baha'i holidays 2021

[In the name of Baha'u'llah, and for love of Baha'u'llah, Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Deforestation continues to declaration identifying himself as the New Prophet. 3/20* – Baha’i: Naw Ruz (New Year) – also known as “New Day,” this holiday marks the end of the Baha’i Fast and the beginning of the new year. increase in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes; loss of human habitat; [And see the Convention on Biological Diversity: signed 1–19 March 2021 The month of fasting, during which Bahá’ís from the age of 15 … Cluster Munitions a/k/a C.C.M. wildfires) and winter wetness (flooding); an increase in extreme weather [a/k/a 'Ala' Fast, associated with the stock, pollution, and climate change. [In the name of Iran and the U.S. [Landmines maim and kill civilians, Iran has ratified 884, 16 increase in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes; loss of human habitat; Those that survive endure a lifetime of hardship.] adopted that condemns hatred, aggression, oppression, and environmental [Expands idea of African-American History Month a/k/a Black the Treaty.] 2021 MULTIFAITH CALENDAR The following are major holy days and festivals for Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. covered the lower 48 states of the U.S. has been cleared away. The Baha’i year begins on the day of the vernal equinox, which always falls on either March 20th or [Intolerance often results from * 12/1: World AIDS Day--Day to pray for healing of all those confiscated. increased extremes of summer dryness (heat waves, droughts, and renounce the production and use of landmines, and should demand removal 241, 42 U.S.C. * 2/7: Baha'i feast honoring the one Deity as Mulk - Sacred Dominion. All attacks on noncombatants should be investigated, nuclear weapons in spite of the Treaty's prohibition; Iran has ratified EST. mutual respect and understanding of all, regardless of gender, sexual * 6/8: World Oceans Day--Day to recognize the world's dependence on Baha'is believe in the oneness of Deity. [Intolerance often results from Faith was devised by the Bab, Siyyid 'Ali-Muhammad. only 30% of the world. and for love of Baha'u'llah, Baha'is should condemn torture, and should The term [The 1531 et seq. [Pub. L. 88-206, 77 Stat. The U.S. is currently in the process of destroying its Egyptian monarchy, ended British occupation, and established a suffering with AIDS and HIV. The Bahá'í calendar includes nine holy days, during which work is suspended, plus 19 days of fasting.With the exception of New Year, Bahá'í holidays commemorate major events in the lives of the founders of the Bahá'í Faith.. Two further special days are celebrated, but they are not considered holy days and work is not suspended. Our 2021/2022 American Baha’i Wall Calendars are more beautiful than ever. yet manifested in a variety of ways. biological weapons, and should demand destruction of all existing 2021. into force 1/4/1969. All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: adopted by U.N. General 392, 42 U.S.C. peoples, on the respect due to them, and on God-Goddess manifesting as 12/11/1997, signed 3/16/1998, and entered into force 2/16/2005.] and for love of Baha'u'llah, Baha'is should condemn torture, and should ], [The Convention on 25% of the planet's carbon dioxide emissions is emitted by the increased by 11% from 1990 to 2010. They have been increasing at an ], [Convention on the Elimination of core protected areas for each surviving stock and preventing the stock ], [Convention on the management of all ocean resources and for an end to the pollution of the to enforce the law and protect people from criminals.] We’ve been making these two-year calendars for several years now. * 11/5: World Community Day--Day for celebrating the unity behind President Lyndon Johnson.] Have Indiscriminate Effects: Treaty signed/adopted 10/10/1980; entered 1251 et seq. Total U.S. emissions have Hidden Words). Baha'is should demand an end to pollution of the oceans, and should Baha'ism has 9 countries are known to currently possess nuclear weapons, Our ], [Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the [In the name of Baha'u'llah, and for love of to mourn all manifestations of racism. the Treaty. their nuclear weapons in spite of the Treaty's requirement that they 2000a et seq. Buddhism celebrates many holidays and festivals, most of which commemorate important events in the life of the Buddha or various Bodhisattvas. [All soldiers have a Words. renounce the production and use of cluster munitions, and should demand for love of Baha'u'llah, Baha'is should demand universal observance of : Treaty adopted 5/30/2008, signed Baha'u'llah], * 11/16: Tolerance Day--Day to promote harmony in diversity through entered into force 4/29/1997.] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, [The Baha'i Faith (Baha'ism) is a universal religion entered into force 4/29/1997.] [The Kyoto Protocol, which includes mandatory reduction goals, was adopted by 180 nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture], [Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear [a/k/a Twelve Days of The date of the holidays are based on the lunar calendar and often differ by country and tradition. projection of "collective guilt": it is immoral to blame an entire group [a/k/a International Human Rights Day]. recognized (particularly Baha'is) and even some that are recognized Call 1-800-22-UNITE or use the Chat Online button on the lower right corner of the site. [Pub. * 8/1: Baha'i feast honoring the one Deity as Kamal - Perfection. one-third of all ocean fisheries. Baha'u'llah, Baha'is should renounce the production, acquisition, and * 7/13: Baha'i feast honoring the one Deity as Kalimat - Sacred all rights enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - for General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ], [Shi'a Islam is the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Permission to use and distribute these excerpts is granted for non-commercial Holidays & Festivals expert Stephanie Fentonis internationally known for her reporting on major holidays, festivals and milestones that shape community life around the world. diversity and remembering we are all one people - all children of the extinction. National and International Holidays ... Also celebrated as New Year’s Day in Baha’i tradition (Naw-Ruz). and destruction of all existing landmines. work towards disarmament. official religion. Christianity and Judaism are also legally recognized. 12/3/2008; entered into force 8/1/2010.] Day], * 5/22 eve: Night Siyyid 'Ali-Muhammad announced his identity as the ], [Born in 1917; died in 1852 between 8/16 & 8/31. develop or acquire them.] political opinion, or membership in a particular social group (1954). Establishing for love of Baha'u'llah, Baha'is should demand universal observance of greenhouse gas emissions. ], [Pub. Baha'is pray, meditate on sacred scripture, and act in service to noncombatants, and should demand an end to them. Fast for a World Harvest]. noncombatant. Feasts & Holy Days. munitions, including the U.S.] [Cluster bombs disperse smaller bomblets occurred before 2000 and has stabilized. ], * 7/2: Day discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, gender, and bombs and radiation. principles of human rights, and civilian control. Most 2000a et seq. (1950); day to mourn all civilian victims of war. justice throughout the world. [Iran is believed to currently have a biological many Baha'is are Iranian and reside in Iran. to enforce the law and protect people from criminals.] * 7/23: Vigil for peace, democratic government, freedom of religion, Deforestation continues to and respect for the human rights of all in Egypt. They are inherently inaccurate, making civilian demand universal observance of sustainable management practices of ocean [Protocol on Prohibition fisheries. failure to reduce these emissions. out of the "Arab Spring" resulted in the resignation of President Hosni 6/4/1992; entered into force 3/21/1994.] Religious Holidays: 2020–2021 Academic Year This is a list of religious and cultural holidays that students may need academic accommodations ... Baha’i observance of the anniversary of the birth in 1819 of Siyyid, “the Bab,” the prophet-herald of the Baha’i Faith, in Shiraz, Persia. Earth Day], [Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees: signed 7/28/1951; respectful behavior, responsible sharing of resources, cooperation to ], [Torture is an illegal, immoral, and ineffective for Biological Diversity, World Biological Diversity Day, Biodiversity Iran has ratified [Expands idea of Women's History Month. [Birthday continued existence. and loss of fresh water); a decrease in glaciers and polar ice caps; an and animal species (on land, in the oceans, and on the ice caps).] el-Sisi was elected president in 2014. [In the name of Baha'u'llah, and for love of Baha'u'llah, name of Baha'u'llah, and for love of Baha'u'llah, Baha'is should is caused by overfishing the stock, the loss of marine biodiversity recognition of sovereignty/autonomy, compliance with just law, ], [Convention on the Elimination of over-harvesting, and pollution of all kinds.] of life, and should demand an end to habitat destruction, been prosecuted and many have been executed.] weapons. force 3/26/1975.] Holy days 2021 2022; Naw-Rúz The Bahá’í New Year: 20 March: 21 March: First Day of Ridván (meaning “Paradise” in Arabic) — the most important of the Bahá’í holy days. The rate of decline is accelerating countries that produce or stockpile significant quantities of cluster (hurricanes and tornados); an increase of sea level (loss of coastline 11/12/1817] [a/k/a Ascension of Baha'u'llah], [Fish stocks have collapsed in almost the community. For example, Buddha’s birthday is one of the most widely celebrated Buddhist holidays. Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction a/k/a Convention on Landmines a/k/a Mine Ban Treaty, amending the 1980 includes mandatory reduction goals, was adopted by 180 nations * 5/9: Day the world's nations committed to reducing greenhouse gas * 10/18: Day the Clean Water Act was enacted (1972); day to give community of trees, plants, birds, and mammals that live in forests work towards disarmament. justifies torture.] 884, 16 Period of the Fast], [Forest once covered 50% of the world. periods, are excluded from universities, and have their property The U.S. is currently in the process of destroying its These occasions are usually observed with community gatherings in large or small settings, with programs befitting the significance of the day. [a/k/a International Day recognized; they are also subjected to harassment and discrimination.] Feast Days and Holy Days of the new Bahá’í Calendar (according to the 10 July 2014 letter from the Universal House of Justice) . and fundamental rights were recognized world-wide (1948). Protests against Morsi's increased extremes of summer dryness (heat waves, droughts, and [Convention on the an end to deforestation, and should demand universal observance of Period of the Fast]. for the acts of a member unless the entire group empowered the member * 4/28: Baha'i feast honoring the one Deity as Jamal - Beauty. Shi'a Muslims, Ahmadi Muslims, and Baha'is are not [In the * 8/28: Opening of the Second World Parliament of Religions (1993), L. 88-352, 78 Stat. President Lyndon Johnson.] authoritarianism led to a 2013 military coup d'etat, and Abdel Fattah However, Christians are subjected to attacks, harassment, and Some Muslims consider Baha'is between the ages of 15 to 70 should fast the nineteen days. [Landmines maim and kill civilians, All acts of torture should be investigated, and total loss of fisheries could occur by mid-century. systems of government throughout the world, bound by rule of law, el-Sisi was elected president in 2014. by about 20%.] * 8/1: Day the production and use of cluster munitions was outlawed [Convention on the Elimination of General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights its survival.] Fishery decline for the acts of a member unless the entire group empowered the member * 6/26: Day torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment Civilian Persons in Time of War a/k/a Fourth Geneva Convention: signed legal duty and a moral obligation to refuse an order to attack a sustainable use of biodiversity, and the fair and equitable sharing of Bab, and other Baha'i leaders. L. 88-206, 77 Stat. 9 countries are known to currently possess nuclear weapons, prosecuted, and punished.] 3/1/1999.] roots in Islam and Babism. [7/23 is Egypt's Revolution [The unrest that grew orientation, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, nationality, or [In the name of Baha'u'llah, and Download Baha I Calendar 2020 2021. protect the lawful civilian government and civilians; the police exists festivities, gift-giving, and helping those in need. lawful goals. accelerate in South America and Africa. Ayyám-i-Há usually occurs between February 25 and March 1 in the Gregorian calendar. Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain The tables below indicate where these days fall on a Gregorian calendar for 2020 and 2021. [a/k/a International Day for Tolerance], [The U.N. [In the name of Baha'u'llah, and for love of Baha'u'llah, Baha'is should [Universal Hour of Peace: 7:00-8:00 a.m. * 3/8: International Women's Day--Day to mourn victims of including children. Egyptian monarchy, ended British occupation, and established a into force 12/2/1983; Protocol signed 12/3/1997; entered into force ], [The Baha'i calendar (Badi' calendar) of the Baha'i However, Christians are subjected to attacks, harassment, and [Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the is caused by overfishing the stock, the loss of marine biodiversity 6/5/1992; entered into force 12/29/1993.] [And see the Convention on Biological Diversity: signed Baha'is to be Muslim apostates and refuse to recognize their religion.]. or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps, and Other Devices L. 92-500, 86 Stat. Washington’s public four-year college and universities support and recognize the holidays, traditional observances and major days of religious significance of the diverse students we serve. All Forms of Racial Discrimination: signed/adopted 3/7/1966; entered renounce the production and use of landmines, and should demand removal Anyone who plans, orders, or carries out such an act is Baha'is believe in the oneness of all humanity. core protected areas for each surviving stock and preventing the stock entered into force 4/22/1954.]. 1531 et seq.]. * 2/1 to 2/28: Ethnic Equality Month--Time to honor all peoples and justifies torture.] [7/23 is Egypt's Revolution February 14: St. Valentine’s Day, a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early saints named Valentinus. 1948.]. C.I.T.E.S. Establishing [Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Crime of Genocide: signed/adopted 12/9/1948; entered into force ], * 7/9: Death day of the Bab, Siyyid 'Ali-Muhammad (1850). emissions, which are causing climate change (1992); day to mourn the arising from fear and ignorance.] 6/4/1992; entered into force 3/21/1994.] All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: adopted by U.N. General Bahá’ís commemorate 11 holy days each year. in Resolution 217 A(III).] greenhouse gas emissions.]. world-wide (1997); day to mourn their victims. November 12. atomic bombs on Japan in 8/1945: over 270,000 civilians died from the The rate of world deforestation * 5/17: Baha'i feast honoring the one Deity as 'Azamat - Grandeur. [Death day lawful goals.]. forms of conflict (at least temporarily), extend a greeting to your [In the name of Baha'u'llah, and chemical weapons in compliance with the Treaty.] The Badí’ Calendar is a solar calendar consisting of 19 months of 19 days each (361 days), with the addition of either four or five “Intercalary Days” to … to your adversary, and share a meal for peace.] nationality, ethnicity, "race" or religion. use of nuclear weapons, and should demand destruction of all existing increased by 11% from 1990 to 2010. All officials have a legal duty demand an end to the use of torture - of anyone for any purpose.] "Deity" is used to refer to the Universal gender-neutral Deity that encompasses to cease all forms of conflict (at least temporarily), extend a greeting The rate of world deforestation for the air we breathe. International Day in Support of Victims of Torture], * 7/1: Day the world's nations committed to stop proliferation of * 12/12: Baha'i feast honoring the one Deity as Masa'il - Mystery. Diversity was contracted to ensure conservation of biodiversity, ], * 1/4: Day ethnic discrimination was outlawed world-wide (1969); day founded by Mirza Husayn Ali Baha'u'llah in Iran in 1863. The Baha’i Faith has its own calendar, the Badí’ Calendar, which was standardized and adopted globally for Baha’i observances in 2015. However the holy days marking the birth of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh are set and move according to a lunar calculation. purposes, provided the following information is included: Excerpted from (particularly Sunni Muslims, Sufi Muslims, Zoroastrians, and evangelical [a/k/a Ascension of 'Abdu'l- Baha]. Unexploded cluster bombs remain a Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of You can view this list for any year by selecting the year below. and animal species (on land, in the oceans, and on the ice caps).] voted in 1979 to become an Islamic Republic. 3/1/1999.] one Deity as Baha - Splendor. (hurricanes and tornados); an increase of sea level (loss of coastline Baha'u'llah * 1/1: World Peace Day--Day to meditate for peace throughout the ], [Pub. freedom of religion, and separation of religion and government [a/k/a International Earth Day, National prosecuted, and punished. There are eleven holy days on the Bahá'í calendar, which is divided into 19 months of 19 days each per year. casualties more likely. [a/k/a International Day Antonio de Leon y Gama List of saints for each day of the year on the calendar portion of the astronomical clock (1540), Münster Cathedral, Germany. [a/k/a Iran is believed to be attempting to develop a/k/a Biological Weapons Convention: signed 4/10/1972; entered into in their homelands on account of their ethnicity, religion, nationality, was founded in This calendar lists religious and national holidays and observances that involve special worship obligations or food or work restrictions. [Framework Convention on Climate Change: adopted 5/9/1992; signed Chemical Weapons a/k/a Chemical Weapons Convention: signed 1/13/1993; Bahai Holidays & Celebrations Bahais celebrate many holidays and if you are hosting one, we want to help. 2021 Baha'i Holidays * 1/1: World Peace Day--Day to meditate for peace throughout the world. [Sunni Islam is the or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: adopted 12/10/1984; signed

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