 (4.4%). In 1198, a Union was proclaimed between Rome and the Armenian Church by the Armenian catholicos of Sis, Grigor VI Apirat. In Georgia, Christianity was first preached by the apostles Simon and Andrew in the first century. [8], The earliest known references to Christian communities in Central Asia is from a writing by Bar Daisan around 196 AD: "Nor do our sisters among the Gilanians and Bactrians have any intercourse with strangers". Other priests joined him, John was consecrated a bishop, and centers were established in the coastal provinces of Kiangsu (Yangchow), Chekiang (Hangchow) and Fukien (Zaitun). From its humble beginnings the Catholic Church has grown vast in the last two millennia, spreading over the entire world. The very First Ecumenical Council was held in the city of Nicaea in Asia Minor (325). Kenya. He later returned home with various religious texts and baptized many of his fellow countrymen. Arrival of the Spanish in The Philippines - From Museo San Agustin in Manila           Catholicism was introduced to the archipelago now known as the Philippines through the voyage of Ferdinand Magellan – who though In the 16th century, Spain began to convert Filipinos. The eastern development of Christianity continued to separate from the west, pushed along by such events as 431's Council of Ephesus, in which the Syrian bishop Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople since 428, was accused of heresy for preaching his brand of Christianity, labelled Nestorianism after him. Anxious to avoid popular excitement, the King ordered Thomas conducted to a nearby mountain, where, after being allowed to pray, he was then stoned and stabbed to death with a lance wielded by an angry Brahmin. He engaged in a famous debate set up by Möngke, with representatives of each religion debating (unsuccessfully) which was best. EENI Online Masters and Doctorates in International Business for... (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2021) The Roman Catholic Diocese of Quilon or Kollam is the first Catholic diocese in Asia, India in the state of Kerala. Guess the countries that have the largest population and the biggest percentage of catholics in the asian continent. • Only 3 percent of Asia’s population identifies as Catholic. ^ h: See Freedom of religion in the Palestinian territories The spread of the Jews in Asia since the deportation from Babylon and the capture of Jerusalem by Titus also seems to have been a contributing factor. It became the state religion of Kartli, Iberia (the area of Georgia's capital) in 326. Opposition arose to the Christians in 698-699 from the Buddhists, and then from the Daoists in 713, but Christianity continued to thrive, and in 781, a stone stele (the Nestorian Stele) was erected at the Tang capital of Chang-an, which recorded 150 years of Emperor-supported Christian history in China. However, this came to naught due to the hostility of influential Nestorian Christians within the largely Mongol court. The resulting capture of Malacca is believed to have enhanced a sense of Muslim solidarity against the Christian Portuguese, and ongoing resistance against the Portuguese came from Muslim Aceh as well as from the Ottoman Empire. The synod accepted the emperor's wish. Although initially well-received, the capture of Goa as well as other Muslim–Christian conflicts convinced the Malaccan Muslims that the Portuguese Christians would be a hostile presence. ^ d: Estimate, see Tajikistan#Religion Contacts between the Mongols and the West occurred in the 13th century, as the Mongol Empire expanded towards Europe and Palestine, coinciding with the latter part of the Crusades. It does not mention that of the remaining 47% of the total population, 45% of the total population belongs to the Shia Islam sect. Asia is the largest continent in the world, and home to some of the most diverse cultures and countries. [8], The spread of Christianity in Central Asia seems to have been facilitated by the great diffusion of Greek in the region (Seleucid Empire, Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, Indo-Greek Kingdom), as well as Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ. The islands also teemed with religious diversity. Christianity spread through the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean) from the 1st century AD. The Franciscans were put in charge of these missions. Liberia. More . Following the Philippines are Nigeria (80.5 million), China (67 million), Democratic Republic of Congo (63.2 million), Germany (58.2 million) and Ethiopia (52.6 million).

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