mccabe elementary teachers

In fall 2014, 46 percent of LMU’s School of Education full-time faculty members and 40 percent of part-time faculty members were people of color.138 Additionally, students at LMU benefit from a variety of community partnerships between LMU and diverse local organizations and schools. The organization takes a holistic approach to selection, rather than “using a blunt instrument like cut scores on Praxis or content exams, which can dramatically impact diversity in a negative way,” says Anne Mahle, who currently serves as senior vice president for public partnerships but led recruitment for many years.149 Although the average GPA of corps members is 3.42, TFA maintains a relatively low cutoff requirement of 2.5 and instead places greater emphasis on candidate evaluations designed to measure characteristics that TFA’s research has shown its most effective teachers share. While several states have been successful at increasing the selectivity of their teacher preparation programs through statewide policies, these programs also have considerable leeway to make their own entrance requirements more selective. See Langford, E., “Quartiles in Elementary Statistics,” Journal of Statistics Education Volume 14, Number 3 (2006). In some of the cited research, “people of color” also includes those of Asian, Pacific-Islander, or Native American descent, although sometimes these people are included in a group with white students or teachers, or their scores and information are not included because their numbers or size were too small to report. “Fred” Ramirez, “Why Teach? *Correction, September 15, 2017: This report has been updated to state the correct name of the National Council on Teacher Quality. These improvements in teachers’ academic ability were even greater in hard-to staff subjects and in New York City, which relied most heavily on emergency certificates prior to these policy changes.117, As New York state increased selectivity requirements, it also increased the diversity of its teacher workforce. These trends have led researchers,47 journalists,48 multinational consulting companies,49 and teachers unions50 alike to call for changes to raise the bar for entry into the teaching profession. Union County, NJ Kids and Toddler Martial Arts Classes, Raymour & Flanigan Lucinda Coffee Table - $150, Office/Retail Space Available on Rt 22 - Look No further, Percent Of COVID-Vaccinated Westfield Residents Rises; Cases Drop, Westfield Weather Forecast For The Week Ahead, 2 Killed, 12 Injured In Mass Shooting At South Jersey Party, Union County Government : Emergency Food Distribution For Residents In Need, Sat. Prior to 2013, most Rhode Island teacher preparation programs required a minimum 2.5 GPA for admission, which did not even denote an academic rank within the top 50 percent of the incoming college-bound class. Most notably, in Georgia, Iowa, Oregon, and Rhode Island, the increases in the percentage of students of color among education majors exceeded the increases in students of color in the overall student body. Because of the recent nature of these changes, more years of data are needed to do the type of analysis the authors completed for changes in entrance exam requirements, even for states that enacted these changes first. 97 And while diversity was encouraged, the percentage of diverse teaching candidates lagged far behind the percentage of diverse students in Rhode Island classrooms, just as in most other states.98 With support from the governor and the state’s board of education, the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) began an extensive information-gathering process in 2011 that culminated in new standards for educator preparation. (see Figure 2), Black and Hispanic teachers tend to enter the pipeline through nontraditional and alternative teaching routes at higher rates than they enter traditional programs. Elementary School In Westfield To Get New Assistant Principal - Westfield, NJ - Mary McCabe was appointed to the position at the Westfield school at the most recent Board of Education meeting. | Unfortunately, the United States has a leaky pipeline for high-achieving students. Sign up with your preferences here. sign up for Patch breaking news alerts or daily newsletters. These same students were 29 percent more likely to express a desire to pursue a four-year college degree than their peers who had never been taught by a black teacher.28, Increasing the percentage of teachers of color in the workforce is not just important and beneficial for students of color. All 10 of Culpeper County’s public schools have selected a Teacher of the Year and a Classified Employee of the Year for the 2020-2021 session. Higher pay can attract potential teachers of all backgrounds and ethnicities to the profession. Catherine Brown is the vice president of Education Policy at the Center. This is a list of school districts in California.California's public education system is huge (2007–2008): 6,275,469 students and 295,222 teachers in 9,846 schools, which are governed by 1,050 school boards and regulated by a complex Education Code. The Effect of Student-Teacher Demographic Match on Teacher Expectations.” Working Paper 15-231 (W.E. Got news? In all other states that increased the selectivity of entry into teacher preparation programs, the percentage of students of color increased among education majors as well as among the entire student body in the years examined. According to LMU’s School of Education and Graduate Studies Dean Shane P. Martin, “It’s about relationship building, engagement, fit—when students see themselves in the curricula and the relationships they have with their professors, they want to be there.”130, In 2016, LMU’s School of Education received AACTE’s Best Practice Award in Support of Multicultural Education and Diversity.131 According to AACTE, all of the teacher preparation programs at LMU are “grounded in principles such as the promotion of social justice, cultural responsiveness, inclusion, value and respect for all individuals, and leadership that is moral, intellectual, responsible, and caring.”132 AACTE recognized LMU for prioritizing diversity in its curriculum, as well as admitting culturally and linguistically diverse teacher candidates.133, The school employs sociocultural and constructivist theories to train its teacher candidates to recognize and capitalize on the diverse communities in which teacher candidates live and teach. This financial assistance helps ease the burden for qualified applicants who could not otherwise afford to participate. The table below shows 54 teacher preparation institutions from states across the country that house programs in which the student body is diverse and selected for their high GPAs or for being at the top of the class for college-bound high school students. It also includes examples of states, institutions, and organizations that have done an exemplary job of setting a high bar for admission and ensuring the diversity of their teacher candidates and the emerging teacher workforce. Hawaii, Indiana, and Texas also saw increases in diversity among education majors and the overall student body. School climate is a broad, multifaceted concept that involves many aspects of the student’s educational experience. Personal communication from Jordan Gadd, manager, communications and special projects, Loyola Marymount University School of Education, March 28, 2016. For all the reasons outlined above, increasing teacher diversity is an important aspect of improving educational equity for all students—especially for students of color. "Mrs. McCabe is a caring and knowledgeable leader. WESTFIELD, NJ — The Westfield Board of Education unanimously approved, at its meeting Tuesday, the appointment of Mary McCabe as Assistant Principal at Franklin Elementary School. Good places to start include HBCUs and Hispanic-serving institutions; high schools and colleges with high percentages of high-achieving students of color; and community or faith-based groups. In 2013, the average minimum GPA requirement for entrance into such a program offering a bachelor’s degree in education was 2.6.9 This requirement is well below the 3.24 average GPA of the students who are actually admitted into teacher preparation programs,10 demonstrating that programs are not adopting rigorous selection processes. Increasing the number of excellent teachers in U.S. classrooms by cultivating a more selective and diverse cohort of teacher candidates is key to improving students’ future outcomes. In sum, these data belie the notion that increasing selectivity has a negative impact on diversity, instead suggesting that increasing selectivity may even encourage students of color to enter the field of education. In 2011, only two states had set a high academic bar—either through GPA requirements or through an assessment—for admission into teacher preparation programs. Achievement Stalls as Other Nations Make Gains,”, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, “Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from PISA for the United States” (2011), available at, Carmel Martin, Lisette Partelow, and Catherine Brown, “Smart, Skilled, and Striving: Transforming and Elevating the Teaching Profession” (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2015), available at, Bryon Auguste, Paul Kihn, and Matt Miller, “Closing the talent gap: Attracting and retaining top-third graduates to careers in teaching: An international and market research-based perspective” (Washington: McKinsey & Company, 2010), available at, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, “The Changing Teacher Preparation Profession: A Report from AACTE’s Professional Education Data System (PEDS)” (2013), available at, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, “PDK/Gallup Poll Shows Public Support for Quality Teacher Preparation,” Press release, September 16, 2014, available at, Stephen Sawchuk, “Diversity at Issue as States Weigh Teacher Entry,”, Hannah Putman and others, “High Hopes and Harsh Realities: The real challenges to building a diverse workforce” (Washington: National Council for Teacher Quality and the Brookings Institution, 2016), available at, Sawchuk, “Diversity at Issue as States Weigh Teacher Entry.”, Putman and others, “High Hopes and Harsh Realities.”, Sophia Kerby and Crosby Burns, “The Top 10 Economic Facts of Diversity in the Workplace: A Diverse Workplace Is Integral to a Strong Economy” (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2012), available at, Mary E. Dilworth and Marcus J. Coleman, “Time for a Change: Diversity in Teaching Revisited” (Washington: National Education Association, 2014), available at, Carol P. McNulty and Mark S. Brown, “Help Wanted: Seeking the Critical Confluence of Minorities in Teaching,”, National Center for Education Statistics, “Table 203.50. In Singapore, for example, 100 percent of new teachers are selected from the top academic third of their class.35 Finland uses a multiround selection process that includes both academic- and competency-based components and admits only the top 10 percent of applicants.36 After a concerted effort to increase the selectivity of its teaching profession, Canada now consistently recruits a majority of its prospective teachers from the top 30 percent of their college classes.37, These countries have responded to a growing body of evidence demonstrating the importance of great teaching for students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. While prior evidence of strong academic performance is essential, evaluators also consider a candidate’s course of study, content assessment results, commitment to Boston’s children, and work experiences. Thanks to Christina Baumgardner, Meg Benner, Annette Konoske-Graf, Cherry Mullaguru, Hoang Murphy, Nathalie Navarrete, and Angie Spong and her Public Impact colleagues, who contributed to this report through research assistance, analysis, and writing. She earned a master's degree in Educational Leadership from Seton Hall University in 2009 and a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education in 2002 from St. Joseph's University. What’s more, gaps in performance across these subgroups decreased from 2013 to 2014.84. The benchmark score will gradually increase, moving to the top 40 percent in 2018-19 and the top 33 percent by 2020.103, As for individual admissions into teacher preparation programs, each candidate must have a minimum 2.75 GPA as an undergraduate and a 3.0 for graduate degrees, with some flexibility for admitting candidates who do not meet all of the entrance requirements. Busting the myth that diversity and selectivity in the teaching profession are at odds, these data show that in most states, the diversity of undergraduate education majors actually grew following the increases in selectivity. Additionally, almost half of BTR graduates are teachers of color. Leaders anticipate ramping up efforts again in the near future to ensure a steady stream of diverse teachers into BPS for years to come. Its recruitment efforts focus primarily on HBCUs; other campuses attended by high percentages of students of color; diverse community, faith-based, and professional groups; and local nonprofit programs that contribute to a more diverse teacher pipeline, such as Breakthrough Collaborative, City Year, the Posse Foundation, and the Woodrow Wilson-Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowship for Aspiring Teachers of Color.165, Just as TFA’s leaders observed, the BTR’s leaders noted that a one-on-one approach to recruitment is significantly more effective than efforts made through producing a flyer or brochure. Located in Los Angeles, LMU offers credential, certificate, master’s, and doctoral programs to aspiring teachers.122 According to NCTQ’s report, LMU “[d]raws in candidates who are not only capable but will also add to the diversity of the schools where they will teach.”123, LMU ensures that its students meet rigorous selection requirements. Raising the bar for entry into the teaching profession is one potential way to ensure that more teachers are able to accelerate students’ learning. This keeps the number of applicants in the pool high, which in turn allows TFA to remain selective. States have the ability to increase selectivity while maintaining or modestly increasing diversity, but programs have the ability to use recruitment to both increase the pool of qualified candidates and take a more individualized and personalized approach. This is also the case with other tests given for entry into teacher preparation programs. Improved pay will be most effective as a recruitment lever for high-achieving, diverse candidates if it is coupled with the kinds of working conditions that such candidates can expect in other professional fields, such as high-quality onboarding or induction, relevant professional learning opportunities, opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, and opportunities to advance within the profession. For example, 83 percent of Standard & Poor’s 100 companies engage in diversity-focused outreach.77, The same troubling trend exists for licensure tests, which are typically taken at or near the completion of a preparation program and are a prerequisite to entering the teaching profession. Berube credits consistent and transparent communications; ample opportunities for community input; and a spirit of collaboration and partnership among RIDE, local education agencies, and teacher preparation programs with bringing this package of new higher standards from design to reality. Rhode Island also followed this trend, with an increase in education majors of 5 percent among students of color and an overall increase of 4 percent. On the Schools top navigation menu the lists are organized by triad-starting with HS, JHS then Elementary schools. In most states, there is a large and growing gap between the percentage of students of color1 and the percentage of teachers of color.2 Efforts to increase teacher diversity have led to marginal increases in the percentage of teachers of color—from 12 percent to 17 percent from 1987 through 2012—but this positive statistic obscures other troubling facts, such as the decline in the percentage of African American teachers in many large urban districts and the lower retention rates for teachers of color across the country.3, Simultaneously, calls for raising the bar for entry into the U.S. teaching profession have grown more numerous in recent years, in part because of the nation’s middling results compared with other educational systems around the world. The list contains 850 words that account for 80 percent of the words children use in their writing — the ones they need to be able to spell correctly. The improvements in the qualifications and academic ability of teachers were most evident in high-poverty schools, which previously had a disproportionate share of teachers with emergency certificates or temporary licenses. The first program highlighted is taken directly from Table 6 and has received accolades from a number of organizations for its selectivity and commitment to diversity, not just in its student body but also in the coursework it provides to prospective teachers and in its community partnerships. The organization makes a point of meeting with candidates individually or in small groups to begin building relationships, rather than waiting for potential candidates to come to them. These include: Applicants are assessed on each of the above characteristics throughout the screening process. Or they should follow the example of New York, which rolled out its reforms gradually over several years, giving preparation programs a chance to adjust one step at a time. Stephenie Johnson is the associate campaign director for K-12 Education Policy at the Center. But first, this report acknowledges and responds to some of the challenges that exist when working toward these equally important goals. The basic skills tests required for entry into teacher preparation in the state—only a small part of the selectivity measures described above—have recently come under fire for being biased against African American and Latino test takers, as their passage rates are significantly lower than those of white test takers. Nearly half of students of color are first-generation college students,62 and degree completion rates are lower than those of their peers among both students of color and first-generation students.63 As a result, among 25- to 29-year-olds with a bachelor’s degree or higher, 69 percent are white, 9 percent are Hispanic, and 9 percent are black/African American. Despite these challenges, increasing both the diversity and the selectivity of the teaching profession is possible, and both states and teacher preparation programs are proving that it can be done. Ethnic Minority College Students’ Views on Teaching,”, C. Emily Feistritzer, “Profile of Teachers in the U.S. 2011” (Washington: National Center for Education Information, 2011), available at, Education Commission of the States, “Charter Schools – Do teachers in a charter school have to be certified?,” June 2014, available at, Dilworth and Coleman, “Time for a Change.”, U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, “May 2016 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates United States,” available at, National Center for Education Statistics, “Beginning college students in 2011-12, followed through 2014 (BPS2014): Parents’ highest education level by Race/ethnicity (with multiple),” available at, Ulrich Boser and Chelsea Straus, “Mid- and Late-Career Teachers Struggle With Paltry Incomes” (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2014), available at, Calvert Investments, “Examining the Cracks in the Ceiling: A Survey of Corporate Diversity Practices of the S&P 100” (2013), available at, Hilary L. Kissel, J. Patrick Meyer, and Xiaofeng Liu, “Successful Retention of New and Minority Teachers: Results from the SASS and TFS” (ResearchGate, 2006), available at, Alexandria Neason, “Our Teacher Diversity Problem Is Not Just About Recruitment.

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